44 research outputs found

    Tree inference for single-cell data

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    Learning mutational graphs of individual tumour evolution from single-cell and multi-region sequencing data

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    Background. A large number of algorithms is being developed to reconstruct evolutionary models of individual tumours from genome sequencing data. Most methods can analyze multiple samples collected either through bulk multi-region sequencing experiments or the sequencing of individual cancer cells. However, rarely the same method can support both data types. Results. We introduce TRaIT, a computational framework to infer mutational graphs that model the accumulation of multiple types of somatic alterations driving tumour evolution. Compared to other tools, TRaIT supports multi-region and single-cell sequencing data within the same statistical framework, and delivers expressive models that capture many complex evolutionary phenomena. TRaIT improves accuracy, robustness to data-specific errors and computational complexity compared to competing methods. Conclusions. We show that the application of TRaIT to single-cell and multi-region cancer datasets can produce accurate and reliable models of single-tumour evolution, quantify the extent of intra-tumour heterogeneity and generate new testable experimental hypotheses

    Using genotype abundance to improve phylogenetic inference

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    Modern biological techniques enable very dense genetic sampling of unfolding evolutionary histories, and thus frequently sample some genotypes multiple times. This motivates strategies to incorporate genotype abundance information in phylogenetic inference. In this paper, we synthesize a stochastic process model with standard sequence-based phylogenetic optimality, and show that tree estimation is substantially improved by doing so. Our method is validated with extensive simulations and an experimental single-cell lineage tracing study of germinal center B cell receptor affinity maturation

    Evaluation of simulation methods for tumor subclonal reconstruction

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    Most neoplastic tumors originate from a single cell, and their evolution can be genetically traced through lineages characterized by common alterations such as small somatic mutations (SSMs), copy number alterations (CNAs), structural variants (SVs), and aneuploidies. Due to the complexity of these alterations in most tumors and the errors introduced by sequencing protocols and calling algorithms, tumor subclonal reconstruction algorithms are necessary to recapitulate the DNA sequence composition and tumor evolution in silico. With a growing number of these algorithms available, there is a pressing need for consistent and comprehensive benchmarking, which relies on realistic tumor sequencing generated by simulation tools. Here, we examine the current simulation methods, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations for their improvement. Our review also explores potential new directions for research in this area. This work aims to serve as a resource for understanding and enhancing tumor genomic simulations, contributing to the advancement of the field

    Phylovar: toward scalable phylogeny-aware inference of single-nucleotide variations from single-cell DNA sequencing data

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    Motivation: Single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) are the most common variations in the human genome. Recently developed methods for SNV detection from single-cell DNA sequencing data, such as SCI and scVILP, leverage the evolutionary history of the cells to overcome the technical errors associated with single-cell sequencing protocols. Despite being accurate, these methods are not scalable to the extensive genomic breadth of single-cell whole-genome (scWGS) and whole-exome sequencing (scWES) data. Results: Here, we report on a new scalable method, Phylovar, which extends the phylogeny-guided variant calling approach to sequencing datasets containing millions of loci. Through benchmarking on simulated datasets under different settings, we show that, Phylovar outperforms SCI in terms of running time while being more accurate than Monovar (which is not phylogeny-aware) in terms of SNV detection. Furthermore, we applied Phylovar to two real biological datasets: an scWES triple-negative breast cancer data consisting of 32 cells and 3375 loci as well as an scWGS data of neuron cells from a normal human brain containing 16 cells and approximately 2.5 million loci. For the cancer data, Phylovar detected somatic SNVs with high or moderate functional impact that were also supported by bulk sequencing dataset and for the neuron dataset, Phylovar identified 5745 SNVs with non-synonymous effects some of which were associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Availability and implementation: Phylovar is implemented in Python and is publicly available at https://github.com/NakhlehLab/Phylovar.National Science Foundation | Ref. IIS-1812822National Science Foundation | Ref. IIS-210683

    A Rearrangement Distance for Fully-Labelled Trees

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    The problem of comparing trees representing the evolutionary histories of cancerous tumors has turned out to be crucial, since there is a variety of different methods which typically infer multiple possible trees. A departure from the widely studied setting of classical phylogenetics, where trees are leaf-labelled, tumoral trees are fully labelled, i.e., every vertex has a label. In this paper we provide a rearrangement distance measure between two fully-labelled trees. This notion originates from two operations: one which modifies the topology of the tree, the other which permutes the labels of the vertices, hence leaving the topology unaffected. While we show that the distance between two trees in terms of each such operation alone can be decided in polynomial time, the more general notion of distance when both operations are allowed is NP-hard to decide. Despite this result, we show that it is fixed-parameter tractable, and we give a 4-approximation algorithm when one of the trees is binary

    A Multi-labeled Tree Edit Distance for Comparing "Clonal Trees" of Tumor Progression

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    We introduce a new edit distance measure between a pair of "clonal trees", each representing the progression and mutational heterogeneity of a tumor sample, constructed by the use of single cell or bulk high throughput sequencing data. In a clonal tree, each vertex represents a specific tumor clone, and is labeled with one or more mutations in a way that each mutation is assigned to the oldest clone that harbors it. Given two clonal trees, our multi-labeled tree edit distance (MLTED) measure is defined as the minimum number of mutation/label deletions, (empty) leaf deletions, and vertex (clonal) expansions, applied in any order, to convert each of the two trees to the maximal common tree. We show that the MLTED measure can be computed efficiently in polynomial time and it captures the similarity between trees of different clonal granularity well. We have implemented our algorithm to compute MLTED exactly and applied it to a variety of data sets successfully. The source code of our method can be found in: https://github.com/khaled-rahman/leafDelTED

    Statistical tests for intra-tumour clonal co-occurrence and exclusivity

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    Tumour progression is an evolutionary process in which different clones evolve over time, leading to intra-tumour heterogeneity. Interactions between clones can affect tumour evolution and hence disease progression and treatment outcome. Intra-tumoural pairs of mutations that are overrepresented in a co-occurring or clonally exclusive fashion over a cohort of patient samples may be suggestive of a synergistic effect between the different clones carrying these mutations. We therefore developed a novel statistical testing framework, called GeneAccord, to identify such gene pairs that are altered in distinct subclones of the same tumour. We analysed our framework for calibration and power. By comparing its performance to baseline methods, we demonstrate that to control type I errors, it is essential to account for the evolutionary dependencies among clones. In applying GeneAccord to the single-cell sequencing of a cohort of 123 acute myeloid leukaemia patients, we find 1 clonally co-occurring and 8 clonally exclusive gene pairs. The clonally exclusive pairs mostly involve genes of the key signalling pathways

    J-SPACE: a Julia package for the simulation of spatial models of cancer evolution and of sequencing experiments

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    Background: The combined effects of biological variability and measurement-related errors on cancer sequencing data remain largely unexplored. However, the spatio-temporal simulation of multi-cellular systems provides a powerful instrument to address this issue. In particular, efficient algorithmic frameworks are needed to overcome the harsh trade-off between scalability and expressivity, so to allow one to simulate both realistic cancer evolution scenarios and the related sequencing experiments, which can then be used to benchmark downstream bioinformatics methods.Result: We introduce a Julia package for SPAtial Cancer Evolution (J-SPACE), which allows one to model and simulate a broad set of experimental scenarios, phenomenological rules and sequencing settings.Specifically, J-SPACE simulates the spatial dynamics of cells as a continuous-time multi-type birth-death stochastic process on a arbitrary graph, employing different rules of interaction and an optimised Gillespie algorithm. The evolutionary dynamics of genomic alterations (single-nucleotide variants and indels) is simulated either under the Infinite Sites Assumption or several different substitution models, including one based on mutational signatures. After mimicking the spatial sampling of tumour cells, J-SPACE returns the related phylogenetic model, and allows one to generate synthetic reads from several Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms, via the ART read simulator. The results are finally returned in standard FASTA, FASTQ, SAM, ALN and Newick file formats.Conclusion: J-SPACE is designed to efficiently simulate the heterogeneous behaviour of a large number of cancer cells and produces a rich set of outputs. Our framework is useful to investigate the emergent spatial dynamics of cancer subpopulations, as well as to assess the impact of incomplete sampling and of experiment-specific errors. Importantly, the output of J-SPACE is designed to allow the performance assessment of downstream bioinformatics pipelines processing NGS data. J-SPACE is freely available at: https://github.com/BIMIB-DISCo/J-Space.jl