4 research outputs found

    From Intrusion Detection to an Intrusion Response System: Fundamentals, Requirements, and Future Directions

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    In the past few decades, the rise in attacks on communication devices in networks has resulted in a reduction of network functionality, throughput, and performance. To detect and mitigate these network attacks, researchers, academicians, and practitioners developed Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) with automatic response systems. The response system is considered an important component of IDS, since without a timely response IDSs may not function properly in countering various attacks, especially on a real-time basis. To respond appropriately, IDSs should select the optimal response option according to the type of network attack. This research study provides a complete survey of IDSs and Intrusion Response Systems (IRSs) on the basis of our in-depth understanding of the response option for different types of network attacks. Knowledge of the path from IDS to IRS can assist network administrators and network staffs in understanding how to tackle different attacks with state-of-the-art technologies

    The Two secured Factors of Authentication

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    One of the popular challenges that faces the Cloud Computing is the authentication problem. Authentication is a mechanism to establish proof of identities to get access of information in the system. There are several solutions to overcome this issue that it can be gathered in three authentication mechanisms which lead to a multifactorial authentication schema. The multi factor is proposed in this paper confirms the user's identity without sending it to the cloud server, which will gain our solution more security and fast response over other solutions that depend on sending the user identity to the server to be authenticated. The User's credentials have never exchanged with the server, it is only saved in the user's mind. We present an efficient authentication schema which based on two authentication factors, the first is the password-based authentication, which is processed in the user's machine, and the second is the biometric-based authentication which adds more secure factors to the authentication process. We use the Elgamal Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem and the symmetric encryption to overcome the security threads on the authentication process. Furthermore; we use the 3D face image as a second challenge response factor in our proposed algorithm. In addition, to save the bandwidth and computation, we use a mobile agent to pass the first factor of the authentication code to be executed in the client machine, and let the second factor to be executed in the cloud server

    Trusting Cloud Computing for Personal Files

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    In a recent research study concerning current and future (state-of-the-art) cloud security issues, we recognized a substantive number of security loopholes in information technology systems, and devised relevant solutions for such problems. As an outcome, exchanging the main point that contains all the information originating from heterogeneous sources that oversee the physiological methodologies of a city could have devastating effects because cloud security would be influenced at diverse levels and clients would be influenced at distinctive administrations. In addition, if these innovations are utilized more extensively, cyber terrorism could, with a solitary machine ambush, hinder significant urban areas worldwide. This paper summarizes some major issues in cloud computing, which caused us to reconsider the type of information that can be stored safely in cloud computing

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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