404,689 research outputs found

    Invariant measures for Cartesian powers of Chacon infinite transformation

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    We describe all boundedly finite measures which are invariant by Cartesian powers of an infinite measure preserving version of Chacon transformation. All such ergodic measures are products of so-called diagonal measures, which are measures generalizing in some way the measures supported on a graph. Unlike what happens in the finite-measure case, this class of diagonal measures is not reduced to measures supported on a graph arising from powers of the transformation: it also contains some weird invariant measures, whose marginals are singular with respect to the measure invariant by the transformation. We derive from these results that the infinite Chacon transformation has trivial centralizer, and has no nontrivial factor. At the end of the paper, we prove a result of independent interest, providing sufficient conditions for an infinite measure preserving dynamical system defined on a Cartesian product to decompose into a direct product of two dynamical systems

    On the Hardness of Entropy Minimization and Related Problems

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    We investigate certain optimization problems for Shannon information measures, namely, minimization of joint and conditional entropies H(X,Y)H(X,Y), H(XY)H(X|Y), H(YX)H(Y|X), and maximization of mutual information I(X;Y)I(X;Y), over convex regions. When restricted to the so-called transportation polytopes (sets of distributions with fixed marginals), very simple proofs of NP-hardness are obtained for these problems because in that case they are all equivalent, and their connection to the well-known \textsc{Subset sum} and \textsc{Partition} problems is revealed. The computational intractability of the more general problems over arbitrary polytopes is then a simple consequence. Further, a simple class of polytopes is shown over which the above problems are not equivalent and their complexity differs sharply, namely, minimization of H(X,Y)H(X,Y) and H(YX)H(Y|X) is trivial, while minimization of H(XY)H(X|Y) and maximization of I(X;Y)I(X;Y) are strongly NP-hard problems. Finally, two new (pseudo)metrics on the space of discrete probability distributions are introduced, based on the so-called variation of information quantity, and NP-hardness of their computation is shown.Comment: IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) 201

    Ethics of Shared Decision-Making for Advanced Heart Failure Patients

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    This article argues that caregivers have an ethical duty to ensure that shared decision making and palliative care measures are fully discussed with and understood by their advanced heart failure patients. This is not a trivial issue. Heart failure is reaching epidemic proportions, while advances in treatment options available for heart failure patients have made it possible to prolong the life of many patients. The potential benefits and burdens of available treatments must be clearly understood by the heart failure patient so the patient can make decisions consistent with his or her values and wishes. However, too often patients are not given full information about how such treatments will affect their quality of life or about appropriate palliative care measures. The solution to this problem requires shared decision-making about treatments and palliative care measures to ensure proper goal setting, reevaluation with changes in prognosis, and end of life preparedness planning

    Poisson-Furstenberg boundary and growth of groups

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    We study the Poisson-Furstenberg boundary of random walks on permutational wreath products. We give a sufficient condition for a group to admit a symmetric measure of finite first moment with non-trivial boundary, and show that this criterion is useful to establish exponential word growth of groups. We construct groups of exponential growth such that all finitely supported (not necessarily symmetric, possibly degenerate) random walks on these groups have trivial boundary. This gives a negative answer to a question of Kaimanovich and Vershik.Comment: 24 page

    Invariant measures concentrated on countable structures

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    Let L be a countable language. We say that a countable infinite L-structure M admits an invariant measure when there is a probability measure on the space of L-structures with the same underlying set as M that is invariant under permutations of that set, and that assigns measure one to the isomorphism class of M. We show that M admits an invariant measure if and only if it has trivial definable closure, i.e., the pointwise stabilizer in Aut(M) of an arbitrary finite tuple of M fixes no additional points. When M is a Fraisse limit in a relational language, this amounts to requiring that the age of M have strong amalgamation. Our results give rise to new instances of structures that admit invariant measures and structures that do not.Comment: 46 pages, 2 figures. Small changes following referee suggestion