539 research outputs found

    Text Analysis of Air Force References in Twitter

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    Social media has grown to become a rich source for opinions, authored by individuals who volunteer them, unedited and in real-time. Armed with this information, an organization like the Air Force can understand the perceptions of consumers and learn to better serve the American taxpayer. To accomplish this goal, this research takes a qualitative approach, utilizing social media analytics in combination with various Text Mining methodologies (word frequency, word relationships, sentiment analysis, topic modeling) to provide insight on Air Force related content shared on Twitter. To provide a well-rounded analysis of the overall perception of the Air Force enterprise, the methods mentioned are conducted on Tweets related to the Air Force’s five core missions: Space/Cyberspace, Nuclear Deterrence, Air Superiority, Advancements in Technology, and Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance. This research also identifies the key players that publish the most engaged Tweets related to the Air Force. By understanding the types of users who possess the most influence (Regular Users, Bloggers, Celebrities, Military Leaders, Politicians, Professional Organizations), Air Force leaders are better equipped to react to content and protect the Air Force brand

    National security and social media monitoring: a presentation of the emotive and related systems

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    Today social media streams, such as Twitter, represent vast amounts of 'real-time' daily streaming data. Topics on these streams cover every range of human communication, ranging from banal banter, to serious reactions to events and information sharing regarding any imaginable product, item or entity. It has now become the norm for publicly visible events to break news over social media streams first, and only then followed by main stream media picking up on the news. It has been suggested in literature that social-media are a valid, valuable and effective real-time tool for gauging public subjective reactions to events and entities. Due to the vast big-data that is generated on a daily basis on social media streams, monitoring and gauging public reactions has to be automated and most of all scalable - i.e. human, expert monitoring is generally unfeasible. In this paper the EMOTIVE system, a project funded jointly by the DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) and EPSRC, which focuses on monitoring fine-grained emotional responses relating to events of national security importance, will be presented. Similar systems for monitoring national security events are also presented and the primary traits of such national security social media monitoring systems are introduced and discussed

    Sentiment Analysis - General Overview and Applications with focus on Social Media Platforms

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    The aim of this document is to analyze the concept of Sentiment Analysis, starting from its history to all the different approaches and methods you can encounter nowadays to its applications. Concerning the applications, the main focus is related to social media, a relatively young sector who is now present in everyone’s life but it is still very far from the companies, especially the Small and Medium Enterprises

    Not All Lies Are Equal. A Study Into the Engineering of Political Misinformation in the 2016 US Presidential Election

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    We investigated whether and how political misinformation is engineered using a dataset of four months worth of tweets related to the 2016 presidential election in the United States. The data contained tweets that achieved a signi cant level of exposure and was manually labelled into misinformation and regular information. We found that misinformation was produced by accounts that exhibit different characteristics and behaviour from regular accounts. Moreover, the content of misinformation is more novel, polarised and appears to change through coordination. Our ndings suggest that engineering of political misinformation seems to exploit human traits such as reciprocity and con rmation bias. We argue that investigating how misinformation is created is essential to understand human biases, diffusion and ultimately better produce public policy.The work of M. Molina-Solana was supported by the European Commission under Grant 743623. The work of J. Amador Díaz López was supported by the Imperial College Research Fellowship. The work of J. Gómez-Romero was supported by the Universidad de Granada under Grant P9-2014-ING and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport under the José Castillejo Research Stays Programme

    Performance of Machine Learning Models in Predicting Sentiments of Post-Covid Patients

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    With the widespread use of social media platforms, sentiment analysis of user-generated content has become a crucial task in understanding public opinion and trends. In this paper, we compare the performance of three popular machine learning models, namely Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Logistic Regression, in predicting sentiments of post-COVID patients on social media tweets. The study utilizes a dataset of labeled tweets representing positive, negative, and neutral sentiments. The preprocessing of textual data involves tokenization, stop-word removal, and conversion to lowercase to create a suitable input for the models. We utilize Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) vectorization to transform the text data into numerical features. The sentiment labels are converted to numeric representations for model training and evaluation. The three machine learning models are trained and evaluated on the dataset using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score. The evaluation results are presented and analyzed for each model, providing insights into their strengths and weaknesses in predicting sentiments. The experimental results demonstrate that Random Forest achieves the highest accuracy and F1-score, closely followed by SVM, while Logistic Regression performs slightly lower in comparison. However, all three models exhibit strong predictive capabilities, and their performances vary depending on the specific sentiment class. The findings provide valuable information for researchers and practitioners seeking to employ sentiment analysis in social media monitoring and other related applications. Overall, this study contributes to the understanding of the capabilities of Random Forest, SVM, and Logistic Regression models in sentiment analysis of social media tweets, and offers valuable insights for selecting the most suitable model for specific sentiment prediction tasks

    Unlocking the Pragmatics of Emoji: Evaluation of the Integration of Pragmatic Markers for Sarcasm Detection

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    Emojis have become an integral element of online communications, serving as a powerful, under-utilised resource for enhancing pragmatic understanding in NLP. Previous works have highlighted their potential for improvement of more complex tasks such as the identification of figurative literary devices including sarcasm due to their role in conveying tone within text. However present state-of-the-art does not include the consideration of emoji or adequately address sarcastic markers such as sentiment incongruence. This work aims to integrate these concepts to generate more robust solutions for sarcasm detection leveraging enhanced pragmatic features from both emoji and text tokens. This was achieved by establishing methodologies for sentiment feature extraction from emojis and a depth statistical evaluation of the features which characterise sarcastic text on Twitter. Current convention for generation of training data which implements weak-labelling using hashtags or keywords was evaluated against a human-annotated baseline; postulated validity concerns were verified where statistical evaluation found the content features deviated significantly from the baseline, highlighting potential validity concerns for many prominent works on the topic to date. Organic labelled sarcastic tweets containing emojis were crowd sourced by means of a survey to ensure valid outcomes for the sarcasm detection model. Given an established importance of both semantic and sentiment information, a novel sentiment-aware attention mechanism was constructed to enhance pattern recognition, balancing core features of sarcastic text: sentiment incongruence and context. This work establishes a framework for emoji feature extraction; a key roadblock cited in literature for their use in NLP tasks. The proposed sarcasm detection pipeline successfully facilitates the task using a GRU neural network with sentiment-aware attention, at an accuracy of 73% and promising indications regarding model robustness as part of a framework which is easily scalable for the inclusion of any future emojis released. Both enhanced sentiment information to supplement context in addition to consideration of the emoji were found to improve outcomes for the task

    Econometrics meets sentiment : an overview of methodology and applications

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    The advent of massive amounts of textual, audio, and visual data has spurred the development of econometric methodology to transform qualitative sentiment data into quantitative sentiment variables, and to use those variables in an econometric analysis of the relationships between sentiment and other variables. We survey this emerging research field and refer to it as sentometrics, which is a portmanteau of sentiment and econometrics. We provide a synthesis of the relevant methodological approaches, illustrate with empirical results, and discuss useful software

    Building a Call to Action: Social Action in Networks of Practice

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    The three research papers completed as part of this dissertation explore how people contributing to #BlackLivesMatter build knowledge, using social construction of knowledge (SCK), and what they are building knowledge about, using critical consciousness, because understanding how these processes play out on Twitter provides a way for others to understand this social movement. Paper 1 describes a new methodological approach to combining social network analysis (SNA) and social learning analytics to assess SCK. The sequential mixed method design begins by conducting a content analysis according to the Interaction Analysis Model (IAM). The results of the content analysis yield descriptive data that can be used to conduct SNA and social learning analytics. The purpose of Paper 2 was to use the typology of digital activism actions identified by Penney and Dadas (2014) from interviews with digital activists to validate them in a quantitative study. Paper 2 found that the actions taken by people who are helping to facilitate face-to-face action (p \u3c .0000001 , r = -0.076) or provide face-to-face updates (p \u3c .0000001 , r = -0.060) were negatively correlated with the actions of people who were facilitating online actions suggesting that digital activists should be treated as a unique population of activists. Paper 3 used the outcomes of a content analysis and lexicon analysis performed on #BlackLivesMatter data to determine 1) the levels of SCK and critical consciousness present in online data and 2) social learning analytics to ascertain the extent that SCK and critical consciousness can predict social action. Results of the content analysis and lexicon analysis found all levels of SCK and critical consciousness in the data. Results of social learning analytics conducted using Naïve Bayes classification indicate that SCK and critical consciousness can only predict information sharing behaviors of online social action like personal opinions, forwarding information, and engaging in discussion. Evidence of information sharing behaviors on Twitter provides a high degree of confidence that further research including replies and other interactions between users will reveal robust SCK