16 research outputs found

    The value of handhelds in smart environments

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    The severe resource restrictions of computer-augmented everyday artifacts imply substantial problems for the design of applications in smart environments. Some of these problems can be overcome by exploiting the resources, I/O interfaces, and computing capabilities of nearby mobile devices in an ad-hoc fashion. We identify the means by which smart objects can make use of handheld devices such as PDAs and mobile phones, and derive the following major roles of handhelds in smart environments: (1) mobile infrastructure access point; (2) user interface; (3) remote sensor; (4) mobile storage medium; (5) remote resource provider; and (6) weak user identifier. We present concrete applications that illustrate these roles, and describe how handhelds can serve as mobile mediators between computer-augmented everyday artifacts, their users, and background infrastructure services. The presented applications include a remote interaction scenario, a smart medicine cabinet, and an inventory monitoring applicatio

    A Middleware-centric design methodology for networked embedded systems

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    Negli ultimi anni \ue8 incrementato considerevolmente l\u2019interesse verso gli \u201dambient intelligence\u201d, sistemi informatici, tipicamente composti da \u201dnetworked embedded systems\u201d (Wirelesse sensor networks, mobile terminal, PDA, etc.) i quali sono integrati nell\u2019ambiente umano con l\u2019obiettivo di migliorare la qualit`a della vita nel modo pi naturale possibile. Una applicazione \u201dNetworked Embedded System\u201d (NES) \ue8 un\u2019applicazione distribuita, eseguita su piattaforme HW/SW eterogenee che interagiscono attraverso differenti canali di comunicazione. Generalmente queste applicazioni per dispositivi NES vengono sviluppate senza il supporto di software di sistema, obbligando il progettista a modellare queste applicazioni utilizzando direttamente le primitive fornite dal sistema operativo embedded o le API dei drivers dei dispositivi HW. Con questa metodologia di progettazione, le applicazioni per sistemi embedded vengono realizzate ad-hoc per la piattaforma HW/SW, risultando essere n\ue9 portabili, n\ue9 scalabili e di conseguenza particolarmente costose. A causa di questi problemi, negli ultimi anni si \ue8 adottato un flusso di progettazione che prevede l\u2019introduzione di un \u201dservice layer\u201d chiamato middleware, il quale astrae le peculiarit del sistema operativo e dei componenti HW, semplificando la progettazione di queste applicazioni embedded. Allo stato dell\u2019arte sono presenti molte implmentazioni di middleware con differenti paradigmi di programmazione, e la scelta di quale utilizzare per progettazione una applicazione NES basata sui seguenti criteri: \u2022 abilit`a/conoscenza/capacit`a di programmazione da parte del progettista; \u2022 piattaforma HW/SW disponinile. Gli svantaggi di questo approccio sono un pi\uf9 complesso flusso di progettazione legato alla mancanza di portabilit\ue0 della stessa applicazione su differenti dispositivi embedded. Questo significa che la presenza del middleware non \ue8 mai stata introdotta nel flusso di progettazione come una esplicita dimensione di progetto. Obiettivo della tesi di dottorato \ue8 lo studio e la realizzazione di un flusso di progettazione per applicazioni per NES, dove il middleware \ue8 una dimensione di progetto, diventando una variabile di progetto come lo sono il software e lo hardware. Questo punto \ue8 ottenuto risolvendo tre problemi: \u2022 Fornire un modello di middleware astratto il quale pu\uf2 essere usato come componente del flusso di progettazione; questo middleware astratto, chiamato Abstract Middleware Services (AMS), fornisce un insieme di servizi astratti basati su differenti paradigmi di programmazione dei middleware reali. Utilizzando questo modello di middleware stratto, il progettista \ue8 facilitato nello sviluppo delle applicazioni per NES. \u2022 Fornire un ambiente di simulazione dove validare e simulare l\u2019intero modello realizzato dal progettista. \u2022 Fornire una metodologia automatica di traduzione da AMS ad un middleware reale, per poter eseguire l\u2019applicazione su una reale piattaforma HW/SW, dotata di un middleware qualsiasi. L\u2019attivit di dototrato ha permesso la definizione di un nuovo approccio di progettazione basato su un modello di middleware astratto che fornisce un ambiente per la modellazione e la validazione di applicazioni per Networked Embedded Systems, risolvendo i tre punti precedenti. Inoltre, al fine di produrre un efficiente ambiente di simulazione e modellazione, sono state analizzate le metodologie di co-simulazione hardware-software-network attualmente presenti in letteratura. L\u2019attivit\ue0 di dottorato inoltre parte integrante del progetto ANGEL finanziato dalla Comunit\ue0 Europea (IST-2005-33506 - Embedded Systems), il cui obiettivo \ue8 lo sviluppo di una piattaforma per la realizzazione di sistemi eterogenei nei quali Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) e tradizionali reti di comunicazioni cooperano per monitorare e migliorare la qualit\ue0 della vita in habitat comuni. Durante questa attivit\ue0 il flusso di progettazione che include anche il middleware come variabile di progetto, oggetto della tesi di dottorato, sar esemplificato su WSN e terminali mobili (per esempio cellulari) per far si che questi possano dialogare tra loro in modo intelligente.Ambient intelligence, pervasive and ubiquitous computing are the center of a great deal of attention because of their promise to bring benefits for end-users, higher revenues for manufacturers and new challenges for researchers. Typical computing technologies (such as telemedicine, manufacturing, crisis management) are part of a broader class of Networked Embedded Systems (NES) in which a large number of nodes are connected together and collaborate to perform a common task under a defined set of constraints. Therefore, the key aspects of these applications are their distributed nature and the presence of very limited HW resources, as in case of WSNs. Their wide adoption requires interoperability across different manufacturers, simplification of application development, simulation tools for functional validation and the fulfilment of tight HW/SW constraints. Interoperability is achieved through the use of standard protocol stacks (e.g., IEEE 802.15.1/Bluetooth and IEEE 802.15.4/Zig- Bee). Simplification of application development can be achieved through a service layer, named middleware, which abstracts from the peculiarities of the operating system and HW components. Traditionally, many NES applications have been developed without support from system software [1] excepts for device drivers and operating systems. State-of-the-art techniques [2] for NES focus on simple data-gathering applications, and in most cases, the design of the application and the system software are usually closely-coupled, or even combined as a monolithic procedure. Such applications are neither flexible nor scalable and they should be re-written if the platform changes. Middleware is emerging as an important architectural component in supporting NES applications able to facilitate the application development. The role of middleware is to present a unified programmingmodel to application designers and to mask out the problems of heterogeneity and distribution providing a basic set of tools and libraries for the low-level handling of technology-specific NES. Several NES middleware have been implemented in the past years each one providing different programming paradigms (e.g., Tuplespace, messageoriented, object-oriented, database, etc.) and differ with respect to ease to use, expressiveness, scalability and overhead. However, their diversity makes the development of high quality middleware-centric software systems complex: software engineering methods and tools should be developed with the use of middleware in mind. In such way, Sensation [xxx] presents a middleware platform solution for pervasive applications inWSN providing a developer-friendly programming interface. This approach is valid just for WSN and does not include a network simulator for an exhaustive network evaluation. Model Driven Architecture (MDA) tries to overcome this problem; MDA is a new way of writing specifications, based on a platform-independent model. A complete MDA specification consists of a platform-independent UML model, one or more platform-specific models, and interface definitions, each describing how the base model is implemented on a different middleware platform. The MDA focuses primarily on the functionality and behaviour of a distributed application or system, not on the technology in which it will be implemented. Furthermore,MDA does not directly provide a simulation environment. Simulation tools are used for validating the application: there is a range of NES simulators available that focus on the network itself. NS-2 is a pure network simulator tool, where the nodes are abstracted and do not run real codes or operating systems, but rather simple behavioral models or statistical traffic generators. The advantage of NS-2 is that scalability is excellent. TOSSIM is a platform-specific simulator environment for sensor networks based on TinyOs operating system. TOSSIM can compile unchanged TinyOS applications directly into its framework, which means that most of the codes written for TOSSIM can be directly used in TinyOS. TOSSIM is a specific simulator for TinyOS and Berkeley motes and cant be used for simulating a generic NES (e.g.,WSN). Finally, SIMICS is a commercial full-system simulator that can be used to simulate heterogenous networked and distributed systems. Complete SW stacks from real system can run on the simulator without any modification. Despite of these punctual contributions, the literature does not report a complete design methodology for NES applications integrating all such three aspects. Therefore, in order to fully support the applications of a great variety of users with different needs, a complete NES application modelling and simulation environment have to include two main components: \u2022 a simulator to validate and explore application functional behaviuor in a network simulated environment supporting interoperability between different implementation platforms and ensure scalability of the NES technology. \u2022 a middleware environemnt providing different programming paradigms. This Layer will serve as an abstraction layer hiding the different NES implementations peculiarities from end-user applications. The goal of this work is to present a middleware-centric design flow for NES, where the middleware plays a decisive role in the design process. The proposed methodology allows programmers to write NES applications by using the system description language named SystemC and the AbstractMiddleware Environment (AME) framework for fast simulation. This proposal has three main advantages: (1) It provides a set of abstract services supporting the programming paradigms of different actual middleware implementations in order to meet the skills of the designer. AME facilitates the NES design flow by providing a unified and developer-common interface concealing the peculiarities of the underlying NES where the simulation environment is modelled in order to simulate the NES applications taking in account hardware and network effects. (2) The application can be simulated at early stage of the design flow for functional validation. (3) automatic mapping of AME applications on the actual platform; this guarantees the correct trade-off between level of abstraction and efficiency of implementation. In the follow we classify the actual middleware approaches according to their programming paradigms; then the AMEcentric design flow is described and finally we report the experimental results

    Generic framework for the personal omni-remote controller using M2MI

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    A Generic Framework for the Personal Omni-Remote Controller Using M2MI is a master’s thesis outlining a generic framework for the wireless omni-remote controller that controls neighboring appliances by using Many-to-Many Invocation (M2MI). M2MI is an object-oriented abstraction of broadcast communication. First, this paper introduces the history of remote controllers and analyzes omni-remote controller projects made by other researchers in this area, such as the Pebbles PDA project at Carnegie Mellon University and HP’s COOLTOWN project. Second, this paper depicts a generic framework of the personal omni-remote controller system including architecture, type hierarchy, and service discovery. In this framework, a module approach and a decentralized dual-mode service discovery scheme are introduced. When users request a certain type of service, their omni-remote controller application will first discover the available appliances in the vicinity and then bring up the corresponding control module for the target appliance. Thus, users can control the appliance through the User Interface of the control module. To join the omni-remote controller system, servers and clients need to follow the type hierarchy convention of the system. Finally, several implementations are given to show the control of different appliances with different capabilities. These appliances include thermostats, TVs with parental control, and washing machines

    Coordination Models for Internet of Things

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    In constrained environments, there is a variety of devices like sensors and actuators with limited computation power or energy that form an Internet of Things (IoT) system. When processing complex tasks is required, those devices send the data to the cloud and obtain the result later. However, the IoT system could process complex task if more devices work together, sharing computational resources and cooperating. This cooperation can be achieved using a coordination model that distributes the load among the different devices based on a set of parameters, laws and defined entities. This research implements and evaluates a data-oriented coordination model with three variations for Internet of Things (IoT). It also presents, implements and evaluates a new process-oriented coordination model that can make constrained environments much more effective and allow the processing of more complex tasks closer to the network. The development of all the coordination models was focused on using the system’s computational resources effectively. As IoT is a heterogeneous field, devices with more power can process more complex tasks, creating an uneven but adequate load distribution. Various experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of each model using one and two workers. The results showed that every coordination model works effectively when distributing the load among more workers. For the process-oriented model, implementing some CoAP features allowed the system to perform better when repetitive tasks are required

    Engineering Complex Computational Ecosystems

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    Self-organising pervasive ecosystems of devices are set to become a major vehicle for delivering infrastructure and end-user services. The inherent complexity of such systems poses new challenges to those who want to dominate it by applying the principles of engineering. The recent growth in number and distribution of devices with decent computational and communicational abilities, that suddenly accelerated with the massive diffusion of smartphones and tablets, is delivering a world with a much higher density of devices in space. Also, communication technologies seem to be focussing on short-range device-to-device (P2P) interactions, with technologies such as Bluetooth and Near-Field Communication gaining greater adoption. Locality and situatedness become key to providing the best possible experience to users, and the classic model of a centralised, enormously powerful server gathering and processing data becomes less and less efficient with device density. Accomplishing complex global tasks without a centralised controller responsible of aggregating data, however, is a challenging task. In particular, there is a local-to-global issue that makes the application of engineering principles challenging at least: designing device-local programs that, through interaction, guarantee a certain global service level. In this thesis, we first analyse the state of the art in coordination systems, then motivate the work by describing the main issues of pre-existing tools and practices and identifying the improvements that would benefit the design of such complex software ecosystems. The contribution can be divided in three main branches. First, we introduce a novel simulation toolchain for pervasive ecosystems, designed for allowing good expressiveness still retaining high performance. Second, we leverage existing coordination models and patterns in order to create new spatial structures. Third, we introduce a novel language, based on the existing ``Field Calculus'' and integrated with the aforementioned toolchain, designed to be usable for practical aggregate programming

    Integrating Usability Models into Pervasive Application Development

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    This thesis describes novel processes in two important areas of human-computer interaction (HCI) and demonstrates ways to combine these in appropriate ways. First, prototyping plays an essential role in the development of complex applications. This is especially true if a user-centred design process is followed. We describe and compare a set of existing toolkits and frameworks that support the development of prototypes in the area of pervasive computing. Based on these observations, we introduce the EIToolkit that allows the quick generation of mobile and pervasive applications, and approaches many issues found in previous works. Its application and use is demonstrated in several projects that base on the architecture and an implementation of the toolkit. Second, we present novel results and extensions in user modelling, specifically for predicting time to completion of tasks. We extended established concepts such as the Keystroke-Level Model to novel types of interaction with mobile devices, e.g. using optical markers and gestures. The design, creation, as well as a validation of this model are presented in some detail in order to show its use and usefulness for making usability predictions. The third part is concerned with the combination of both concepts, i.e. how to integrate user models into the design process of pervasive applications. We first examine current ways of developing and show generic approaches to this problem. This leads to a concrete implementation of such a solution. An innovative integrated development environment is provided that allows for quickly developing mobile applications, supports the automatic generation of user models, and helps in applying these models early in the design process. This can considerably ease the process of model creation and can replace some types of costly user studies.Diese Dissertation beschreibt neuartige Verfahren in zwei wichtigen Bereichen der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation und erläutert Wege, diese geeignet zu verknüpfen. Zum einen spielt die Entwicklung von Prototypen insbesondere bei der Verwendung von benutzerzentrierten Entwicklungsverfahren eine besondere Rolle. Es werden daher auf der einen Seite eine ganze Reihe vorhandener Arbeiten vorgestellt und verglichen, die die Entwicklung prototypischer Anwendungen speziell im Bereich des Pervasive Computing unterstützen. Ein eigener Satz an Werkzeugen und Komponenten wird präsentiert, der viele der herausgearbeiteten Nachteile und Probleme solcher existierender Projekte aufgreift und entsprechende Lösungen anbietet. Mehrere Beispiele und eigene Arbeiten werden beschrieben, die auf dieser Architektur basieren und entwickelt wurden. Auf der anderen Seite werden neue Forschungsergebnisse präsentiert, die Erweiterungen von Methoden in der Benutzermodellierung speziell im Bereich der Abschätzung von Interaktionszeiten beinhalten. Mit diesen in der Dissertation entwickelten Erweiterungen können etablierte Konzepte wie das Keystroke-Level Model auf aktuelle und neuartige Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit mobilen Geräten angewandt werden. Der Entwurf, das Erstellen sowie eine Validierung der Ergebnisse dieser Erweiterungen werden detailliert dargestellt. Ein dritter Teil beschäftigt sich mit Möglichkeiten die beiden beschriebenen Konzepte, zum einen Prototypenentwicklung im Pervasive Computing und zum anderen Benutzermodellierung, geeignet zu kombinieren. Vorhandene Ansätze werden untersucht und generische Integrationsmöglichkeiten beschrieben. Dies führt zu konkreten Implementierungen solcher Lösungen zur Integration in vorhandene Umgebungen, als auch in Form einer eigenen Applikation spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung von Programmen für mobile Geräte. Sie erlaubt das schnelle Erstellen von Prototypen, unterstützt das automatische Erstellen spezialisierter Benutzermodelle und ermöglicht den Einsatz dieser Modelle früh im Entwicklungsprozess. Dies erleichtert die Anwendung solcher Modelle und kann Aufwand und Kosten für entsprechende Benutzerstudien einsparen

    An interoperability framework for pervasive computing systems

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    Communication and interaction between smart devices is the foundation for pervasive computing and the Internet of Things. Pervasive platforms, that support developers in building new services and applications, have been extensively researched in the past. Nowadays, a multitude of heterogeneous pervasive platforms exist. In real-world deployments, this leads to the formation of platform-specific silos. Therefore, the need for interoperability between such platforms arises. This thesis presents a framework which addresses all elaborated issues preventing co-operation between different platforms and allows for extension and customisation of different aspects, including platforms and transformation mechanisms. The framework bases on uniform abstractions that support translations of different features. The transformation model provides an automatic as well as a manual transformation mechanism. For evaluation, a prototype is implemented and assessed, providing support for six distinct platforms. Particularly, the framework’s feasibility is demonstrated with three realistic scenario implementations, an effort evaluation, and a cost evaluation