990 research outputs found

    Approximate MIMO Iterative Processing with Adjustable Complexity Requirements

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    Targeting always the best achievable bit error rate (BER) performance in iterative receivers operating over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels may result in significant waste of resources, especially when the achievable BER is orders of magnitude better than the target performance (e.g., under good channel conditions and at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)). In contrast to the typical iterative schemes, a practical iterative decoding framework that approximates the soft-information exchange is proposed which allows reduced complexity sphere and channel decoding, adjustable to the transmission conditions and the required bit error rate. With the proposed approximate soft information exchange the performance of the exact soft information can still be reached with significant complexity gains.Comment: The final version of this paper appears in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Sub-graph based joint sparse graph for sparse code multiple access systems

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    Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is a promising air interface candidate technique for next generation mobile networks, especially for massive machine type communications (mMTC). In this paper, we design a LDPC coded SCMA detector by combining the sparse graphs of LDPC and SCMA into one joint sparse graph (JSG). In our proposed scheme, SCMA sparse graph (SSG) defined by small size indicator matrix is utilized to construct the JSG, which is termed as sub-graph based joint sparse graph of SCMA (SG-JSG-SCMA). In this paper, we first study the binary-LDPC (B-LDPC) coded SGJSG- SCMA system. To combine the SCMA variable node (SVN) and LDPC variable node (LVN) into one joint variable node (JVN), a non-binary LDPC (NB-LDPC) coded SG-JSG-SCMA is also proposed. Furthermore, to reduce the complexity of NBLDPC coded SG-JSG-SCMA, a joint trellis representation (JTR) is introduced to represent the search space of NB-LDPC coded SG-JSG-SCMA. Based on JTR, a low complexity joint trellis based detection and decoding (JTDD) algorithm is proposed to reduce the computational complexity of NB-LDPC coded SGJSG- SCMA system. According to the simulation results, SG-JSGSCMA brings significant performance improvement compare to the conventional receiver using the disjoint approach, and it can also outperform a Turbo-structured receiver with comparable complexity. Moreover, the joint approach also has advantages in terms of processing latency compare to the Turbo approaches

    Turbo-Equalization Using Partial Gaussian Approximation

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    This paper deals with turbo-equalization for coded data transmission over intersymbol interference (ISI) channels. We propose a message-passing algorithm that uses the expectation-propagation rule to convert messages passed from the demodulator-decoder to the equalizer and computes messages returned by the equalizer by using a partial Gaussian approximation (PGA). Results from Monte Carlo simulations show that this approach leads to a significant performance improvement compared to state-of-the-art turbo-equalizers and allows for trading performance with complexity. We exploit the specific structure of the ISI channel model to significantly reduce the complexity of the PGA compared to that considered in the initial paper proposing the method.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to IEEE Signal Processing Letters on 8 March, 201

    Code-rate-optimized differentially modulated near-capacity cooperation

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    It is widely recognized that half-duplex-relay-aided differential decode-and-forward (DDF) cooperative transmission schemes are capable of achieving a cooperative diversity gain, while circumventing the potentially excessive-complexity and yet inaccurate channel estimation, especially in mobile environments. However, when a cooperative wireless communication system is designed to approach the maximum achievable spectral efficiency by taking the cooperation-induced multiplexing loss into account, it is not obvious whether or not the relay-aided system becomes superior to its direct-transmission based counterpart, especially, when advanced channel coding techniques are employed. Furthermore, the optimization of the transmit-interval durations required by the source and relay is an open issue, which has not been well understood in the context of half-duplex relaying schemes. Hence, we first find the optimum transmission duration, which is proportional to the adaptive channel-code rate of the source and relay in the context of Code-Rate-Optimized (CRO) TDMA-based DDF-aided half-duplex systems for the sake of maximizing the achievable network throughput. Then, we investigate the benefits of introducing cooperative mechanisms into wireless networks, which may be approached in the context of the proposed CRO cooperative system both from a pure capacity perspective and from the practical perspective of approaching the Discrete-input Continuous-output Memoryless Channel (DCMC) capacity with the aid of the proposed Irregular Distributed Differential (IrDD) coding aided scheme. In order to achieve a near-capacity performance at a low-complexity, an adaptive-window-duration based Multiple-Symbol Differential Sphere Detection (MSDSD) scheme is employed in the iterative detection aided receiver. Specifically, upon using the proposed near-capacity system design, the IrDD coding scheme devised becomes capable of performing within about 1.8 dB from the corresponding single-relay-aided DDF cooperative system’s DCMC capacity

    A Novel Data-Aided Channel Estimation with Reduced Complexity for TDS-OFDM Systems

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    In contrast to the classical cyclic prefix (CP)-OFDM, the time domain synchronous (TDS)-OFDM employs a known pseudo noise (PN) sequence as guard interval (GI). Conventional channel estimation methods for TDS-OFDM are based on the exploitation of the PN sequence and consequently suffer from intersymbol interference (ISI). This paper proposes a novel dataaided channel estimation method which combines the channel estimates obtained from the PN sequence and, most importantly, additional channel estimates extracted from OFDM data symbols. Data-aided channel estimation is carried out using the rebuilt OFDM data symbols as virtual training sequences. In contrast to the classical turbo channel estimation, interleaving and decoding functions are not included in the feedback loop when rebuilding OFDM data symbols thereby reducing the complexity. Several improved techniques are proposed to refine the data-aided channel estimates, namely one-dimensional (1-D)/two-dimensional (2-D) moving average and Wiener filtering. Finally, the MMSE criteria is used to obtain the best combination results and an iterative process is proposed to progressively refine the estimation. Both MSE and BER simulations using specifications of the DTMB system are carried out to prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm even in very harsh channel conditions such as in the single frequency network (SFN) case

    Multi-non-binary turbo codes

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new family of turbo codes called multi-non-binary turbo codes (MNBTCs) that generalizes the concept of turbo codes to multi-non-binary (MNB) parallel concatenated convolutional codes (PCCC). An MNBTC incorporates, as component encoders, recursive and systematic multi-non-binary convolutional encoders. The more compact data structure for these encoders confers some advantages on MNBTCs over other types of turbo codes, such as better asymptotic behavior, better convergence, and reduced latency. This paper presents in detail the structure and operation of an MNBTC: MNB encoding, trellis termination, Max-Log-MAP decoding adapted to the MNB case. It also shows an example of MNBTC whose performance is compared with the state-of-the-art turbo code adopted in the DVB-RCS2 standard
