6 research outputs found

    FO-Definability of Shrub-Depth

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    Shrub-depth is a graph invariant often considered as an extension of tree-depth to dense graphs. We show that the model-checking problem of monadic second-order logic on a class of graphs of bounded shrub-depth can be decided by AC^0-circuits after a precomputation on the formula. This generalizes a similar result on graphs of bounded tree-depth [Y. Chen and J. Flum, 2018]. At the core of our proof is the definability in first-order logic of tree-models for graphs of bounded shrub-depth

    The parameterized space complexity of model-checking bounded variable first-order logic

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    The parameterized model-checking problem for a class of first-order sentences (queries) asks to decide whether a given sentence from the class holds true in a given relational structure (database); the parameter is the length of the sentence. We study the parameterized space complexity of the model-checking problem for queries with a bounded number of variables. For each bound on the quantifier alternation rank the problem becomes complete for the corresponding level of what we call the tree hierarchy, a hierarchy of parameterized complexity classes defined via space bounded alternating machines between parameterized logarithmic space and fixed-parameter tractable time. We observe that a parameterized logarithmic space model-checker for existential bounded variable queries would allow to improve Savitch's classical simulation of nondeterministic logarithmic space in deterministic space O(log2n)O(\log^2n). Further, we define a highly space efficient model-checker for queries with a bounded number of variables and bounded quantifier alternation rank. We study its optimality under the assumption that Savitch's Theorem is optimal

    On the Descriptive Complexity of Color Coding

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    Color coding is an algorithmic technique used in parameterized complexity theory to detect "small" structures inside graphs. The idea is to derandomize algorithms that first randomly color a graph and then search for an easily-detectable, small color pattern. We transfer color coding to the world of descriptive complexity theory by characterizing - purely in terms of the syntactic structure of describing formulas - when the powerful second-order quantifiers representing a random coloring can be replaced by equivalent, simple first-order formulas. Building on this result, we identify syntactic properties of first-order quantifiers that can be eliminated from formulas describing parameterized problems. The result applies to many packing and embedding problems, but also to the long path problem. Together with a new result on the parameterized complexity of formula families involving only a fixed number of variables, we get that many problems lie in fpt just because of the way they are commonly described using logical formulas

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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