17 research outputs found

    Conforming restricted Delaunay mesh generation for piecewise smooth complexes

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    A Frontal-Delaunay refinement algorithm for mesh generation in piecewise smooth domains is described. Built using a restricted Delaunay framework, this new algorithm combines a number of novel features, including: (i) an unweighted, conforming restricted Delaunay representation for domains specified as a (non-manifold) collection of piecewise smooth surface patches and curve segments, (ii) a protection strategy for domains containing curve segments that subtend sharply acute angles, and (iii) a new class of off-centre refinement rules designed to achieve high-quality point-placement along embedded curve features. Experimental comparisons show that the new Frontal-Delaunay algorithm outperforms a classical (statically weighted) restricted Delaunay-refinement technique for a number of three-dimensional benchmark problems.Comment: To appear at the 25th International Meshing Roundtabl

    Improving the robustness of the control volume finite element method with application to multiphase porous media flow

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    Control volume finite element methods (CVFEMs) have been proposed to simulate flow in heterogeneous porous media because they are better able to capture complex geometries using unstructured meshes. However, producing good quality meshes in such models is nontrivial and may sometimes be impossible, especially when all or parts of the domains have very large aspect ratio. A novel CVFEM is proposed here that uses a control volume representation for pressure and yields significant improvements in the quality of the pressure matrix. The method is initially evaluated and then applied to a series of test cases using unstructured (triangular/tetrahedral) meshes, and numerical results are in good agreement with semianalytically obtained solutions. The convergence of the pressure matrix is then studied using complex, heterogeneous example problems. The results demonstrate that the new formulation yields a pressure matrix than can be solved efficiently even on highly distorted, tetrahedral meshes in models of heterogeneous porous media with large permeability contrasts. The new approach allows effective application of CVFEM in such models

    New Results on LEPP-delaunay Algorithm for Quality Triangulations

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    AbstractIn this paper, we provide proofs of termination and size-optimality of the LEPP-Delaunay algorithm, for the quality generation of triangulations. We first prove that the algorithm cannot insert points arbitrarily close to each other. We also show that the algorithm terminates, producing well-graded triangulations with internal angles greater than 25.66 degrees for geometries with input constrained angles of at least 30 degrees

    JIGSAW-GEO (1.0): locally orthogonal staggered unstructured grid generation for general circulation modelling on the sphere

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    An algorithm for the generation of non-uniform, locally-orthogonal staggered unstructured spheroidal grids is described. This technique is designed to generate very high-quality staggered Voronoi/Delaunay meshes appropriate for general circulation modelling on the sphere, including applications to atmospheric simulation, ocean-modelling and numerical weather prediction. Using a recently developed Frontal-Delaunay refinement technique, a method for the construction of high-quality unstructured spheroidal Delaunay triangulations is introduced. A locally-orthogonal polygonal grid, derived from the associated Voronoi diagram, is computed as the staggered dual. It is shown that use of the Frontal-Delaunay refinement technique allows for the generation of very high-quality unstructured triangulations, satisfying a-priori bounds on element size and shape. Grid-quality is further improved through the application of hill-climbing type optimisation techniques. Overall, the algorithm is shown to produce grids with very high element quality and smooth grading characteristics, while imposing relatively low computational expense. A selection of uniform and non-uniform spheroidal grids appropriate for high-resolution, multi-scale general circulation modelling are presented. These grids are shown to satisfy the geometric constraints associated with contemporary unstructured C-grid type finite-volume models, including the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS-O). The use of user-defined mesh-spacing functions to generate smoothly graded, non-uniform grids for multi-resolution type studies is discussed in detail.Comment: Final revisions, as per: Engwirda, D.: JIGSAW-GEO (1.0): locally orthogonal staggered unstructured grid generation for general circulation modelling on the sphere, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2117-2140, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-10-2117-2017, 201

    Métodos multimalla geométricos en mallas semi-estructuradas de Vorono

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    En este proyecto se presenta un metodo de discretización de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales en mallas triangulares semi-estructuradas usando volumenes finítos y como punto representativo el punto de Voronoi. La posterior discretización se resualve usando metodos multimalla semi-estructurados y se presentan un conjunto de nuevos suavizadores asi como un algoritmo de Galerkin de tipo RAP para cuando las condiciones no son homogeneas en toda la superficie. Finalmente se muestran un conjunto de ejemplo numéricos para demostrar los resultados obtenidos

    Fully Generalized Two-Dimensional Constrained Delaunay Mesh Refinement

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    Traditional refinement algorithms insert a Steiner point from a few possible choices at each step. Our algorithm, on the contrary, defines regions from where a Steiner point can be selected and thus inserts a Steiner point among an infinite number of choices. Our algorithm significantly extends existing generalized algorithms by increasing the number and the size of these regions. The lower bound for newly created angles can be arbitrarily close to 30∘30^{\circ}. Both termination and good grading are guaranteed. It is the first Delaunay refinement algorithm with a 30∘30^{\circ} angle bound and with grading guarantees. Experimental evaluation of our algorithm corroborates the theory