15 research outputs found


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    Obtaining consumers’ trust is one of the crucial objectives of online transaction success. In the context of Internet finance, trust becomes the focus of scholars’ research in different fields. In previous studies, trust has been investigated in psychology, sociology, economics and many other disciplines. Since the Internet emerge in human’s daily life, a steam of literature shed light on consumers’ trust based on Internet. Now, Internet finance has become popular in ordinary people’s lives. So, it’s essential to understand consumers’ trust in Internet financial sales platforms. In this paper, we investigate consumers’ trust with the data collected from “Yuebao” users in China, and adopt six factors after reviewing prior related studies. The factors are clustered in two resources. Resource theory is employed to generate the proposed research model. Finally, we find that perceived ease of use, perceived benefit, perceived security control and third-party guarantees have significant effects on consumers’ trust, while perceived credibility and network size are not significant related to trust. The results of this study provide directions for system administrators and service providers to achieve higher levels of micro-blog usage by developing multi-faceted strategies to enhance users’ perceived trust toward the platforms

    Thirdparty recognition, perceived product related risk, and perceived ease of use among online consumer trust: The moderating role of internet experience

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    To investigate impact of perceived ease of use, third-party assurance seal and financial risk on online consumer trust, is the primary goal of this research. This impact is investigated through the moderating influence of internet experience. The data was collected from 307 students from three universities namely UUM, UniMap and USM. This study employed Partial Least Squares Structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) as the major analysis technique, as PLS SEM is comparatively new analytical technique in construction. Before testing the model, systematic procedures to find the validity and reliability of the outer model were followed as it is the standard of SEM data analysis reporting. As the measurement model has been termed as valid and reliable, it further tests the hypothesized relationships. Prior to examining the hypothesized relationships, the predictive authority of the model was observed and described the goodness and verification of the overall model. After that, the structural model was analyzed and the results were reported in details. As shown in Table 4.10, the hypotheses of H₁, H₃, and H₄, were statistically confirmed with the findings of the study while H2 was not assisted. Similarly, hypotheses of moderation effect, H₅, and H₇ were also not supported whereas H₆ was supported according to the method of Baron and Kenny (1986). The study concludes with some recommendations that can be used to guide the online retailers in managing their stores' service quality and loyalt

    The importance of websites for organic agri-food producers

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    Spanish agri-food producers, particularly organic producers, have faced commercial problems for years. Websites are able to combine informative, relational and transactional functions. This ability makes them attractive sales channels in sectors such as the organic agri-food sector, which has traditionally had major commercial shortcomings in these three areas. This study is built on this premise. The study explored whether organic agri-food producers and conventional producers differ in terms of their use of websites as a sales channel and their degree of interaction with users. The extended model of Internet commerce adoption (eMICA) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) were used. Other statistical techniques were also used. The fieldwork began with a sample of 998 producers (239 organic and 759 conventional). The results reveal differences between organic and conventional olive oil producers regarding website adoption and use. In terms of attracting website visits, the results also reveal the relevance of being an organic producer and having a capitalist or cooperative company structur

    El sector cooperativo oleícola y el uso de las TIC: un estudio comparativo respecto a otras formas jurídicas

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    El actual entorno globalizado y el aumento generalizado de la difusión y de la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) por parte de las empresas y de los consumidores, hace que el uso de estas tecnologías sea fundamental para que el sector cooperativo oleícola afronte la creciente competencia en el mercado. Centrado en dicho sector, en este trabajo analizamos el grado de utilización del comercio electrónico, tanto a través de los sitios Web como mediante los mercados electrónicos y la utilización que estas empresas realizan de las redes sociales como herramientas facilitadoras de la actividad comercial. Para esto, realizamos un análisis comparativo entre las cooperativas oleícolas andaluzas y el resto de formas jurídicas presentes en el sector

    The sector of olive-oil cooperatives and the use of ICT: A comparative study regarding othe legal forms

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    El actual entorno globalizado y el aumento generalizado de la difusión y de la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) por parte de las empresas y de los consumidores, hace que el uso de estas tecnologías sea fundamental para que el sector cooperativo oleícola afronte la creciente competencia en el mercado. Centrado en dicho sector, en este trabajo analizamos el grado de utilización del comercio electrónico, tanto a través de los sitios Web como mediante los mercados electrónicos y la utilización que estas empresas realizan de las redes sociales como herramientas facilitadoras de la actividad comercial. Para esto, realizamos un análisis comparativo entre las cooperativas oleícolas andaluzas y el resto de formas jurídicas presentes en el sector.The current global environment and the general increase in the spread and use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) by companies and consumers, make the use of these technologies as essential to confront the growing competition in the market. Focused on this sector, in this research we analyze the use of electronic commerce, as through websites as through electronic markets, and the use of social networking tools as enablers of business. For this aim, we conducted a comparative analysis between the Andalusian olive oil cooperatives and other legal forms which are present in the sector

    Security risks and user perception towards adopting Wearable Internet of Medical Things

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    The Wearable Internet of Medical Things (WIoMT) is a collective term for all wearable medical devices connected to the internet to facilitate the collection and sharing of health data such as blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level, and more. Standard wearable devices include smartwatches and fitness bands. This evolving phenomenon due to the IoT has become prevalent in managing health and poses severe security and privacy risks to personal information. For better implementation, performance, adoption, and secured wearable medical devices, observing users’ perception is crucial. This study examined users’ perspectives of trust in the WIoMT while also exploring the associated security risks. Data analysed from 189 participants indicated a significant variance (R2 = 0.553) on intention to use WIoMT devices, which was determined by the significant predictors (95% Confidence Interval; p < 0.05) perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security and privacy. These were found to have important consequences, with WIoMT users intending to use the devices based on the trust factors of usefulness, easy to use, and security and privacy features. Further outcomes of the study identified how users’ security matters while adopting the WIoMT and provided implications for the healthcare industry to ensure regulated devices that secure confidential data

    Predicting intention to adopt B2B electronic commerce in Jordan: The moderating role of trust and dependency

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    Business to Business Electronic Commerce (B2B EC) has great potentials to extend firms’ competency and efficiency. As such, Jordan has an objective to increase the diffusion of this technology. Despite extensive government efforts, the adoption of B2B EC is still limited. Consequently, there have been extensive efforts to better understand the phenomena. Yet, documented findings regarding the determinants of the adoption are not altogether consistent. To provide more insight, this study developed a research model utilizing the Technological, Organizational, and Environmental (TOE) framework to identify the determinants of the firms’ propensity to adopt B2B EC. Since B2B EC is an inter-organizational phenomenon supporting transactions of partnerships, this study emphasizes the context of partnership characteristics. Grounded on inter-organizational theories, this study hypothesized that partnership characteristics, namely trust and dependency, moderate the role of TOE motivating factors. Moreover, given that B2B EC is used on both sides of the buyer/seller relationship, this study examined the differences and similarities in the perception of the marketing and purchasing departments regarding the determinants of the B2B EC adoption. A total of 798 questionnaires were self administrated to marketing and purchasing managers in 462 firms that have large registered capital in Jordan. In total, 114 marketing and 125 purchasing managers participated in this study. Marketing and purchasing responses were analyzed separately using the Partial Least Squares approach. The result revealed that the marketing and purchasing departments do have different views regarding the determinants of the adoption, specifically in terms of the role of Relative Advantage and Competition Pressure. Moreover, the results showed that the moderating role of trust was less pronounced. Meanwhile, the moderating role of dependency was partially supported particularly in the purchasing perspective. These findings have demonstrated how dependence asymmetries between trading partners may change the adoption motivations. They further explain the importance of considering the views of the business partner for the adoption to be done successfully

    Understanding security risks and users perception towards adopting wearable Internet of Medical Things

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    This thesis examines users’ perception of trust within the context of security and privacy of Wearable Internet of Medical Things (WIoMT). WIoMT is a collective term for all medical devices connected to internet to facilitate collection and sharing of health-related data such as blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level and more. Common wearable devices include smart watches and fitness bands. WIoMT, a phenomenon due to Internet of Things (IoT) has become prevalent in managing the day-to-day activities and health of individuals. This increased growth and adoption poses severe security and privacy concerns. Similar to IoT, there is a need to analyse WIoMT security risks as they are used by individuals and organisations on regular basis, risking personal and confidential information. Additionally, for better implementation, performance, adoption, and secured wearable medical devices, it is crucial to observe users’ perception. Users’ perspectives towards trust are critical for adopting WIoMT. This research aimed to understand users’ perception of trust in the adoption of WIoMT, while also exploring the security risks associated with adopting wearable IoMT. Employing a quantitative method approach, 189 participants from Western Sydney University completed an online survey. The results of the study and research model indicated more than half of the variance (R2 = 0.553) in the Intention to Use WIoMT devices, which was determined by the significant predictors (95% Confidence Interval; p < 0.05), Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Security and Privacy. Among these two, the domain Perceived Security and Privacy was found to have significant outcomes. Hence, this study reinforced that a WIoMT user intends to use the device only if he/she trusts the device; trust here has been defined in terms of its usefulness, easy to use and security and privacy features. This finding will be a steppingstone for equipment vendors and manufacturers to have a good grasp on the health industry, since the proper utilisation of WIoMT devices results in the effective and efficient management of health and wellbeing of users. The expected outcome from this research also aims to identify how users’ security and perception matters while adopting WIoMT, which in future can benefit security professionals to examine trust factors when implementing new and advanced WIoMT devices. Moreover, the expected result will help consumers as well as different healthcare industry to create a device which can be easily adopted and used securely by consumers

    The adoption of interorganisational information systems by South African firms: a technological, organisational and environmental perspective

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    Thesis (M.Com. (Information Systems))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, School of Economic and Business Sciences, 2017Interorganisational information systems (IOIS) are automated systems which allow one or more firms to connect to their suppliers or customers in order to exchange data and information. Previous literature has suggested that the adoption of interorganisational information systems presents several benefits and challenges. IOIS is assumed to offer organisations the capability to improve business processes and provide better working relations with business partners. Despite this advantage that IOIS offers, adoption of IOIS presents complexities such as those associated with compatibility with a firm's IT infrastructure, lack of available skills, and concerns over data security and system failures. Through a review of existing IOIS literature, this study identified that four types of IOISs are available in South African, namely dyadic, multilateral, community, and hub and spoke. In addition, the technological, organisational and environmental (TOE) factors influencing the adoption IOIS were identified. A model exploring the effects of the pre-determined TOE factors on the adoption of IOIS was developed and tested. The TOE framework provided a theoretical contribution and addressed a gap in the literature into the barriers and determinants of the adoption of interorganisational information system (IOIS) across various organisations. A quantitative study was carried out and survey data was collected from a sample of 119 organisations across different sectors in South Africa. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire instrument administered online to a single key informant from each sampled organisation. The results revealed that multilateral IOIS are the most adopted systems while Hub and spoke IOIS are the least used. Furthermore, from the elven technologies which were identified in the literature review, the study revealed that groupware technologies, electronic payment system/online banking, video conferencing and electronic data interchange were the most adopted IOIS technologies within the sampled organisations. Adoption of IOIS was defined in two ways. First, IOIS adoption was measured as the number of implemented IOIS technologies. Second, as the extent which IOIS is used as communication medium with business partners and supports an organisation in decision making, business operation and replaces legacy technologies. Correlation analysis was used to test the model’s hypotheses and multiple regression was used to test the overall TOE model. The results showed that perceived compatibility, competition, and IS technical skill and education and training are most correlated with the adoption of IOIS, where adoption is measured as the extent of IOIS used as communication medium with business partners and used as support within an organisation. Top management support, trading partner pressure and perceived relative advantage of IOIS were also positively correlated with adoption, where adoption is measured as implemented IOIS technologies. Perceived complexity was found to be a barrier to IOIS adoption. This study serves as a guide for assessing factors contributing to interorganisational information system adoption and provides organisations with greater insight into the factors likely to enable and inhibit IOIS adoption. Keywords: IOS, IOIS, Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) Framework, information technology, IS department.GR201