14 research outputs found

    Certifying RSA public keys with an efficient NIZK

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    In many applications, it is important to verify that an RSA public key ( N,e ) specifies a permutation, in order to prevent attacks due to adversarially-generated public keys. We design and implement a simple and efficient noninteractive zero-knowledge protocol (in the random oracle model) for this task. The key feature of our protocol is compatibility with existing RSA implementations and standards. The protocol works for any choice of e. Applications concerned about adversarial key generation can just append our proof to the RSA public key without any other modifications to existing code or cryptographic libraries. Users need only perform a one- time verification of the proof to ensure that raising to the power e is a permutation of the integers modulo N . For typical parameter settings, the proof consists of nine integers modulo N; generating the proof and verifying it both require about nine modular exponentiations.https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/057.pdfFirst author draf

    Security Proof of AugPAKE

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    In this paper, we show that the AugPAKE protocol provides the semantic security of session keys under the strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) assumption in the random oracle model

    Efficient noninteractive certification of RSA moduli and beyond

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    In many applications, it is important to verify that an RSA public key (N; e) speci es a permutation over the entire space ZN, in order to prevent attacks due to adversarially-generated public keys. We design and implement a simple and e cient noninteractive zero-knowledge protocol (in the random oracle model) for this task. Applications concerned about adversarial key generation can just append our proof to the RSA public key without any other modi cations to existing code or cryptographic libraries. Users need only perform a one-time veri cation of the proof to ensure that raising to the power e is a permutation of the integers modulo N. For typical parameter settings, the proof consists of nine integers modulo N; generating the proof and verifying it both require about nine modular exponentiations. We extend our results beyond RSA keys and also provide e cient noninteractive zero- knowledge proofs for other properties of N, which can be used to certify that N is suitable for the Paillier cryptosystem, is a product of two primes, or is a Blum integer. As compared to the recent work of Auerbach and Poettering (PKC 2018), who provide two-message protocols for similar languages, our protocols are more e cient and do not require interaction, which enables a broader class of applications.https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/057First author draf

    Machine-Checked Formalisation and Verification of Cryptographic Protocols

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    PhD ThesisAiming for strong security assurance, researchers in academia and industry focus their interest on formal verification of cryptographic constructions. Automatising formal verification has proved itself to be a very difficult task, where the main challenge is to support generic constructions and theorems, and to carry out the mathematical proofs. This work focuses on machine-checked formalisation and automatic verification of cryptographic protocols. One aspect we covered is the novel support for generic schemes and real-world constructions among old and novel protocols: key exchange schemes (Simple Password Exponential Key Exchange, SPEKE), commitment schemes (with the popular Pedersen scheme), sigma protocols (with the Schnorr’s zero-knowledge proof of knowledge protocol), and searchable encryption protocols (Sophos). We also investigated aspects related to the reasoning of simulation based proofs, where indistinguishability of two different algorithms by any adversary is the crucial point to prove privacy-related properties. We embedded information-flow techniques into the EasyCrypt core language, then we show that our effort not only makes some proofs easier and (sometimes) fewer, but is also more powerful than other existing techniques in particular situations

    New Anonymity Notions for Identity-Based Encryption

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceIdentity-based encryption is a very convenient tool to avoid key management. Recipient-privacy is also a major concern nowadays. To combine both, anonymous identity-based encryption has been proposed. This paper extends this notion to stronger adversaries (the authority itself). We discuss this new notion, together with a new kind of non-malleability with respect to the identity, for several existing schemes. Inter- estingly enough, such a new anonymity property has an independent application to password-authenticated key exchange. We thus come up with a new generic framework for password-authenticated key exchange, and a concrete construction based on pairings

    Biometric Cryptosystems : Authentication, Encryption and Signature for Biometric Identities

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    Biometrics have been used for secure identification and authentication for more than two decades since biometric data is unique, non-transferable, unforgettable, and always with us. Recently, biometrics has pervaded other aspects of security applications that can be listed under the topic of ``Biometric Cryptosystems''. Although the security of some of these systems is questionable when they are utilized alone, integration with other technologies such as digital signatures or Identity Based Encryption (IBE) schemes results in cryptographically secure applications of biometrics. It is exactly this field of biometric cryptosystems that we focused in this thesis. In particular, our goal is to design cryptographic protocols for biometrics in the framework of a realistic security model with a security reduction. Our protocols are designed for biometric based encryption, signature and remote authentication. We first analyze the recently introduced biometric remote authentication schemes designed according to the security model of Bringer et al.. In this model, we show that one can improve the database storage cost significantly by designing a new architecture, which is a two-factor authentication protocol. This construction is also secure against the new attacks we present, which disprove the claimed security of remote authentication schemes, in particular the ones requiring a secure sketch. Thus, we introduce a new notion called ``Weak-identity Privacy'' and propose a new construction by combining cancelable biometrics and distributed remote authentication in order to obtain a highly secure biometric authentication system. We continue our research on biometric remote authentication by analyzing the security issues of multi-factor biometric authentication (MFBA). We formally describe the security model for MFBA that captures simultaneous attacks against these systems and define the notion of user privacy, where the goal of the adversary is to impersonate a client to the server. We design a new protocol by combining bipartite biotokens, homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs and provide a security reduction to achieve user privacy. The main difference of this MFBA protocol is that the server-side computations are performed in the encrypted domain but without requiring a decryption key for the authentication decision of the server. Thus, leakage of the secret key of any system component does not affect the security of the scheme as opposed to the current biometric systems involving cryptographic techniques. We also show that there is a tradeoff between the security level the scheme achieves and the requirement for making the authentication decision without using any secret key. In the second part of the thesis, we delve into biometric-based signature and encryption schemes. We start by designing a new biometric IBS system that is based on the currently most efficient pairing based signature scheme in the literature. We prove the security of our new scheme in the framework of a stronger model compared to existing adversarial models for fuzzy IBS, which basically simulates the leakage of partial secret key components of the challenge identity. In accordance with the novel features of this scheme, we describe a new biometric IBE system called as BIO-IBE. BIO-IBE differs from the current fuzzy systems with its key generation method that not only allows for a larger set of encryption systems to function for biometric identities, but also provides a better accuracy/identification of the users in the system. In this context, BIO-IBE is the first scheme that allows for the use of multi-modal biometrics to avoid collision attacks. Finally, BIO-IBE outperforms the current schemes and for small-universe of attributes, it is secure in the standard model with a better efficiency compared to its counterpart. Another contribution of this thesis is the design of biometric IBE systems without using pairings. In fact, current fuzzy IBE schemes are secure under (stronger) bilinear assumptions and the decryption of each message requires pairing computations almost equal to the number of attributes defining the user. Thus, fuzzy IBE makes error-tolerant encryption possible at the expense of efficiency and security. Hence, we design a completely new construction for biometric IBE based on error-correcting codes, generic conversion schemes and weakly secure anonymous IBE schemes that encrypt a message bit by bit. The resulting scheme is anonymous, highly secure and more efficient compared to pairing-based biometric IBE, especially for the decryption phase. The security of our generic construction is reduced to the security of the anonymous IBE scheme, which is based on the Quadratic Residuosity assumption. The binding of biometric features to the user's identity is achieved similar to BIO-IBE, thus, preserving the advantages of its key generation procedure

    Trapdoor Hard-to-Invert Group Isomorphisms and Their Application to Password-based Authentication

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    In the security chain the weakest link is definitely the human one: human beings cannot remember long secrets and often resort to rather insecure solutions to keep track of their passwords or pass-phrases. For this reason it is very desirable to have protocols that do not require long passwords to guarantee security, even in the case in which exhaustive search is feasible. This is actually the goal of password-based key exchange protocols, secure against off-line dictionary attacks: two people share a password (possibly a very small one, say a 4-digit number), and after the protocol execution, they end up sharing a large secret session key (known to both of them, but nobody else). Then an adversary attacking the system should try several connections (on average 5000 for the above short password) in order to be able to get the correct password. Such a large number of erroneous connections can be prevented by various means. Our results can be highlighted as follows. First we define a new primitive that we call trapdoor hard-to-invert group isomorphisms, and give some candidates. Then we present a generic password-based key exchange construction that admits a security proof assuming that these objects exist. Finally, we instantiate our general scheme with some concrete examples, such as the Diffie–Hellman function and the RSA function, but more interestingly the modular square-root function, which leads to the first scheme with security related to the integer factorization problem. Furthermore, the latter variant is very efficient for one party (the server). Our results hold in the random-oracle model