22 research outputs found

    Computing a Minimum-Dilation Spanning Tree is NP-hard

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    In a geometric network G = (S, E), the graph distance between two vertices u, v in S is the length of the shortest path in G connecting u to v. The dilation of G is the maximum factor by which the graph distance of a pair of vertices differs from their Euclidean distance. We show that given a set S of n points with integer coordinates in the plane and a rational dilation delta > 1, it is NP-hard to determine whether a spanning tree of S with dilation at most delta exists

    Three problems on well-partitioned chordal graphs

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    In this work, we solve three problems on well-partitioned chordal graphs. First, we show that every connected (resp., 2-connected) well-partitioned chordal graph has a vertex that intersects all longest paths (resp., longest cycles). It is an open problem [Balister et al., Comb. Probab. Comput. 2004] whether the same holds for chordal graphs. Similarly, we show that every connected well-partitioned chordal graph admits a (polynomial-time constructible) tree 3-spanner, while the complexity status of the Tree 3-Spanner problem remains open on chordal graphs [Brandstädt et al., Theor. Comput. Sci. 2004]. Finally, we show that the problem of finding a minimum-size geodetic set is polynomial-time solvable on well-partitioned chordal graphs. This is the first example of a problem that is NP -hard on chordal graphs and polynomial-time solvable on well-partitioned chordal graphs. Altogether, these results reinforce the significance of this recently defined graph class as a tool to tackle problems that are hard or unsolved on chordal graphs.acceptedVersio

    Better Hardness Results for the Minimum Spanning Tree Congestion Problem

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    In the spanning tree congestion problem, given a connected graph GG, the objective is to compute a spanning tree TT in GG for which the maximum edge congestion is minimized, where the congestion of an edge ee of TT is the number of vertex pairs adjacent in GG for which the path connecting them in TT traverses ee. The problem is known to be NP-hard, but its approximability is still poorly understood, and it is not even known whether the optimum can be efficiently approximated with ratio o(n)o(n). In the decision version of this problem, denoted STC-KK, we need to determine if GG has a spanning tree with congestion at most KK. It is known that STC-KK is NP-complete for K8K\ge 8, and this implies a lower bound of 1.1251.125 on the approximation ratio of minimizing congestion. On the other hand, 33-STC can be solved in polynomial time, with the complexity status of this problem for K{4,5,6,7}K\in \{4,5,6,7\} remaining an open problem. We substantially improve the earlier hardness result by proving that STC-KK is NP-complete for K5K\ge 5. This leaves only the case K=4K=4 open, and improves the lower bound on the approximation ratio to 1.21.2

    Parameterized complexity of the spanning tree congestion problem

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    We study the problem of determining the spanning tree congestion of a graph. We present some sharp contrasts in the parameterized complexity of this problem. First, we show that on apex-minor-free graphs, a general class of graphs containing planar graphs, graphs of bounded treewidth, and graphs of bounded genus, the problem to determine whether a given graph has spanning tree congestion at most k can be solved in linear time for every fixed k. We also show that for every fixed k and d the problem is solvable in linear time for graphs of degree at most d. In contrast, if we allow only one vertex of unbounded degree, the problem immediately becomes NP-complete for any fixed k≥8. Moreover, the hardness result holds for graphs excluding the complete graph on 6 vertices as a minor. We also observe that for k≤3 the problem becomes polynomially time solvable.publishedVersio

    Complexity Results for the Spanning Tree Congestion Problem

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    We study the problem of determining the spanning tree congestion of a graph. We present some sharp contrasts in the complexity of this problem. First, we show that for every fixed k and d the problem to determine whether a given graph has spanning tree congestion at most k can be solved in linear time for graphs of degree at most d. In contrast, if we allow only one vertex of unbounded degree, the problem immediately becomes NP-complete for any fixed k ≥ 10. For very small values of k however, the problem becomes polynomially solvable. We also show that it is NP-hard to approximate the spanning tree congestion within a factor better than 11/10. On planar graphs, we prove the problem is NP-hard in general, but solvable in linear time for fixed k