10 research outputs found

    Twisted Polynomials and Forgery Attacks on GCM

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    Polynomial hashing as an instantiation of universal hashing is a widely employed method for the construction of MACs and authenticated encryption (AE) schemes, the ubiquitous GCM being a prominent example. It is also used in recent AE proposals within the CAESAR competition which aim at providing nonce misuse resistance, such as POET. The algebraic structure of polynomial hashing has given rise to security concerns: At CRYPTO~2008, Handschuh and Preneel describe key recovery attacks, and at FSE~2013, Procter and Cid provide a comprehensive framework for forgery attacks. Both approaches rely heavily on the ability to construct \emph{forgery polynomials} having disjoint sets of roots, with many roots (``weak keys\u27\u27) each. Constructing such polynomials beyond naïve approaches is crucial for these attacks, but still an open problem. In this paper, we comprehensively address this issue. We propose to use \emph{twisted polynomials} from Ore rings as forgery polynomials. We show how to construct sparse forgery polynomials with full control over the sets of roots. We also achieve complete and explicit disjoint coverage of the key space by these polynomials. We furthermore leverage this new construction in an improved key recovery algorithm. As cryptanalytic applications of our twisted polynomials, we develop the first universal forgery attacks on GCM in the weak-key model that do not require nonce reuse. Moreover, we present universal weak-key forgery attacks for the recently proposed nonce-misuse resistant AE schemes POET, Julius, and COBRA

    Limits on Authenticated Encryption Use in TLS

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    This technical note presents limits on the security (as a function of the number of plaintext bytes encrypted and the number of forgery attempts made by an adversary) for the main Authenticated Encryption schemes available in TLS 1.2 and the draft of TLS 1.3. These limits are derived from security proofs for the considered schemes available in the literature. Our intention is to provide considered technical input to on-going discussions in the TLS Working Group of the IETF concerning, amongst other things, the necessity of adding a key update feature to the TLS 1.3 specification

    Collision Attacks on Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)

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    Advanced Encryption Standard Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) is the most widely used Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm in the world. In this paper, we analyze the use of GCM with all the Initialization Vector (IV) constructions and lengths approved by NIST SP 800-38D when encrypting multiple plaintexts with the same key. We derive attack complexities in both ciphertext-only and known-plaintext models, with or without nonce hiding, for collision attacks compromising integrity and confidentiality. Our analysis shows that GCM with random IVs provides less than 128 bits of security. When 96-bit IVs are used, as recommended by NIST, the security drops to less than 97 bits. Therefore, we strongly recommend NIST to forbid the use of GCM with 96-bit random nonces

    Optimal Forgeries Against Polynomial-Based MACs and GCM

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    Polynomial-based authentication algorithms, such as GCM and Poly1305, have seen widespread adoption in practice. Due to their importance, a significant amount of attention has been given to understanding and improving both proofs and attacks against such schemes. At EUROCRYPT 2005, Bernstein published the best known analysis of the schemes when instantiated with PRPs, thereby establishing the most lenient limits on the amount of data the schemes can process per key. A long line of work, initiated by Handschuh and Preneel at CRYPTO 2008, finds the best known attacks, advancing our understanding of the fragility of the schemes. Yet surprisingly, no known attacks perform as well as the predicted worst-case attacks allowed by Bernstein\u27s analysis, nor has there been any advancement in proofs improving Bernstein\u27s bounds, and the gap between attacks and analysis is significant. We settle the issue by finding a novel attack against polynomial-based authentication algorithms using PRPs, and combine it with new analysis, to show that Bernstein\u27s bound, and our attacks, are optimal

    Efficient Beyond-Birthday-Bound-Secure Deterministic Authenticated Encryption with Minimal Stretch

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    Block-cipher-based authenticated encryption has obtained considerable attention from the ongoing CAESAR competition. While the focus of CAESAR resides primarily on nonce-based authenticated encryption, Deterministic Authenticated Encryption (DAE) is used in domains such as key wrap, where the available message entropy motivates to omit the overhead for nonces. Since the highest possible security is desirable when protecting keys, beyond-birthday-bound (BBB) security is a valuable goal for DAE. In the past, significant efforts had to be invested into designing BBB-secure AE schemes from conventional block ciphers, with the consequences of losing efficiency and sophisticating security proofs. This work proposes Deterministic Counter in Tweak (DCT), a BBB-secure DAE scheme inspired by the Counter-in-Tweak encryption scheme by Peyrin and Seurin. Our design combines a fast ϵ\epsilon-almost-XOR-universal family of hash functions, for ϵ\epsilon close to 22n2^{-2n}, with a single call to a 2n2n-bit SPRP, and a BBB-secure encryption scheme. First, we describe our construction generically with three independent keys, one for each component. Next, we present an efficient instantiation which (1) requires only a single key, (2) provides software efficiency by encrypting at less than two cycles per byte on current x64 processors, and (3) produces only the minimal τ\tau-bit stretch for τ\tau bit authenticity. We leave open two minor aspects for future work: our current generic construction is defined for messages of at least 2nτ2n-\tau bits, and the verification algorithm requires the inverse of the used 2n2n-bit SPRP and the encryption scheme

    On Message Authentication in 4G LTE System

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    After decades of evolution, the cellular system has become an indispensable part of modern life. Together with the convenience brought by the cellular system, many security issues have arisen. Message integrity protection is one of the urgent problems. The integrity of a message is usually protected by message authentication code (MAC). Forgery attacks are the primary threat to message integrity. By Simon's definition, forgery is twofold. The first is impersonation forgery, in which the opponent can forge a MAC without knowing any message-MAC pairs. The second is substitution forgery, in which the opponent can forge a MAC by knowing certain message-MAC pairs. In the 4G LTE system, MAC is applied not only to RRC control messages and user data, but also to authentication of the identities in the radio network during the authentication and key agreement (AKA) procedure. There is a set of functions used in AKA, which is called A3/A8. Originally, only one cipher suite called MILENAGE followed the definition of A3/A8. Recently, Vodafone has proposed another candidate called TUAK. This thesis first analyzes a MAC algorithm of the 4G LTE system called EIA1. The analysis shows that because of its linear structure, given two valid message-MAC pairs generated by EIA1, attackers can forge up to 2322^{32} valid MACs by the algorithm called linear forgery attack proposed in this thesis. This thesis also proposes a well-designed scenario, in which attackers can apply the linear forgery attack to the real system. The second work presented in this thesis fixes the gap between the almost XOR universal property and the substitution forgery probability, and assesses the security of EIA1 under different attack models. After the security analysis, an optimized EIA1 using an efficient polynomial evaluation method is proposed. This polynomial evaluation method is analog to the fast Fourier transform. Compared with Horner's rule, which is used in the official implementation of EIA1, this method reduces the number of multiplications over finite field dramatically. The improvement is shown by the experiment results, which suggests that the optimized code is much faster than the official implementation, and the polynomial evaluation method is better than Horner's rule. The third work in this thesis assesses the security of TUAK, and proves TUAK is a secure algorithm set, which means f1f_1, f1f_1^*, and f2f_2 are resistant to forgery attacks, and key recovery attacks; f3f_3 - f5f_5, and f5f_5^* are resistant to key recovery attacks and collision. A novel technique called multi-output filtering model is proposed in this work in order to study the non-randomness property of TUAK and other cryptographic primitives, such as AES, KASUMI, and PRESENT. A multi-output filtering model consists of a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) and a multi-output filtering function. The contribution of this research is twofold. First, an attack technique under IND-CPA using the multi-output filtering model is proposed. By introducing a distinguishing function, we theoretically determine the success rate of this attack. In particular, we construct a distinguishing function based on the distribution of the linear complexity of component sequences, and apply it on studying TUAK's f1f_1 algorithm, AES, KASUMI and PRESENT. The experiments demonstrate that the success rate of the attack on KASUMI and PRESENT is non-negligible, but f1f_1 and AES are resistant to this attack. Second, this research studies the distribution of the cryptographic properties of component functions of a random primitive in the multi-output filtering model. The experiments show some non-randomness in the distribution of the algebraic degree and nonlinearity for KASUMI. The last work is constructing two MACs. The first MAC called WGIA-128 is a variant of EIA1, and requires the underlying stream cipher to generate uniform distributed key streams. WG-16, a stream cipher with provable security, is a good choice to be the underlying cipher of WGIA-128 because it satisfies the requirement. The second MAC called AMAC is constructed upon APN functions. we propose two different constructions of AMAC, and both of these two constructions have provable security. The probability of substitution forgery attacks against both constructions of AMAC is upper bounded by a negligible value. Compared with EIA1 and EIA3, two message authentication codes used in the 4G LTE system, both constructions of AMAC are slower than EIA3, but much faster than EIA1. Moreover, both constructions of AMAC are resistant to cycling and linear forgery attacks, which can be applied to both EIA1 and EIA3

    Twisted Polynomials and Forgery Attacks on GCM

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    The Design and Analysis of Symmetric Cryptosystems

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    Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms for Authentication

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    During the previous decades, the upcoming demand for security in the digital world, e.g., the Internet, lead to numerous groundbreaking research topics in the field of cryptography. This thesis focuses on the design and analysis of cryptographic primitives and schemes to be used for authentication of data and communication endpoints, i.e., users. It is structured into three parts, where we present the first freely scalable multi-block-length block-cipher-based compression function (Counter-bDM) in the first part. The presented design is accompanied by a thorough security analysis regarding its preimage and collision security. The second and major part is devoted to password hashing. It is motivated by the large amount of leaked password during the last years and our discovery of side-channel attacks on scrypt – the first modern password scrambler that allowed to parameterize the amount of memory required to compute a password hash. After summarizing which properties we expect from a modern password scrambler, we (1) describe a cache-timing attack on scrypt based on its password-dependent memory-access pattern and (2) outline an additional attack vector – garbage-collector attacks – that exploits optimization which may disregard to overwrite the internally used memory. Based on our observations, we introduce Catena – the first memory-demanding password-scrambling framework that allows a password-independent memory-access pattern for resistance to the aforementioned attacks. Catena was submitted to the Password Hashing Competition (PHC) and, after two years of rigorous analysis, ended up as a finalist gaining special recognition for its agile framework approach and side-channel resistance. We provide six instances of Catena suitable for a variety of applications. We close the second part of this thesis with an overview of modern password scramblers regarding their functional, security, and general properties; supported by a brief analysis of their resistance to garbage-collector attacks. The third part of this thesis is dedicated to the integrity (authenticity of data) of nonce-based authenticated encryption schemes (NAE). We introduce the so-called j-IV-Collision Attack, allowing to obtain an upper bound for an adversary that is provided with a first successful forgery and tries to efficiently compute j additional forgeries for a particular NAE scheme (in short: reforgeability). Additionally, we introduce the corresponding security notion j-INT-CTXT and provide a comparative analysis (regarding j-INT-CTXT security) of the third-round submission to the CAESAR competition and the four classical and widely used NAE schemes CWC, CCM, EAX, and GCM.Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung in den letzten Jahrzehnten hat dazu geführt, dass sich das Forschungsfeld der Kryptographie bedeutsam weiterentwickelt hat. Diese, im Wesentlichen aus drei Teilen bestehende Dissertation, widmet sich dem Design und der Analyse von kryptographischen Primitiven und Modi zur Authentifizierung von Daten und Kommunikationspartnern. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich dabei mit blockchiffrenbasierten Kompressionsfunktionen, die in ressourcenbeschränkten Anwendungsbereichen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir die erste frei skalierbare und sichere blockchiffrenbasierte Kompressionsfunktion Counter-bDM und erweitern somit flexibel die erreichbare Sicherheit solcher Konstruktionen. Der zweite Teil und wichtigste Teil dieser Dissertation widmet sich Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren. Zum einen ist dieser motiviert durch die große Anzahl von Angriffen auf Passwortdatenbanken großer Internet-Unternehmen. Zum anderen bot die Password Hashing Competition (PHC) die Möglichkeit, unter Aufmerksamkeit der Expertengemeinschaft die Sicherheit bestehender Verfahren zu hinterfragen, sowie neue sichere Verfahren zu entwerfen. Im Rahmen des zweiten Teils entwarfen wir Anforderungen an moderne Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren und beschreiben drei Arten von Seitenkanal-Angriffen (Cache-Timing-, Weak Garbage-Collector- und Garbage-Collector-Angriffe) auf scrypt – das erste moderne Password-Hashing-Verfahren welches erlaubte, den benötigten Speicheraufwand zur Berechnung eines Passworthashes frei zu wählen. Basierend auf unseren Beobachtungen und Angriffen, stellen wir das erste moderne PasswordHashing-Framework Catena vor, welches für gewählte Instanzen passwortunabhängige Speicherzugriffe und somit Sicherheit gegen oben genannte Angriffe garantiert. Catena erlangte im Rahmen des PHC-Wettbewerbs besondere Anerkennung für seine Agilität und Resistenz gegen SeitenkanalAngriffe. Wir präsentieren sechs Instanzen des Frameworks, welche für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen geeignet sind. Abgerundet wird der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit mit einem vergleichenden Überblick von modernen Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren hinsichtlich ihrer funktionalen, sicherheitstechnischen und allgemeinen Eigenschaften. Dieser Vergleich wird unterstützt durch eine kurze Analyse bezüglich ihrer Resistenz gegen (Weak) Garbage-Collector-Angriffe. Der dritte teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Integrität von Daten, genauer, der Sicherheit sogenannter Nonce-basierten authentisierten Verschlüsselungsverfahren (NAE-Verfahren), welche ebenso wie Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren in der heutigen Sicherheitsinfrastruktur des Internets eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Während Standard-Definitionen keine Sicherheit nach dem Fund einer ersten erfolgreich gefälschten Nachricht betrachten, erweitern wir die Sicherheitsanforderungen dahingehend wie schwer es ist, weitere Fälschungen zu ermitteln. Wir abstrahieren die Funktionsweise von NAEVerfahren in Klassen, analysieren diese systematisch und klassifizieren die Dritt-Runden-Kandidaten des CAESAR-Wettbewerbs, sowie vier weit verbreitete NAE-Verfahren CWC, CCM, EAX und GCM

    Design and Analysis of Symmetric Primitives

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