3 research outputs found

    Multiple Roles for Landscape Ecology in Future Farming Systems

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue “Multiple Roles for Landscape Ecology in Future Farming Systems” that was published in Land. This book aims to inspire landscape ecologists to explore theories and practical tools that can assist in the planning, design, modification, and development of new farming landscapes with the best environmental, economic, and social outcomes in mind. It is also hoped that it will contribute toward developing land systems and land management practices for specific landscapes that meet the goals of increased nutritious food production in the face of market and climatic variability whilst reducing environmental impacts and enhancing natural capital and assisting to drive and support the transformative changes in the socioeconomic and environmental systems of rural areas required for future food production

    Paleoenvironmental and tephrostratigraphic sediment records of Late Pleistocene and Holocene environments of Mljet Island

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    Na četiri sedimentne jezgre uzorkovane u sjevernom dijelu otoka Mljeta napravljene su paleookolišne i paleoklimatske rekonstrukcije. Razvoj taložnih okoliša prostora današnjeg Velikog jezera i uvale Stupa rekonstruiran je temeljem mineraloških, kemijskih i strukturnih obilježja sedimenta. Promjene su smještene u vremenski okvir temeljem starosti dobivenih analizom radioaktivnog ugljika, ali i upotrebom tefrokornologije. Ukupno je pronađeno 13 tefri, 9 ih je analizirano od kojih je 5 povezano s već opisanim erupcijama. Dvije tefre su nove, po prvi puta opisane erupcije Vezuva. Dobiveni podaci interpretirani su u skladu s njihovom kompozitnom prirodom. Razvoj taložnih prostora vezan je uz rast morske razine. Sedimentacija jezerskog sedimenta na prostoru Velikog jezera započinje prije otprilike 10.6 cal ka BP, jezerski sediment taložen je do prije 2.4 cal ka BP kada je intrudiralo more. U uvali Stupa jezerski sediment se počinje taložiti prije 11.5 cal ka BP i taloži se sljedećih 1.8 ka, kada u uvalu ulazi more.The four sedimentary cores sampled in the northern part of the island of Mljet were used for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions. The development of the paleoenvironment of the today's Veliko jezero and Stupa Bay area is reconstructed on the basis of mineralogical, chemical and structural features of the sediment. The time frame of changes is based on age obtained by analyzing radioactive carbon, but also by using tephrochronology. Thirteen tefphras were found in total, 9 were analyzed, of which 5 were correlated to the known eruptions. Two tephras are newly described Vesuvius eruptions. The obtained data is interpreted in accordance with their compositional nature. The development of sedimentation environments is linked to the sea level rise. Sedimentation of the lake sediment in the Veliko jezero area begins around 10.6 cal ka BP and it continius until before 2.4 cal ka BP when sea intruded. In the Stupa bay, the lake sedimentation starts before 11.5 cal ka BP and it lasts for 1.8 ka, until sea intrusion

    Two Methods of Correlation Coefficient on Compositional Data

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    AbstractBecause compositional data have a series of complicated mathematical characteristics such as constant sum constraints, the usage of traditional statistical analysis methods in analyzing compositional data will usually cause difficulties. This paper focuses on the approach to measure the correlation of compositional data. Since the algorithm of correlation coefficient of common data is not adaptive to multi-variables data, and traditional canonical correlation analysis cannot be directly applied to compositional data, two kinds of approaches are presented which are based on logratio transformation and centered logratio transformation separately, combined with canonical correlation analysis, and succeeds in computing correlation coefficient of compositional data