17 research outputs found

    Вплив маркетингових інструментів на встановлення факторів довіри споживачів до підприємств

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    Основною метою статті є розгляд теоретико-методологічних аспектів розвитку засобами маркетингу факторів, які впливають на виникнення довіри у покупців та клієнтів підприємства. В рамках дослідження було виявлено ряд факторів, що самі по собі окремо, або у сукупності впливають на виникнення довіри у споживачів до підприємства. Серед факторів, що позитивно впливають на виникнення довірливого ставлення споживачів до підприємства, в статті виділено такі: "авторитетність", "схожість", "достовірність", "стаж", "знаменитість", "дружні стосунки", "частота комунікації", "місце розташування" та "фактична демонстрація". Також в ході дослідження було встановлено, що вищенаведені фактори довіри можуть бути розвинені серед споживачів засобами маркетингових комунікацій, в залежності від відповідної цільової аудиторії. Визначено, що особливості впливу на покупців та клієнтів окремих чинників, можуть сприяти виникненню відчуття довіри як до підприємства в цілому, так і до окремого товару чи послуги. В статті пропонується використання маркетингу, заснованого на довірі, в якості альтернативи традиційному маркетингу, оскільки модель маркетингу довіри орієнтована на створення великої клієнтської бази постійних споживачів, створення комунікаційного середовища між ними та підприємством, що, в свою чергу, сприяє сталому та прогнозованому прибутку підприємства та виходу за рамки цінової конкуренції. Схематично надано модель, яка демонструє концептуальну різницю в застосуванні методів традиційного маркетингу та методів маркетингу, заснованому на розвитку факторів довіри, яка пропонує на стадії між виникненням бажання придбати товар та безпосереднім його продажем введення трьох додаткових етапів: "залучення споживача до комунікації","розвиток дружніх відносин між споживачем та підприємством" та "формування довірливого ставлення до підприємства з боку споживача". Також в дослідженні зазначається, що важливою складовою маркетингу, збудованого на факторах розвитку довіри, на відміну від норм традиційного маркетингу, є те, що після безпосереднього продажу, комунікація з покупцем не припиняється, а навпаки стає сталою й постійною, що спонукає покупця до подальшої взаємодії з підприємством вже в якості постійного клієнта.The main purpose of the article is to explore the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of factors that affect the emergence of trust among clients and customers of the enterprise by marketing tools. Within the framework of the study, a number of factors were identified that separately, in themselves, or in aggregate, affect the creation of consumer trust to the enterprise. Among the factors that have a positive effect on the consumer trust creation to the company, the article highlights the following: authoritativeness, similarity, credibility, seniority, celebrity, friendly relations, frequency of communication, location and actual demonstration. Also, during the study, it was found out that the above-mentioned factors of trust can be developed among consumers by marketing communication tools, depending on the target audience. It has been determined that the feature of influence on customers and clients of certain factors may facilitate the sense of trust creation both to the enterprise as a whole and to the particular product or service. The article proposes the use of trust-creating marketing as an alternative to traditional marketing because the trust-based marketing model focuses on creating a large customer base of regular clients, creating a communication environment between them and the enterprise, which in turn leads to the sustainable and predictable profit of the enterprise and get possibility to go out price competition. It is presented a schematic model that demonstrates a conceptual difference in the application of traditional marketing methods and marketing methods based on the development of trust factors, which offers, at the stage between the desire to purchase product and its direct sale, to introduce three additional stages: "consumer involvement in communication", "development friendly relations between the consumer and the enterprise" and "the formation of a trusting attitude towards the enterprise by the consumer". Also, the study emphasizes, that another important component of trust-creating marketing development, opposite to the norms of traditional marketing, is that after direct sale, communication with the buyer does not stop, but on the contrary becomes consistent and constant, which urges the buyer to further interaction with the company already as a regular customer

    Formal Semantic Approach to Detect Smart Contract Vulnerabilities Using KEVM

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    Smart contracts are self-executing programs that run on blockchain platforms. While smart contracts offer a range of benefits, such as immutability and transparency, they are not immune to vulnerabilities. Malicious actors can exploit smart contract vulnerabilities to execute unintended actions or access sensitive data[1]. One approach to mitigating smart contract vulnerabilities is formal verification. Formal verification is a method of verifying the correctness of software using mathematical techniques. It involves mathematically proving that a program conforms to a set of specifications. Formal verification can help detect and eliminate vulnerabilities in smart contracts before they are deployed on the blockchain. KEVM (K Framework-based EVM) is a framework that allows for formal verification of smart contracts on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). KEVM uses the K Framework, a formal semantics framework, to specify the behavior of the EVM. With KEVM, smart contract developers can verify the correctness of their contracts before deployment, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities. In this paper, we have studied smart contract vulnerabilities such as Over usage of Gas, Signature Replay attack, and misuse of fallback function. We have also written the formal specification for these vulnerabilities and executed it using KEVM

    Augmented Business Process Management Systems: A Research Manifesto

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    Augmented Business Process Management Systems (ABPMSs) are an emerging class of process-aware information systems that draws upon trustworthy AI technology. An ABPMS enhances the execution of business processes with the aim of making these processes more adaptable, proactive, explainable, and context-sensitive. This manifesto presents a vision for ABPMSs and discusses research challenges that need to be surmounted to realize this vision. To this end, we define the concept of ABPMS, we outline the lifecycle of processes within an ABPMS, we discuss core characteristics of an ABPMS, and we derive a set of challenges to realize systems with these characteristics.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    AI-augmented business process management systems: a research manifesto

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    AI-augmented Business Process Management Systems (ABPMSs) are an emerging class of process-aware information systems, empowered by trustworthy AI technology. An ABPMS enhances the execution of business processes with the aim of making these processes more adaptable, proactive, explainable, and context-sensitive. This manifesto presents a vision for ABPMSs and discusses research challenges that need to be surmounted to realize this vision. To this end, we define the concept of ABPMS, we outline the lifecycle of processes within an ABPMS, we discuss core characteristics of an ABPMS, and we derive a set of challenges to realize systems with these characteristics


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    The main purpose of the article is to explore the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of factors that affect the emergence of trust among clients and customers of the enterprise by marketing tools. Within the framework of the study, a number of factors were identified that separately, in themselves, or in aggregate, affect the creation of consumer trust to the enterprise. Among the factors that have a positive effect on the consumer trust creation to the company, the article highlights the following: authoritativeness, similarity, credibility, seniority, celebrity, friendly relations, frequency of communication, location and actual demonstration. Also, during the study, it was found out that the above-mentioned factors of trust can be developed among consumers by marketing communication tools, depending on the target audience. It has been determined that the feature of influence on customers and clients of certain factors may facilitate the sense of trust creation both to the enterprise as a whole and to the particular product or service. The article proposes the use of trust-creating marketing as an alternative to traditional marketing because the trust-based marketing model focuses on creating a large customer base of regular clients, creating a communication environment between them and the enterprise, which in turn leads to the sustainable and predictable profit of the enterprise and get possibility to go out price competition. It is presented a schematic model that demonstrates a conceptual difference in the application of traditional marketing methods and marketing methods based on the development of trust factors, which offers, at the stage between the desire to purchase product and its direct sale, to introduce three additional stages: "consumer involvement in communication", "development friendly relations between the consumer and the enterprise" and "the formation of a trusting attitude towards the enterprise by the consumer". Also, the study emphasizes, that another important component of trust-creating marketing development, opposite to the norms of traditional marketing, is that after direct sale, communication with the buyer does not stop, but on the contrary becomes consistent and constant, which urges the buyer to further interaction with the company already as a regular customer

    Motivations for Financial Backing of Reward Crowdfunding Campaigns - Based on Data from Germany and Norway : A multiple case study

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    Master thesis Business Administration - University of Agder 201