12 research outputs found

    Geodesics, Parallel Transport & One-parameter Subgroups for Diffeomorphic Image Registration

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    International audienceThe aim of computational anatomy is to develop models for understanding the physiology of organs and tissues. The diffeomorphic non-rigid registration is a validated instrument for the detection of anatomical changes on medical images and is based on a rich mathematical background. For instance, the ''large deformation diffeomoprhic metric mapping'' framework defines a Riemannian setting by providing an opportune right invariant metric on the tangent space, and solves the registration problem by computing geodesics parametrized by time-varying velocity fields. In alternative, stationary velocity fields have been proposed for the diffeomorphic registration based on the one-parameter subgroups from Lie groups theory. In spite of the higher computational efficiency, the geometrical setting of the latter method is more vague, especially regarding the relationship between one-parameter subgroups and geodesics. In this study, we present the relevant properties of the Lie groups for the definition of geometrical properties within the one-parameter subgroups parametrization, and we define the geometrical structure for computing geodesics and for parallel transporting. The theorethical results are applied to the image registration context, and discussed in light of the practical computational problems

    Partial Differential Equation-Constrained Diffeomorphic Registration from Sum of Squared Differences to Normalized Cross-Correlation, Normalized Gradient Fields, and Mutual Information: A Unifying Framework; 35632143

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    This work proposes a unifying framework for extending PDE-constrained Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (PDE-LDDMM) with the sum of squared differences (SSD) to PDE-LDDMM with different image similarity metrics. We focused on the two best-performing variants of PDE-LDDMM with the spatial and band-limited parameterizations of diffeomorphisms. We derived the equations for gradient-descent and Gauss-Newton-Krylov (GNK) optimization with Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC), its local version (lNCC), Normalized Gradient Fields (NGFs), and Mutual Information (MI). PDE-LDDMM with GNK was successfully implemented for NCC and lNCC, substantially improving the registration results of SSD. For these metrics, GNK optimization outperformed gradient-descent. However, for NGFs, GNK optimization was not able to overpass the performance of gradient-descent. For MI, GNK optimization involved the product of huge dense matrices, requesting an unaffordable memory load. The extensive evaluation reported the band-limited version of PDE-LDDMM based on the deformation state equation with NCC and lNCC image similarities among the best performing PDE-LDDMM methods. In comparison with benchmark deep learning-based methods, our proposal reached or surpassed the accuracy of the best-performing models. In NIREP16, several configurations of PDE-LDDMM outperformed ANTS-lNCC, the best benchmark method. Although NGFs and MI usually underperformed the other metrics in our evaluation, these metrics showed potentially competitive results in a multimodal deformable experiment. We believe that our proposed image similarity extension over PDE-LDDMM will promote the use of physically meaningful diffeomorphisms in a wide variety of clinical applications depending on deformable image registration

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationNeurodegenerative diseases are an increasing health care problem in the United States. Quantitative neuroimaging provides a noninvasive method to illuminate individual variations in brain structure to better understand and diagnose these disorders. The overall objective of this research is to develop novel clinical tools that summarize and quantify changes in brain shape to not only help better understand age-appropriate changes but also, in the future, to dissociate structural changes associated with aging from those caused by dementing neurodegenerative disorders. Because the tools we will develop can be applied for individual assessment, achieving our goals could have a significant clinical impact. An accurate, practical objective summary measure of the brain pathology would augment current subjective visual interpretation of structural magnetic resonance images. Fractal dimension is a novel approach to image analysis that provides a quantitative measure of shape complexity describing the multiscale folding of the human cerebral cortex. Cerebral cortical folding reflects the complex underlying architectural features that evolve during brain development and degeneration including neuronal density, synaptic proliferation and loss, and gliosis. Building upon existing technology, we have developed innovative tools to compute global and local (voxel-wise and regional) cerebral cortical fractal dimensions and voxel-wise cortico-fractal surfaces from high-contrast MR images. Our previous research has shown that fractal dimension correlates with cognitive function and changes during the course of normal aging. We will now apply unbiased diffeomorphic atlasing methodology to dramatically improve the alignment of complex cortical surfaces. Our novel methods will create more accurate, detailed geometrically averaged images to take into account the intragroup differences and make statistical inferences about spatiotemporal changes in shape of the cerebral cortex across the adult human lifespan

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAn important aspect of medical research is the understanding of anatomy and its relation to function in the human body. For instance, identifying changes in the brain associated with cognitive decline helps in understanding the process of aging and age-related neurological disorders. The field of computational anatomy provides a rich mathematical setting for statistical analysis of complex geometrical structures seen in 3D medical images. At its core, computational anatomy is based on the representation of anatomical shape and its variability as elements of nonflat manifold of diffeomorphisms with an associated Riemannian structure. Although such manifolds effectively represent natural biological variability, intrinsic methods of statistical analysis within these spaces remain deficient at large. This dissertation contributes two critical missing pieces for statistics in diffeomorphisms: (1) multivariate regression models for cross-sectional study of shapes, and (2) generalization of classical Euclidean, mixed-effects models to manifolds for longitudinal studies. These models are based on the principle that statistics on manifold-valued information must respect the intrinsic geometry of that space. The multivariate regression methods provide statistical descriptors of the relationships of anatomy with clinical indicators. The novel theory of hierarchical geodesic models (HGMs) is developed as a natural generalization of hierarchical linear models (HLMs) to describe longitudinal data on curved manifolds. Using a hierarchy of geodesics, the HGMs address the challenge of modeling the shape-data with unbalanced designs typically arising as a result of follow-up medical studies. More generally, this research establishes a mathematical foundation to study dynamics of changes in anatomy and the associated clinical progression with time. This dissertation also provides efficient algorithms that utilize state-of-the-art high performance computing architectures to solve models on large-scale, longitudinal imaging data. These manifold-based methods are applied to predictive modeling of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Overall, this dissertation enables clinicians and researchers to better utilize the structural information available in medical images

    Statistical modeling of interfractional tissue deformation and its application in radiation therapy planning

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    In radiation therapy, interfraction organ motion introduces a level of geometric uncertainty into the planning process. Plans, which are typically based upon a single instance of anatomy, must be robust against daily anatomical variations. For this problem, a model of the magnitude, direction, and likelihood of deformation is useful. In this thesis, principal component analysis (PCA) is used to statistically model the 3D organ motion for 19 prostate cancer patients, each with 8-13 fractional computed tomography (CT) images. Deformable image registration and the resultant displacement vector fields (DVFs) are used to quantify the interfraction systematic and random motion. By applying the PCA technique to the random DVFs, principal modes of random tissue deformation were determined for each patient, and a method for sampling synthetic random DVFs was developed. The PCA model was then extended to describe the principal modes of systematic and random organ motion for the population of patients. A leave-one-out study tested both the systematic and random motion model’s ability to represent PCA training set DVFs. The random and systematic DVF PCA models allowed the reconstruction of these data with absolute mean errors between 0.5-0.9 mm and 1-2 mm, respectively. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this study is the first successful effort to build a fully 3D statistical PCA model of systematic tissue deformation in a population of patients. By sampling synthetic systematic and random errors, organ occupancy maps were created for bony and prostate-centroid patient setup processes. By thresholding these maps, PCA-based planning target volume (PTV) was created and tested against conventional margin recipes (van Herk for bony alignment and 5 mm fixed [3 mm posterior] margin for centroid alignment) in a virtual clinical trial for low-risk prostate cancer. Deformably accumulated delivered dose served as a surrogate for clinical outcome. For the bony landmark setup subtrial, the PCA PTV significantly (p30, D20, and D5 to bladder and D50 to rectum, while increasing rectal D20 and D5. For the centroid-aligned setup, the PCA PTV significantly reduced all bladder DVH metrics and trended to lower rectal toxicity metrics. All PTVs covered the prostate with the prescription dose

    Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Biological Shape Variability Modeling (MFCA 2013), Nagoya, Japan

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    International audienceComputational anatomy is an emerging discipline at the interface of geometry, statistics and image analysis which aims at modeling and analyzing the biological shape of tissues and organs. The goal is to estimate representative organ anatomies across diseases, populations, species or ages, to model the organ development across time (growth or aging), to establish their variability, and to correlate this variability information with other functional, genetic or structural information. The Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA) workshop aims at fostering the interactions between the mathematical community around shapes and the MICCAI community in view of computational anatomy applications. It targets more particularly researchers investigating the combination of statistical and geometrical aspects in the modeling of the variability of biological shapes. The workshop is a forum for the exchange of the theoretical ideas and aims at being a source of inspiration for new methodological developments in computational anatomy. A special emphasis is put on theoretical developments, applications and results being welcomed as illustrations. Following the first edition of this workshop in 2006, second edition in New-York in 2008, the third edition in Toronto in 2011, the forth edition was held in Nagoya Japan on September 22 2013