96 research outputs found

    From meaning making to joint construction of knowledge practices and artefacts - a trialogical approach to CSCL

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    ACM,; 978-1-4092-8498-4; Editors: Claire O'Malley, Daniel Suthers, Peter Reimann, Angelique Dimitracopoulou; Proceeding volume: Volume 1Peer reviewe

    Keksivä oppiminen : Teoreettiset perusteet

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    This chapter introduces a knowledge-creating learning framework that provides the theoretical foundation of invention pedagogy. Invention projects involve the deliberate pursuit of open-ended invention challenges through complex, iterative, and emergent processes. Because the envisioned epistemic objects, specific process stages, relevant knowledge, and final productions are not known at the beginning but are gradually determined through self-organized personal and collaborative efforts, the invention process tends to be nonlinear in nature. Pedagogic guidance, scaffolding, and orchestration of invention pedagogy require that both students and teachers learn to cope productively with uncertainty, improvise to solve open-ended problems, develop novel skills and competencies, and end up with objects and artifacts that may not have been foreseen—or even foreseeable—in the beginning. Teachers and their teams must learn to design and orchestrate invention processes, guide nonlinear pedagogic processes, and cultivate associated professional practices. The chapter examines theoretical background, epistemic objects, epistemic practices, and orchestration processes involved in invention processes.Peer reviewe

    Collaborative peer-feedback practices in hybrid learning environments

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    The article describes a technology-mediated collaborative peer-feedback experience. 125 students took part into the activity during the delivery of a 3- months teaching in “Methodology of Action Research”, within a 3-year Degree Course in Psychological, Social and Occupational Sciences. The activity was based on a 4-phases cycle of collaborative output production, structured peer- feedback, collaborative output improvement, individual reflection. The aim of the exploratory case-study here presented is to observe if and how the peer- feedback activity supported the development of collaborative, meta-cognitive and digital skills, other than knowledge acquisition. To answer our research questions, we used a mixed system, able to provide both objective data with respect to the activity carried out and the skills put in place, and subjective data related to the students' personal experience and the perceived impact on their learning. Results show a good appropriation of metacognitive skills and offer numerous hints on the design aspects which have been found to be effective in supporting students’ learning

    Epistemic Objects and Knowledge Creation in Invention Projects

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    Open-ended, materially mediated invention projects offer ample opportunities for knowledge creation and multifaceted learning in educational settings. This chapter describes how knowledge creation takes place in invention projects when students solve open-ended design challenges together, using tangible and digital tools and materials. Learning to innovate, to create knowledge, and to solve multifaceted, complex problems with perseverance and without being afraid of failure are skills that we consider will be essential in the future society. As an example of multifaceted knowledge creation through an open-ended invention process, a case from an invention project conducted at a secondary school in Helsinki, Finland is presented. The invention project of one team of student inventors is described from the perspective of the dimensions of conceptual knowledge that they built and created during the project.Peer reviewe

    Pelirakenne tiedon yhteisluomisessa

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    Collaborative, Informal Learning in Distributed Knowledge-Intensive Work: Organizational Contingencies

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    The increasing interest in boosting learning and innovation in organizations has created the need for researching the very phenomena of learning and creation of new knowledge at work. There has been a growing interest in this topic in several fields of research, and learning and knowledge creation in organizations have been studied from various perspectives. What has been missing is a bigger picture explaining how the two perspectives that describe learning at work, i.e., learning sciences and organization studies are interconnected. Not enough has been known about how learning at work takes place on the group level between the individual and organizational levels. The purpose of this research was to explore collaborative informal learning at work, and more specifically focusing on the every-day practices related to knowledge sharing and creation in a distributed work context. This research focused on the mid-layer of learning (group or community level) that exists between the organizational and individual levels of learning at work. This research combined theories from organization and learning sciences to produce multidisciplinary, both theoretically and empirically grounded knowledge on informal learning at work and how it is shaped by the work context. Moreover, this research aimed to study whether the features of distributed work context and task environment affect the practices and social structures of collaborative informal learning at work.The overall research problem was 'In the context of knowledge intensive distributed work, how does informal, collaborative learning take place? The research problem was divided into three more detailed research questions. This thesis adopted a multiple-case study approach and the data was collected from four cases by thematic interviewing. The context of the research was formed by a globally operating company and its partner firms. Data was collected from employees aiming to understand the practices of workplace learning. The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis, and the research questions were answered based on the analysis. The key findings show that the task environment affects significantly both the practices of informal learning at work and the supporting social structures. In particular, this study highlights the need and search for fit between the qualities of task environment and the practices of learning and the supporting social structures. This research contributes to the fields of organization and learning sciences that both study learning in the workplace.Jatkuvasti lisääntyvä kiinnostus oppimisen ja innovoinnin tehostamiseen organisaatioissa on synnyttänyt tarpeen tutkia työssä tapahtuvaa oppimista ja uuden tiedon luomista. Työssä oppimista ja tiedonluomista ovat viime vuosina tutkineet useat tieteenalat eri näkökulmista lähtien. Puuttumaan on kuitenkin jäänyt kokonaisvaltaisempi oppimisen tutkimuksen ja organisaatiotutkimuksen näkökulmat yhdistävä käsitys työssä oppimisesta. Tarkempaa tietoa kaivataan erityisesti siitä, miten työssä oppiminen tapahtuu yksilötason ja organisaatiotason välimaastossa ryhmä- tai yhteisötasolla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella yhteisöllistä informaalia työssä tapahtuvaa oppimista erityisesti tiedon jakamisen ja luomisen jokapäiväisten käytäntöjen näkökulmasta hajautetussa työympäristössä. Tämä tutkimus kohdistui varsinkin oppimisen ns. välitasoon, yksilön ja organisaation oppimisen välimaastoon ryhmä- ja yhteisötasolle. Tutkimuksessa tuotiin yhteen käsitteitä ja teorioita organisaatiotutkimuksen ja oppimisen tutkimuksen aloilta tavoitteena tuottaa monitieteistä sekä teoreettisesti että empiirisesti perusteltua tietoa työssä tapahtuvasta informaalista oppimisesta ja kontekstin vaikutuksesta siihen. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella hajautetun työympäristön ja tehtäväympäristön vaikutusta työssä tapahtuvan yhteisöllisen informaalin oppimisen käytäntöihin ja oppimista tukeviin sosiaalisiin rakenteisiin. Tutkimuksen pääongelma oli 'Miten informaali yhteisöllinen oppiminen tapahtuu tietointensiivisessä hajautetussa työympäristössä?' Tutkimusongelma jaettiin kolmeen tarkentavaan tutkimuskysymykseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, ja aineisto kerättiin neljästä eri casesta teemahaastatteluiden avulla. Tutkimus toteutettiin yhteistyössä maailmanlaajuisesti toimineen yrityksen ja sen yhteistyöyritysten kanssa. Aineisto kerättiin yritysten työntekijöitä haastattelemalla, sillä tavoitteena oli työssä tapahtuvan oppimisen käytäntöjen ymmärtäminen. Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysillä, minkä perusteella tutkimuskysymyksiin vastattiin. Keskeiset tulokset osoittavat että tehtäväympäristö vaikuttaa merkittävästi sekä työssä tapahtuvan informaalin oppimisen käytäntöihin että niitä tukeviin sosiaalisiin rakenteisiin. Tulokset painottavat erityisesti tarvetta etsiä yhteensopivuutta tehtäväympäristön piirteiden sekä oppimisen käytäntöjen ja oppimista tukevien sosiaalisten rakenteiden välille. Tämä tutkimus tuottaa uutta tietoa sekä organisaatiotutkimuksen että oppimisen tutkimuksen aloille erityisesti työssä oppimisen näkökulmasta


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    In this paper we describe some approaches to text mining, which are supported by an original software system developed in Java for support of information retrieval and text mining (JBowl), as well as its possible use in a distributed environment. The system JBowl1 is being developed as an open source software with the intention to provide an easily extensible, modular framework for pre-processing, indexing and further exploration of large text collections. The overall architecture of the system is described, followed by some typical use case scenarios, which have been used in some previous projects. Then, basic principles and technologies used for service-oriented computing, web services and semantic web services are presented. We further discuss how the JBowl system can be adopted into a distributed environment via technologies available already and what benefits can bring such an adaptation. This is in particular important in the context of a new integrated EU-funded project KP-Lab2 (Knowledge Practices Laboratory) that is briefly presented as well as the role of the proposed text mining services, which are currently being designed and developed there

    Modus operandi for ethical action in social and health care in the era of digitalisation

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    The ethical operational model developed in SotePeda 24/7 project in 2018-2020 has since its launch been used in continuous learning in social and health care. The model was developed to work as a tool in identification of ethical issues in the digitising operational environment of social and health care, as well as to support ethical evaluation and decision-making. When the ethical operational model is embraced, it results into internalizing the reflective process of the model and increases the ability to face ethical dilemmas in the mode of modus operandi indicating socio-culturally established ways of engaging and of doing things. Our aim in this study is to evaluate the experiences gained of the implementation of the ethical operational model in continuous learning in social and health care. As research methods we apply qualitative evaluation: program theory-based and systems approach. As material of the study, we address the experiences gained from the practical use of the model. Additionally, we scrutinize the ethical operational model as an artefact, as co-constructed object, and make use of the multifaceted data from the time of developing the model. The results of our study indicate that when the ethical operational model has been systematically used in continuous learning, the experiences have been overall positive, increasing awareness and ethical competence of the participants. From the point of view of its systemic impact, the scrutiny of the ethical operational model as an artefact, indicates that the focal constituents embedded enable even those new to the model to engage in it and to develop the content further via reflection. We conclude that the ethical operational model has found its way in active use as means of continuous learning in social and health care. The model may gradually become infused in digital era practices and be vitally present in action as modus operandi

    Conclusions: The Cornerstones and Future Directions of Invention Pedagogy

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    In this chapter, the key elements of invention projects presented in the introduction and explored in the chapters of this book are revisited and further discussed as the four cornerstones of invention pedagogy. The cornerstones—inclusive innovator mindset, multifaceted real-world phenomena, co-creation of knowledge and artifacts, and technology-enriched tools and materials—are seen as essential for students’ knowledge-creating learning, for the facilitation of such learning, and for the development of an inventive school culture. The continuous development of all these levels of invention pedagogy is supported by research–practice partnerships in national and international contexts.Peer reviewe

    Two viewpoints on the challenges of ICT in education: knowledge-building theory vs. a pragmatist conception of learning in social action

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    The paper contrasts two different approaches to the educational challenges of the ubiquitous, rapidly developing information and communication technologies (ICT). The first is the constructivist knowledge building' theory spearheaded by Carl Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia and recently further developed by Kai Hakkarainen and Sami Paavola; the second is a pragmatist standpoint drawing in particular from John Dewey's ideas about learning as a natural part of human social actions and transactions. The knowledge builders have set their approach out as a suitable answer to the challenges of the present-day, ICT-characterised Knowledge Age'. But here it is argued that a pragmatist approach can be advanced that avoids the over-intellectualisation of education characteristic of knowledge builders and thereby offers a viable alternative for improving present-day educational practices in ways that promote appropriate utilisation of ICT in schools in particular