21 research outputs found

    Polynomial expansion and sublinear separators

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    Let C\mathcal{C} be a class of graphs that is closed under taking subgraphs. We prove that if for some fixed 0<δ10<\delta\le 1, every nn-vertex graph of C\mathcal{C} has a balanced separator of order O(n1δ)O(n^{1-\delta}), then any depth-kk minor (i.e. minor obtained by contracting disjoint subgraphs of radius at most kk) of a graph in C\mathcal{C} has average degree O((k polylog k)1/δ)O\big((k \text{ polylog }k)^{1/\delta}\big). This confirms a conjecture of Dvo\v{r}\'ak and Norin.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    EPG-representations with small grid-size

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    In an EPG-representation of a graph GG each vertex is represented by a path in the rectangular grid, and (v,w)(v,w) is an edge in GG if and only if the paths representing vv an ww share a grid-edge. Requiring paths representing edges to be x-monotone or, even stronger, both x- and y-monotone gives rise to three natural variants of EPG-representations, one where edges have no monotonicity requirements and two with the aforementioned monotonicity requirements. The focus of this paper is understanding how small a grid can be achieved for such EPG-representations with respect to various graph parameters. We show that there are mm-edge graphs that require a grid of area Ω(m)\Omega(m) in any variant of EPG-representations. Similarly there are pathwidth-kk graphs that require height Ω(k)\Omega(k) and area Ω(kn)\Omega(kn) in any variant of EPG-representations. We prove a matching upper bound of O(kn)O(kn) area for all pathwidth-kk graphs in the strongest model, the one where edges are required to be both x- and y-monotone. Thus in this strongest model, the result implies, for example, O(n)O(n), O(nlogn)O(n \log n) and O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}) area bounds for bounded pathwidth graphs, bounded treewidth graphs and all classes of graphs that exclude a fixed minor, respectively. For the model with no restrictions on the monotonicity of the edges, stronger results can be achieved for some graph classes, for example an O(n)O(n) area bound for bounded treewidth graphs and O(nlog2n)O(n \log^2 n) bound for graphs of bounded genus.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Modularity of minor-free graphs

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    We prove that a class of graphs with an excluded minor and with the maximum degree sublinear in the number of edges is maximally modular, that is, modularity tends to 1 as the number of edges tends to infinity.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Beyond Outerplanarity

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    We study straight-line drawings of graphs where the vertices are placed in convex position in the plane, i.e., convex drawings. We consider two families of graph classes with nice convex drawings: outer kk-planar graphs, where each edge is crossed by at most kk other edges; and, outer kk-quasi-planar graphs where no kk edges can mutually cross. We show that the outer kk-planar graphs are (4k+1+1)(\lfloor\sqrt{4k+1}\rfloor+1)-degenerate, and consequently that every outer kk-planar graph can be (4k+1+2)(\lfloor\sqrt{4k+1}\rfloor+2)-colored, and this bound is tight. We further show that every outer kk-planar graph has a balanced separator of size O(k)O(k). This implies that every outer kk-planar graph has treewidth O(k)O(k). For fixed kk, these small balanced separators allow us to obtain a simple quasi-polynomial time algorithm to test whether a given graph is outer kk-planar, i.e., none of these recognition problems are NP-complete unless ETH fails. For the outer kk-quasi-planar graphs we prove that, unlike other beyond-planar graph classes, every edge-maximal nn-vertex outer kk-quasi planar graph has the same number of edges, namely 2(k1)n(2k12)2(k-1)n - \binom{2k-1}{2}. We also construct planar 3-trees that are not outer 33-quasi-planar. Finally, we restrict outer kk-planar and outer kk-quasi-planar drawings to \emph{closed} drawings, where the vertex sequence on the boundary is a cycle in the graph. For each kk, we express closed outer kk-planarity and \emph{closed outer kk-quasi-planarity} in extended monadic second-order logic. Thus, closed outer kk-planarity is linear-time testable by Courcelle's Theorem.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Modularity of regular and treelike graphs

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    Clustering algorithms for large networks typically use modularity values to test which partitions of the vertex set better represent structure in the data. The modularity of a graph is the maximum modularity of a partition. We consider the modularity of two kinds of graphs. For rr-regular graphs with a given number of vertices, we investigate the minimum possible modularity, the typical modularity, and the maximum possible modularity. In particular, we see that for random cubic graphs the modularity is usually in the interval (0.666,0.804)(0.666, 0.804), and for random rr-regular graphs with large rr it usually is of order 1/r1/\sqrt{r}. These results help to establish baselines for statistical tests on regular graphs. The modularity of cycles and low degree trees is known to be close to 1: we extend these results to `treelike' graphs, where the product of treewidth and maximum degree is much less than the number of edges. This yields for example the (deterministic) lower bound 0.6660.666 mentioned above on the modularity of random cubic graphs.Comment: 25 page

    Subexponential-Time Algorithms for Finding Large Induced Sparse Subgraphs

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    Let C and D be hereditary graph classes. Consider the following problem: given a graph G in D, find a largest, in terms of the number of vertices, induced subgraph of G that belongs to C. We prove that it can be solved in 2^{o(n)} time, where n is the number of vertices of G, if the following conditions are satisfied: - the graphs in C are sparse, i.e., they have linearly many edges in terms of the number of vertices; - the graphs in D admit balanced separators of size governed by their density, e.g., O(Delta) or O(sqrt{m}), where Delta and m denote the maximum degree and the number of edges, respectively; and - the considered problem admits a single-exponential fixed-parameter algorithm when parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph. This leads, for example, to the following corollaries for specific classes C and D: - a largest induced forest in a P_t-free graph can be found in 2^{O~(n^{2/3})} time, for every fixed t; and - a largest induced planar graph in a string graph can be found in 2^{O~(n^{3/4})} time