4,162 research outputs found

    Simulating binary neutron stars: dynamics and gravitational waves

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    We model two mergers of orbiting binary neutron stars, the first forming a black hole and the second a differentially rotating neutron star. We extract gravitational waveforms in the wave zone. Comparisons to a post-Newtonian analysis allow us to compute the orbital kinematics, including trajectories and orbital eccentricities. We verify our code by evolving single stars and extracting radial perturbative modes, which compare very well to results from perturbation theory. The Einstein equations are solved in a first order reduction of the generalized harmonic formulation, and the fluid equations are solved using a modified convex essentially non-oscillatory method. All calculations are done in three spatial dimensions without symmetry assumptions. We use the \had computational infrastructure for distributed adaptive mesh refinement.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures. Added one figure from previous version; corrected typo

    Numerical evolutions of a black hole-neutron star system in full General Relativity: I. Head-on collision

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    We present the first simulations in full General Relativity of the head-on collision between a neutron star and a black hole of comparable mass. These simulations are performed through the solution of the Einstein equations combined with an accurate solution of the relativistic hydrodynamics equations via high-resolution shock-capturing techniques. The initial data is obtained by following the York-Lichnerowicz conformal decomposition with the assumption of time symmetry. Unlike other relativistic studies of such systems, no limitation is set for the mass ratio between the black hole and the neutron star, nor on the position of the black hole, whose apparent horizon is entirely contained within the computational domain. The latter extends over ~400M and is covered with six levels of fixed mesh refinement. Concentrating on a prototypical binary system with mass ratio ~6, we find that although a tidal deformation is evident the neutron star is accreted promptly and entirely into the black hole. While the collision is completed before ~300M, the evolution is carried over up to ~1700M, thus providing time for the extraction of the gravitational-wave signal produced and allowing for a first estimate of the radiative efficiency of processes of this type.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    "Mariage des Maillages": A new numerical approach for 3D relativistic core collapse simulations

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    We present a new 3D general relativistic hydrodynamics code for simulations of stellar core collapse to a neutron star, as well as pulsations and instabilities of rotating relativistic stars. It uses spectral methods for solving the metric equations, assuming the conformal flatness approximation for the three-metric. The matter equations are solved by high-resolution shock-capturing schemes. We demonstrate that the combination of a finite difference grid and a spectral grid can be successfully accomplished. This "Mariage des Maillages" (French for grid wedding) approach results in high accuracy of the metric solver and allows for fully 3D applications using computationally affordable resources, and ensures long term numerical stability of the evolution. We compare our new approach to two other, finite difference based, methods to solve the metric equations. A variety of tests in 2D and 3D is presented, involving highly perturbed neutron star spacetimes and (axisymmetric) stellar core collapse, demonstrating the ability to handle spacetimes with and without symmetries in strong gravity. These tests are also employed to assess gravitational waveform extraction, which is based on the quadrupole formula.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figures; added more information about convergence tests and grid setu

    A cloudy Vlasov solution

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    We propose to integrate the Vlasov-Poisson equations giving the evolution of a dynamical system in phase-space using a continuous set of local basis functions. In practice, the method decomposes the density in phase-space into small smooth units having compact support. We call these small units ``clouds'' and choose them to be Gaussians of elliptical support. Fortunately, the evolution of these clouds in the local potential has an analytical solution, that can be used to evolve the whole system during a significant fraction of dynamical time. In the process, the clouds, initially round, change shape and get elongated. At some point, the system needs to be remapped on round clouds once again. This remapping can be performed optimally using a small number of Lucy iterations. The remapped solution can be evolved again with the cloud method, and the process can be iterated a large number of times without showing significant diffusion. Our numerical experiments show that it is possible to follow the 2 dimensional phase space distribution during a large number of dynamical times with excellent accuracy. The main limitation to this accuracy is the finite size of the clouds, which results in coarse graining the structures smaller than the clouds and induces small aliasing effects at these scales. However, it is shown in this paper that this method is consistent with an adaptive refinement algorithm which allows one to track the evolution of the finer structure in phase space. It is also shown that the generalization of the cloud method to the 4 dimensional and the 6 dimensional phase space is quite natural.Comment: 46 pages, 25 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Study of Some Key Issues for Applying LES to Real Engineering Problems

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