7 research outputs found

    Exploring the Growing Fluidity of Organizational Boundaries with a Value-Creating Perspective

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    In the era of sharing economy, to get great economic and business value from cloud services, including cost avoidance, cost savings, rapid deployment, scalability, management simplicity, better security and resiliency, the organization transformational flexibility is becoming the core business strategies. As an organization responds to the emergence of digitalization, this study presents four sharing economy models by comparing the sharing economy platforms, then examined a few notable papers that have helped set the stage for current conceptualization, especially concerning the impact of innovative sharing technologies on the organizational boundaries and business value chain system. Finally, the results reconstructed traditional value chains with three stages, including redeploying slack resources, inter collaboration, and value-creating acquisitions. And the finding is that structures digitalization processes through the lens of organizational with cloud service and edge computing. The objective of this article is to advance our understanding of the impact of innovative sharing technologies on the organizational boundaries and business value chain system

    Catch Me If You Can: Technological Constraints/Affordances and Mindfulness during Collaborative Police Emergency Response

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    Nowadays, mobile technology plays an essential role during police emergency response duties. This article presents the result of an ethnographic research in progress. Police officers were shadowed during their shifts (70 hours of observation) in cases of time-pressured incidents. We analyze the entanglement between the material and human agencies while the police officers were responding to two incidents (a holdup and a burglary). We assess the effect of technological constraints and affordances on human mindfulness. Mindfulness is important to achieve a successful collaborative response to an emergency where multiple High Reliability Teams are involved. When technology is not used to its full potential, our results show that it hinders collaboration between teams. Additionally, the results show the amount of time pressure affects the level of mindfulness among police officers

    A Collaborative Curriculum Review: Applicability to Higher Education Institutions

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    Curriculum review is mandatory for all higher education institutions (HEIs). The process brings together different stakeholders’ expertise to evaluate and revise an existing curriculum, positioning the field of study within the current market and industry trends. Although this process is repetitive, it still remains complex, majorly due to divergent stakeholders’ interests, varying levels of expertise, uncertain activity paths and multiple desired outcomes. The paper thus presents a Collaborative Curriculum Review Process (ColCuRP) to support the review of varying curricula in HEIs. We followed a mixed research approach (design science and action research) to design and evaluate the ColCuRP. It underwent four iterations during its evaluation and proved to be successful regards reduction in time for the review process, and supporting the different teams of departmental faculty to review Bachelors, Post Graduate Diploma, Masters and PhD curricula, at four HEIs in Uganda. Moreover, the ColCuRP can be used by inexperienced facilitators

    Integrating Explanatory/Predictive and Prescriptive Science in Information Systems Research

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    The scholarly information systems (IS) field has a dual role. As an explanatory and predictive science, the field contributes to explaining the pervasive IS that shape the digital age and sometimes also makes predictions about those phenomena. As a prescriptive science, it participates in creating IS-related innovations by identifying means-ends relationships. The two can beneficially interact, such as when explanatory theory provides the basis for generating prescriptions or when applicable knowledge produces explanatory insights. In this commentary, we contribute to integrating these two roles by proposing a framework to help IS researchers navigate the field’s duality to extend the cumulative scholarly knowledge that it creates in terms of justified explanations and predictions and justified prescriptions. The process we describe builds on ongoing, dynamic, iterative, and interrelated research cycles. We identify a set of integrative research practices that occur at the interface between explanatory and predictive science and prescriptive science—the explanation-prescription nexus. We derive guidelines for IS research

    Two Case Studies of Achieving Repeatable Team Performance through Collaboration Engineering

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    Collaboration Engineering helps organizations achieve significant business improvement by releasing untapped potential through streamlining their collaborative work practices. The approach enables organizations to design and deploy collaboration engineering processes using professional collaboration techniques and technology for recurring high-value collaborative tasks. This article describes recent pilot Collaboration Engineering projects in two organizations. In both, participants found the designed collaboration processes more productive and effective than traditional approaches. Based on these cases, recommendations are given for applying Collaboration Engineering.Click here for free 2-page executive summary (pdf

    Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation

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