4 research outputs found

    A New Two Derivative FSAL Runge-Kutta Method of Order Five in Four Stages

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                  المشتقة الثانية طريقة رنك-كوتا الفعالة الجديدة من الرتبة الخامسة  (TDRK) قد تم تطويرها من أجل الحل العددي للمعادلات التفاضلية الاعتيادية من الرتبة الأولى (ODEs). تم اشتقاق الطريقة الجديدة باستخدام خاصية الأول  نفس الأخير  (FSAL) . قمنا بتحليل استقرار الطريقة. تم عرض النتائج العددية لتوضيح كفاءة الطريقة الجديدة بالمقارنة مع بعض طرق رنك-كوتا (RK) المعروفة.A new efficient Two Derivative Runge-Kutta method (TDRK) of order five is developed for the numerical solution of the special first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The new method is derived using the property of First Same As Last (FSAL). We analyzed the stability of our method. The numerical results are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the new method in comparison with some well-known RK methods

    A Trigonometrically Fitted Block Method for Solving Oscillatory Second-Order Initial Value Problems and Hamiltonian Systems

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    In this paper, we present a block hybrid trigonometrically fitted Runge-Kutta-Nyström method (BHTRKNM), whose coefficients are functions of the frequency and the step-size for directly solving general second-order initial value problems (IVPs), including Hamiltonian systems such as the energy conserving equations and systems arising from the semidiscretization of partial differential equations (PDEs). Four discrete hybrid formulas used to formulate the BHTRKNM are provided by a continuous one-step hybrid trigonometrically fitted method with an off-grid point. We implement BHTRKNM in a block-by-block fashion; in this way, the method does not suffer from the disadvantages of requiring starting values and predictors which are inherent in predictor-corrector methods. The stability property of the BHTRKNM is discussed and the performance of the method is demonstrated on some numerical examples to show accuracy and efficiency advantages

    Solving the Telegraph and Oscillatory Differential Equations by a Block Hybrid Trigonometrically Fitted Algorithm

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    We propose a block hybrid trigonometrically fitted (BHT) method, whose coefficients are functions of the frequency and the step-size for directly solving general second-order initial value problems (IVPs), including systems arising from the semidiscretization of hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), such as the Telegraph equation. The BHT is formulated from eight discrete hybrid formulas which are provided by a continuous two-step hybrid trigonometrically fitted method with two off-grid points. The BHT is implemented in a block-by-block fashion; in this way, the method does not suffer from the disadvantages of requiring starting values and predictors which are inherent in predictor-corrector methods. The stability property of the BHT is discussed and the performance of the method is demonstrated on some numerical examples to show accuracy and efficiency advantages

    Mathematical Modeling with Differential Equations in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Economics

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    This volume was conceived as a Special Issue of the MDPI journal Mathematics to illustrate and show relevant applications of differential equations in different fields, coherently with the latest trends in applied mathematics research. All the articles that were submitted for publication are valuable, interesting, and original. The readers will certainly appreciate the heterogeneity of the 10 papers included in this book and will discover how helpful all the kinds of differential equations are in a wide range of disciplines. We are confident that this book will be inspirational for young scholars as well