18 research outputs found

    A saturation property for the spectral-Galerkin approximation of a Dirichlet problem in a square

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    Both practice and analysis of adaptive pp-FEMs and hphp-FEMs raise the question what increment in the current polynomial degree pp guarantees a pp-independent reduction of the Galerkin error. We answer this question for the pp-FEM in the simplified context of homogeneous Dirichlet problems for the Poisson equation in the two dimensional unit square with polynomial data of degree pp. We show that an increment proportional to pp yields a pp-robust error reduction and provide computational evidence that a constant increment does not

    On p-Robust Saturation for hp-AFEM

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    We consider the standard adaptive finite element loop SOLVE, ESTIMATE, MARK, REFINE, with ESTIMATE being implemented using the pp-robust equilibrated flux estimator, and MARK being D\"orfler marking. As a refinement strategy we employ pp-refinement. We investigate the question by which amount the local polynomial degree on any marked patch has to be increase in order to achieve a pp-independent error reduction. The resulting adaptive method can be turned into an instance optimal hphp-adaptive method by the addition of a coarsening routine

    Contraction and optimality properties of an adaptive Legendre-Galerkin method: the multi-dimensional case

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    We analyze the theoretical properties of an adaptive Legendre-Galerkin method in the multidimensional case. After the recent investigations for Fourier-Galerkin methods in a periodic box and for Legendre-Galerkin methods in the one dimensional setting, the present study represents a further step towards a mathematically rigorous understanding of adaptive spectral/hphp discretizations of elliptic boundary-value problems. The main contribution of the paper is a careful construction of a multidimensional Riesz basis in H1H^1, based on a quasi-orthonormalization procedure. This allows us to design an adaptive algorithm, to prove its convergence by a contraction argument, and to discuss its optimality properties (in the sense of non-linear approximation theory) in certain sparsity classes of Gevrey type

    Adaptive Uzawa algorithm for the Stokes equation

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    Based on the Uzawa algorithm, we consider an adaptive finite element method for the Stokes system. We prove linear convergence with optimal algebraic rates for the residual estimator (which is equivalent to the total error), if the arising linear systems are solved iteratively, e.g., by PCG. Our analysis avoids the use of discrete efficiency of the estimator. Unlike prior work, our adaptive Uzawa algorithm can thus avoid to discretize the given data and does not rely on an interior node property for the refinement

    A painless automatic hp-adaptive strategy for elliptic problems

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    In this work, we introduce a novel hp-adaptive strategy. The main goal is to minimize the complexity and implementational efforts hence increasing the robustness of the algorithm while keeping close to optimal numerical results. We employ a multi-level hierarchical data structure imposing Dirichlet nodes to manage the so-called hanging nodes. The hp-adaptive strategy is based on performing quasi-optimal unrefinements. Taking advantage of the hierarchical structure of the basis functions both in terms of the element size h and the polynomial order of approximation p, we mark those with the lowest contributions to the energy of the solution and remove them. This straightforward unrefinement strategy does not need from a fine grid or complex data structures, making the algorithm flexible to many practical situations and existing implementations. On the other side, we also identify some limitations of the proposed strategy, namely: (a) data structures only support isotropic h-refinements (although p-anisotropic refinements are enabled), (b) we assume certain quasi-orthogonality properties of the basis functions in the energy norm, and (c) in this work, we restrict to symmetric and positive definite problems. We illustrate these and other advantages and limitations of the proposed hp-adaptive strategy with several one-, two- and three-dimensional Poisson examples.The first two authors are supported by Projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with reference MTM2016-76329-R(AEI/FEDER, EU),MTM2016-81697-ERC and the Basque Government Consolidated Research Group Grant IT649-13 on “Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Industrial Applications (M2SI)”, the BCAM “Severo Ochoa” accreditation of excellence SEV-2017-0718, and the Basque Government through the BERC2018-2021 program and the European Union’s Horizon2020, research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 777778. Last two authors have been partially supported by the Spanish Government through TEC2016-80386-P