8 research outputs found

    A Protective Mechanism to Avoid Eavesdropping Attack in MANET

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    Wireless ad hoc network is self-directed and infrastructure less network. Wireless ad hoc network is particularly inclined due to its basic characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, distributed cooperation, and capability constraint. Routing plays an imperative part in the security of the whole system. Secure transmission of data in wireless ad hoc environment is an imperative concern. Any aggressor get remote flag by using transceiver and without being caught. The objective of this paper is to propose new secure unobservable routing protocol where attacker gets blocked while making spoofing or DOS attacks. Only oblivious message could be gathered by attacker. Proposed protocol will also protect privacy information among network and will detect and block attacking nodes through trust mechanism. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.160412

    TRIDNT: The Trust-Based Routing Protocol with Controlled Degree of Node Selfishness for MANET

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    Trust Based Routing to Improve Network Lifetime of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile Ad hoc Network is an impromptu wireless network consisting of mobile, self governing independent nodes. Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks has been a major concern due to its dynamic topology, lossy and unreliable links. In traditional routing, a single specific node is selected in prior as the potential next-hop forwarder for a packet. Unlike traditional routing, a category of routing technique termed Opportunistic Routing exploits the broadcast nature of wireless medium to compensate the unreliability of the packet transmissions in the channel. In Opportunistic Routing, one among the set of candidate nodes is selected as the potential next-hop forwarder using metrics like number of transmissions in a link, link error probability, cost, etc., for packet transmission. For selection and prioritization of candidates that ensures minimum number of transmissions from source to destination node, whilst improving the lifetime of the network on determining the residual battery energy, a new metric is proposed. This metric helps in improving the network lifetime considering the transmission powers in terms of the fraction of residual battery powers. Further, as nodes in mobile ad hoc networks are susceptible to attacks, a trust model based on direct, as well as indirect trust degrees from similar trusted neighbours is integrated in order to overcome the vulnerability due to attacks by malicious/selfish nodes and to provide reliable packet transmissions. Fading of trust is incorporated with a perspective to ensure the uncertainty of trust with time until it is updated

    Design and Evaluation of Security Mechanism for Routing in MANETs. Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman cryptography mechanism to secure Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET).

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    Ensuring trustworthiness through mobile nodes is a serious issue. Indeed, securing the routing protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is of paramount importance. A key exchange cryptography technique is one such protocol. Trust relationship between mobile nodes is essential. Without it, security will be further threatened. The absence of infrastructure and a dynamic topology changing reduce the performance of security and trust in mobile networks. Current proposed security solutions cannot cope with eavesdroppers and misbehaving mobile nodes. Practically, designing a key exchange cryptography system is very challenging. Some key exchanges have been proposed which cause decrease in power, memory and bandwidth and increase in computational processing for each mobile node in the network consequently leading to a high overhead. Some of the trust models have been investigated to calculate the level of trust based on recommendations or reputations. These might be the cause of internal malicious attacks. Our contribution is to provide trustworthy communications among the mobile nodes in the network in order to discourage untrustworthy mobile nodes from participating in the network to gain services. As a result, we have presented an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange and trust framework mechanism for securing the communication between mobile nodes. Since our proposed model uses a small key and less calculation, it leads to a reduction in memory and bandwidth without compromising on security level. Another advantage of the trust framework model is to detect and eliminate any kind of distrust route that contain any malicious node or suspects its behavior

    Trust based routing for misbehavior detection in ad hoc networks

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    Abstract—Node misbehavior due to selfish or malicious intention could significantly degrade the performance of MANET because most existing routing protocols in MANET are aiming at finding most efficiency path. To deal with misbehavior in MANET, an incentive mechanism should be integrated into routing decision-making. In this paper firstly we review existing techniques for secure routing, and then propose to use trust vector model based routing protocols. Each node would evaluate its own trust vector parameters about neighbors through monitoring neighbors ’ pattern of traffic in network. At the same time, trust dynamics is included in term of robustness. Then we integrated trust model into Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) which are most typical routing protocols in MANET. We evaluate the performance of those trust routing protocols by comparing the simulation results of with and without the proposed trust mechanism. The simulation results demonstrate that modified routing protocols can effectively detect malicious nodes and mitigate their attacks. Index Terms—MANET; security; trust model I

    Contribución al diseño de protocolos de encaminamiento en redes móviles ad-hoc basados en reputación

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    The mobile ad-hoc networks are part of the next generation access networks (Next Generation Networking o NGN), "all-IP" networks facing the great scientific and technical challenge that is the ubiquitous computing The mobile ad-hoc networks are useful in situations where rapid deployment is required in an area where there is no infrastructure. The nodes can act as sources, destinations or as routers to transmit data from one node to another node not accessible with a single jump In this thesis we present two new algorithms of reputation-based routing protocols, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) and DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing), which use DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) as a routing protocol engine. The REMODE_sw protocol (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) is static weight and DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) is dynamic weight, the difference is in the behavior of beta, which is the weight that reputation values (of each network node) new have in relation to historical values, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) maintains a constant beta value, while DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) based on the behavior of the variance (of the reputation of each node in the network), independently updates the beta values of each node in the network, achieving that the reputation values(of each node in the network) approximate their average value with greater speed, in order that the reputation system has more accurate information on the behavior of each node The two new algorithms estimate the RFVs (Reputation Forwarding Values) in an ad-hoc mobile network, the main thing is to be able to choose those paths that are formed by the nodes with greater reputation, thus avoiding the less collaborative nodes. Reputation estimation is done using only first-hand information available to the node based on its experience in the network. For REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) we have made the implementation of the algorithm on NS-2.35 (Network Simulator Version 2.35) using scenarios created with Bonnmotion v3.0, while for DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) we have developed a simulator of an ad-hoc mobile network using MATLAB R2017b, inside this simulator we have implemented the algorithm DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing), likewise this simulation scenarios are created using Bonnmotionv3.0. As a general conclusion we have verified that the two new algorithms truly identify the most cooperative paths, which implies an improvement of the total packet loss fraction (average of all the paths of the network), since that allows to avoid the selfish nodes of the network.Las redes móviles ad-hoc son parte de las redes de acceso de próxima generación (Next Generation Networking o NGN), redes “all-IP” que hacen frente al gran desafío científico y técnico que es la computación ubicua Las redes móviles ad-hoc son útiles en situaciones donde se requiere un rápido despliegue en una zona en la que no hay infraestructura. Los nodos pueden actuar como fuentes, destinos o como encaminadores para transmitir datos de un nodo a otro nodo no accesible con un único salto En esta tesis presentamos dos nuevos algoritmos de protocolos de encaminamiento basados en reputación, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) y DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing), los cuales utilizan DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) como motor de protocolo de encaminamiento. El protocolo REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) es de peso estático y DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) es de peso dinámico, la diferencia se encuentra en el comportamiento de beta, el cual es el peso que los valores de reputación (de cada nodo de la red) nuevos tienen en relación a los valores históricos, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) mantiene un valor de beta constante, mientras que DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) en base al comportamiento de la varianza (de la reputación de cada nodo de la red), actualiza de forma independiente los valores de beta de cada nodo de la red, consiguiendo que los valores de reputación (de cada nodo de la red) se aproximen a su valor medio con mayor rapidez, con la finalidad de que el sistema de reputación cuente con información más precisa sobre el comportamiento de cada nodo Los dos nuevos algoritmos estiman las RFVs (Reputation Forwarding Values) en una red móvil ad-hoc, lo primordial es poder elegir aquellos caminos que son formados por los nodos con mayor reputación, evitando así los nodos menos colaborativos. La estimación de la reputación se realiza utilizando únicamente información de primera mano disponible para el nodo en función de su experiencia en la red Para REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) hemos realizado la implementación del algoritmo sobre NS-2.35 (Network Simulator Version 2.35) utilizando escenarios creados con Bonnmotion v3.0, mientras que para DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) hemos desarrollado un simulador de una red móvil ad-hoc utilizando MATLAB R2017b, dentro de dicho simulador hemos implementado el algoritmo DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing), igualmente estos escenarios de simulación se crean utilizando Bonnmotion v3.0 Como conclusión general hemos podido comprobar que los dos nuevos algoritmos verdaderamente identifican los caminos más cooperativos, lo que supone una mejora de la fracción de pérdida de paquetes total (promedio de todos los caminos de la red), ya que permite evitar los nodos egoístas de la red.Les xarxes mòbils ad hoc són part de les xarxes d'accés de pròxima generació (Next Generation Networking o NGN), xarxes "all IP" que fan front al gran desafiament científic i tècnic que és la computació ubiqua Les xarxes mòbils ad hoc són útils en situacions on es requereix un ràpid desplegament en una zona en la qual no hi ha infraestructura. Els nodes poden actuar com a fonts, destinacions o com encaminaments per transmetre dades d'un node a un altre node no accessible amb un únic salt En aquesta tesi presentem dos nous algoritmes de protocols d'encaminament basats en reputació, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) i DrepSR (Dynamic reputation based Source Routing), els quals utilitzen DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) com a motor de protocol d'encaminament. El protocol REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) és de pes estàtic i DrepSR (Dynamic reputation based Source Routing) és de pes dinàmic, la diferència es troba en el comportament de beta, el qual és el pes que els valors de reputació (de cada node de la xarxa) nous tenen en relació als valors històrics, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) manté un valor de beta constant, mentre que DrepSR (Dynamic reputation based Source Routing) sobre la base del comportament de la variància (de la reputació de cada node de la xarxa), s'actualitza de forma independent els valors de beta de cada node de la xarxa, aconseguint que els valors de reputació (de cada node de la xarxa) s'aproximin al seu valor mitjà amb major rapidesa, amb la finalitat que el sistema de reputació compti amb informació més precisa sobre el comportament de cada node Els dos nous algoritmes estimen les RFVs (Reputation Forwarding Values) en una xarxa mòbil ad hoc, el primordial és poder triar aquells camins que són formats pels nodes amb més reputació, evitant així els nodes menys col·laboratius. L'estimació de la reputació es realitza utilitzant únicament informació de primera mà disponible per al node en funció de la seva experiència a la xarxa Per REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) hem realitzat la implementació de l'algoritme sobre NS 2.35 (Network Simulator Version 2.35) utilitzant escenaris creats amb Bonnmotion v3.0, mentre que per DrepSR (Dynamic reputation--based Source Routing) hem desenvolupat un simulador d'una xarxa mòbil ad--hoc utilitzant MATLAB R2017b, dins d'aquest simulador hem implementat l'algoritme DrepSR (Dynamic reputation--based Source Routing), igualment en aquest simulador s'han utilitzant escenaris creats en Bonnmotion v3.0 Com a conclusió general hem pogut comprovar que els dos nous algoritmes veritablement identifiquen els camins més cooperatius, fet que suposa una millora de la fracció de pèrdua de paquets total (mitjana de tots els camins de la xarxa), ja que permet evitar els nodes egoistes de la xarxaPostprint (published version

    Contribución al diseño de protocolos de encaminamiento en redes móviles ad-hoc basados en reputación

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    The mobile ad-hoc networks are part of the next generation access networks (Next Generation Networking o NGN), "all-IP" networks facing the great scientific and technical challenge that is the ubiquitous computing The mobile ad-hoc networks are useful in situations where rapid deployment is required in an area where there is no infrastructure. The nodes can act as sources, destinations or as routers to transmit data from one node to another node not accessible with a single jump In this thesis we present two new algorithms of reputation-based routing protocols, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) and DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing), which use DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) as a routing protocol engine. The REMODE_sw protocol (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) is static weight and DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) is dynamic weight, the difference is in the behavior of beta, which is the weight that reputation values (of each network node) new have in relation to historical values, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) maintains a constant beta value, while DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) based on the behavior of the variance (of the reputation of each node in the network), independently updates the beta values of each node in the network, achieving that the reputation values(of each node in the network) approximate their average value with greater speed, in order that the reputation system has more accurate information on the behavior of each node The two new algorithms estimate the RFVs (Reputation Forwarding Values) in an ad-hoc mobile network, the main thing is to be able to choose those paths that are formed by the nodes with greater reputation, thus avoiding the less collaborative nodes. Reputation estimation is done using only first-hand information available to the node based on its experience in the network. For REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) we have made the implementation of the algorithm on NS-2.35 (Network Simulator Version 2.35) using scenarios created with Bonnmotion v3.0, while for DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) we have developed a simulator of an ad-hoc mobile network using MATLAB R2017b, inside this simulator we have implemented the algorithm DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing), likewise this simulation scenarios are created using Bonnmotionv3.0. As a general conclusion we have verified that the two new algorithms truly identify the most cooperative paths, which implies an improvement of the total packet loss fraction (average of all the paths of the network), since that allows to avoid the selfish nodes of the network.Las redes móviles ad-hoc son parte de las redes de acceso de próxima generación (Next Generation Networking o NGN), redes “all-IP” que hacen frente al gran desafío científico y técnico que es la computación ubicua Las redes móviles ad-hoc son útiles en situaciones donde se requiere un rápido despliegue en una zona en la que no hay infraestructura. Los nodos pueden actuar como fuentes, destinos o como encaminadores para transmitir datos de un nodo a otro nodo no accesible con un único salto En esta tesis presentamos dos nuevos algoritmos de protocolos de encaminamiento basados en reputación, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) y DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing), los cuales utilizan DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) como motor de protocolo de encaminamiento. El protocolo REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) es de peso estático y DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) es de peso dinámico, la diferencia se encuentra en el comportamiento de beta, el cual es el peso que los valores de reputación (de cada nodo de la red) nuevos tienen en relación a los valores históricos, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) mantiene un valor de beta constante, mientras que DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) en base al comportamiento de la varianza (de la reputación de cada nodo de la red), actualiza de forma independiente los valores de beta de cada nodo de la red, consiguiendo que los valores de reputación (de cada nodo de la red) se aproximen a su valor medio con mayor rapidez, con la finalidad de que el sistema de reputación cuente con información más precisa sobre el comportamiento de cada nodo Los dos nuevos algoritmos estiman las RFVs (Reputation Forwarding Values) en una red móvil ad-hoc, lo primordial es poder elegir aquellos caminos que son formados por los nodos con mayor reputación, evitando así los nodos menos colaborativos. La estimación de la reputación se realiza utilizando únicamente información de primera mano disponible para el nodo en función de su experiencia en la red Para REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) hemos realizado la implementación del algoritmo sobre NS-2.35 (Network Simulator Version 2.35) utilizando escenarios creados con Bonnmotion v3.0, mientras que para DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing) hemos desarrollado un simulador de una red móvil ad-hoc utilizando MATLAB R2017b, dentro de dicho simulador hemos implementado el algoritmo DrepSR (Dynamic reputation-based Source Routing), igualmente estos escenarios de simulación se crean utilizando Bonnmotion v3.0 Como conclusión general hemos podido comprobar que los dos nuevos algoritmos verdaderamente identifican los caminos más cooperativos, lo que supone una mejora de la fracción de pérdida de paquetes total (promedio de todos los caminos de la red), ya que permite evitar los nodos egoístas de la red.Les xarxes mòbils ad hoc són part de les xarxes d'accés de pròxima generació (Next Generation Networking o NGN), xarxes "all IP" que fan front al gran desafiament científic i tècnic que és la computació ubiqua Les xarxes mòbils ad hoc són útils en situacions on es requereix un ràpid desplegament en una zona en la qual no hi ha infraestructura. Els nodes poden actuar com a fonts, destinacions o com encaminaments per transmetre dades d'un node a un altre node no accessible amb un únic salt En aquesta tesi presentem dos nous algoritmes de protocols d'encaminament basats en reputació, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) i DrepSR (Dynamic reputation based Source Routing), els quals utilitzen DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) com a motor de protocol d'encaminament. El protocol REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) és de pes estàtic i DrepSR (Dynamic reputation based Source Routing) és de pes dinàmic, la diferència es troba en el comportament de beta, el qual és el pes que els valors de reputació (de cada node de la xarxa) nous tenen en relació als valors històrics, REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) manté un valor de beta constant, mentre que DrepSR (Dynamic reputation based Source Routing) sobre la base del comportament de la variància (de la reputació de cada node de la xarxa), s'actualitza de forma independent els valors de beta de cada node de la xarxa, aconseguint que els valors de reputació (de cada node de la xarxa) s'aproximin al seu valor mitjà amb major rapidesa, amb la finalitat que el sistema de reputació compti amb informació més precisa sobre el comportament de cada node Els dos nous algoritmes estimen les RFVs (Reputation Forwarding Values) en una xarxa mòbil ad hoc, el primordial és poder triar aquells camins que són formats pels nodes amb més reputació, evitant així els nodes menys col·laboratius. L'estimació de la reputació es realitza utilitzant únicament informació de primera mà disponible per al node en funció de la seva experiència a la xarxa Per REMODE_sw (Reputation for Mobile Devices Static Weight) hem realitzat la implementació de l'algoritme sobre NS 2.35 (Network Simulator Version 2.35) utilitzant escenaris creats amb Bonnmotion v3.0, mentre que per DrepSR (Dynamic reputation--based Source Routing) hem desenvolupat un simulador d'una xarxa mòbil ad--hoc utilitzant MATLAB R2017b, dins d'aquest simulador hem implementat l'algoritme DrepSR (Dynamic reputation--based Source Routing), igualment en aquest simulador s'han utilitzant escenaris creats en Bonnmotion v3.0 Com a conclusió general hem pogut comprovar que els dos nous algoritmes veritablement identifiquen els camins més cooperatius, fet que suposa una millora de la fracció de pèrdua de paquets total (mitjana de tots els camins de la xarxa), ja que permet evitar els nodes egoistes de la xarx