663 research outputs found

    Information Filtering on Coupled Social Networks

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    In this paper, based on the coupled social networks (CSN), we propose a hybrid algorithm to nonlinearly integrate both social and behavior information of online users. Filtering algorithm based on the coupled social networks, which considers the effects of both social influence and personalized preference. Experimental results on two real datasets, \emph{Epinions} and \emph{Friendfeed}, show that hybrid pattern can not only provide more accurate recommendations, but also can enlarge the recommendation coverage while adopting global metric. Further empirical analyses demonstrate that the mutual reinforcement and rich-club phenomenon can also be found in coupled social networks where the identical individuals occupy the core position of the online system. This work may shed some light on the in-depth understanding structure and function of coupled social networks

    Finding community structure in very large networks

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    The discovery and analysis of community structure in networks is a topic of considerable recent interest within the physics community, but most methods proposed so far are unsuitable for very large networks because of their computational cost. Here we present a hierarchical agglomeration algorithm for detecting community structure which is faster than many competing algorithms: its running time on a network with n vertices and m edges is O(m d log n) where d is the depth of the dendrogram describing the community structure. Many real-world networks are sparse and hierarchical, with m ~ n and d ~ log n, in which case our algorithm runs in essentially linear time, O(n log^2 n). As an example of the application of this algorithm we use it to analyze a network of items for sale on the web-site of a large online retailer, items in the network being linked if they are frequently purchased by the same buyer. The network has more than 400,000 vertices and 2 million edges. We show that our algorithm can extract meaningful communities from this network, revealing large-scale patterns present in the purchasing habits of customers

    Tag-Aware Recommender Systems: A State-of-the-art Survey

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    In the past decade, Social Tagging Systems have attracted increasing attention from both physical and computer science communities. Besides the underlying structure and dynamics of tagging systems, many efforts have been addressed to unify tagging information to reveal user behaviors and preferences, extract the latent semantic relations among items, make recommendations, and so on. Specifically, this article summarizes recent progress about tag-aware recommender systems, emphasizing on the contributions from three mainstream perspectives and approaches: network-based methods, tensor-based methods, and the topic-based methods. Finally, we outline some other tag-related works and future challenges of tag-aware recommendation algorithms.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Finding and Recommending Scholarly Articles

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    The rate at which scholarly literature is being produced has been increasing at approximately 3.5 percent per year for decades. This means that during a typical 40 year career the amount of new literature produced each year increases by a factor of four. The methods scholars use to discover relevant literature must change. Just like everybody else involved in information discovery, scholars are confronted with information overload. Two decades ago, this discovery process essentially consisted of paging through abstract books, talking to colleagues and librarians, and browsing journals. A time-consuming process, which could even be longer if material had to be shipped from elsewhere. Now much of this discovery process is mediated by online scholarly information systems. All these systems are relatively new, and all are still changing. They all share a common goal: to provide their users with access to the literature relevant to their specific needs. To achieve this each system responds to actions by the user by displaying articles which the system judges relevant to the user's current needs. Recently search systems which use particularly sophisticated methodologies to recommend a few specific papers to the user have been called "recommender systems". These methods are in line with the current use of the term "recommender system" in computer science. We do not adopt this definition, rather we view systems like these as components in a larger whole, which is presented by the scholarly information systems themselves. In what follows we view the recommender system as an aspect of the entire information system; one which combines the massive memory capacities of the machine with the cognitive abilities of the human user to achieve a human-machine synergy.Comment: 14 pages, part of the forthcoming MIT book "Bibliometrics and Beyond: Metrics-Based Evaluation of Scholarly Research" edited by Blaise Cronin and Cassidy R. Sugimot

    Recommender Systems in E-commerce

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    E-commerce recommender systems are becoming increasingly important in the current digital world. They are used to personalize user experience, help customers find what they need quickly and efficiently, and increase revenue for the business. However, there are several challenges associated with big data-based e-commerce recommender systems. These challenges include limited resources, data validity period, cold start, long tail problem, scalability. In this paper, we discuss the challenges and potential solutions to overcome these challenges. We also discuss the different types of e-commerce recommender systems, their advantages, and disadvantages. We conclude with some future research directions to improve the performance of e-commerce recommender systems

    Recommender Systems for Scientific and Technical Information Providers

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    Providers of scientific and technical information are a promising application area of recommender systems due to high search costs for their goods and the general problem of assessing the quality of information products. Nevertheless, the usage of recommendation services in this market is still in its infancy. This book presents economical concepts, statistical methods and algorithms, technical architectures, as well as experiences from case studies on how recommender systems can be integrated
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