384 research outputs found

    Low-Rank Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Hybrid MIMO Systems

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    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is one of the fundamental technologies for 5G and beyond. The increased number of antenna elements at both the transmitter and the receiver translates into a large-dimension channel matrix. In addition, the power requirements for the massive MIMO systems are high, especially when fully digital transceivers are deployed. To address this challenge, hybrid analog-digital transceivers are considered a viable alternative. However, for hybrid systems, the number of observations during each channel use is reduced. The high dimensions of the channel matrix and the reduced number of observations make the channel estimation task challenging. Thus, channel estimation may require increased training overhead and higher computational complexity. The need for high data rates is increasing rapidly, forcing a shift of wireless communication towards higher frequency bands such as millimeter Wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz). The wireless channel at these bands is comprised of only a few dominant paths. This makes the channel sparse in the angular domain and the resulting channel matrix has a low rank. This thesis aims to provide channel estimation solutions benefiting from the low rankness and sparse nature of the channel. The motivation behind this thesis is to offer a desirable trade-off between training overhead and computational complexity while providing a desirable estimate of the channel

    Optimal Precoders for Tracking the AoD and AoA of a mm-Wave Path

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    In millimeter-wave channels, most of the received energy is carried by a few paths. Traditional precoders sweep the angle-of-departure (AoD) and angle-of-arrival (AoA) space with directional precoders to identify directions with largest power. Such precoders are heuristic and lead to sub-optimal AoD/AoA estimation. We derive optimal precoders, minimizing the Cram\'{e}r-Rao bound (CRB) of the AoD/AoA, assuming a fully digital architecture at the transmitter and spatial filtering of a single path. The precoders are found by solving a suitable convex optimization problem. We demonstrate that the accuracy can be improved by at least a factor of two over traditional precoders, and show that there is an optimal number of distinct precoders beyond which the CRB does not improve.Comment: Resubmission to IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. 12 pages and 9 figure

    Inductive Matrix Completion and Root-MUSIC-Based Channel Estimation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS)-Aided Hybrid MIMO Systems

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    This paper studies the estimation of cascaded channels in passive intelligent reflective surface (IRS)- aided multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems employing hybrid precoders and combiners. We propose a low-complexity solution that estimates the channel parameters progressively. The angles of departure (AoDs) and angles of arrival (AoAs) at the transmitter and receiver, respectively, are first estimated using inductive matrix completion (IMC) followed by root-MUSIC based super-resolution spectrum estimation. Forward-backward spatial smoothing (FBSS) is applied to address the coherence issue. Using the estimated AoAs and AoDs, the training precoders and combiners are then optimized and the angle differences between the AoAs and AoDs at the IRS are estimated using the least squares (LS) method followed by FBSS and the root-MUSIC algorithm. Finally, the composite path gains of the cascaded channel are estimated using on-grid sparse recovery with a small-size dictionary. The simulation results suggest that the proposed estimator can achieve improved channel parameter estimation performance with lower complexity as compared to several recently reported alternatives, thanks to the exploitation of the knowledge of the array responses and low-rankness of the channel using low-complexity algorithms at all the stages.Comment: Submitted to IEE

    Signal Processing in Arrayed MIMO Systems

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    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems, using antenna arrays at both receiver and transmitter, have shown great potential to provide high bandwidth utilization efficiency. Unlike other reported research on MIMO systems which often assumes independent antennas, in this thesis an arrayed MIMO system framework is proposed, which provides a richer description of the channel charac- teristics and additional degrees of freedom in designing communication systems. Firstly, the spatial correlated MIMO system is studied as an array-to-array system with each array (Tx or Rx) having predefined constrained aperture. The MIMO system is completely characterized by its transmit and receive array man- ifolds and a new spatial correlation model other than Kronecker-based model is proposed. As this model is based on array manifolds, it enables the study of the effect of array geometry on the capacity of correlated MIMO channels. Secondly, to generalize the proposed arrayed MIMO model to a frequency selective fading scenario, the framework of uplink MIMO DS-CDMA (Direct- Sequence Code Division Multiple Access) systems is developed. DOD estimation is developed based on transmit beamrotation. A subspace-based joint DOA/TOA estimation scheme as well as various spatial temporal reception algorithms is also proposed. Finally, the downlink MIMO-CDMA systems in multiple-access multipath fading channels are investigated. Linear precoder and decoder optimization problems are studied under different criterions. Optimization approaches with different power allocation schemes are investigated. Sub-optimization approaches with close-form solution and thus less computation complexity are also proposed

    Time-Frequency-Space Transmit Design and Signal Processing with Dynamic Subarray for Terahertz Integrated Sensing and Communication

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    Terahertz (THz) integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) enables simultaneous data transmission with Terabit-per-second (Tbps) rate and millimeter-level accurate sensing. To realize such a blueprint, ultra-massive antenna arrays with directional beamforming are used to compensate for severe path loss in the THz band. In this paper, the time-frequency-space transmit design is investigated for THz ISAC to generate time-varying scanning sensing beams and stable communication beams. Specifically, with the dynamic array-of-subarray (DAoSA) hybrid beamforming architecture and multi-carrier modulation, two ISAC hybrid precoding algorithms are proposed, namely, a vectorization (VEC) based algorithm that outperforms existing ISAC hybrid precoding methods and a low-complexity sensing codebook assisted (SCA) approach. Meanwhile, coupled with the transmit design, parameter estimation algorithms are proposed to realize high-accuracy sensing, including a wideband DAoSA MUSIC (W-DAoSA-MUSIC) method for angle estimation and a sum-DFT-GSS (S-DFT-GSS) approach for range and velocity estimation. Numerical results indicate that the proposed algorithms can realize centi-degree-level angle estimation accuracy and millimeter-level range estimation accuracy, which are one or two orders of magnitudes better than the methods in the millimeter-wave band. In addition, to overcome the cyclic prefix limitation and Doppler effects in the THz band, an inter-symbol interference- and inter-carrier interference-tackled sensing algorithm is developed to refine sensing capabilities for THz ISAC

    Localization and Tracking in Wireless MIMO Systems

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    Cyclic Prefix-Free MC-CDMA Arrayed MIMO Communication Systems

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    The objective of this thesis is to investigate MC-CDMA MIMO systems where the antenna array geometry is taken into consideration. In most MC-CDMA systems, cyclic pre xes, which reduce the spectral e¢ ciency, are used. In order to improve the spectral efficiency, this research study is focused on cyclic pre x- free MC-CDMA MIMO architectures. Initially, space-time wireless channel models are developed by considering the spatio-temporal mechanisms of the radio channel, such as multipath propaga- tion. The spatio-temporal channel models are based on the concept of the array manifold vector, which enables the parametric modelling of the channel. The array manifold vector is extended to the multi-carrier space-time array (MC-STAR) manifold matrix which enables the use of spatio-temporal signal processing techniques. Based on the modelling, a new cyclic pre x-free MC- CDMA arrayed MIMO communication system is proposed and its performance is compared with a representative existing system. Furthermore, a MUSIC-type algorithm is then developed for the estimation of the channel parameters of the received signal. This proposed cyclic pre x-free MC-CDMA arrayed MIMO system is then extended to consider the effects of spatial diffusion in the wireless channel. Spatial diffusion is an important channel impairment which is often ignored and the failure to consider such effects leads to less than satisfactory performance. A subspace-based approach is proposed for the estimation of the channel parameters and spatial spread and reception of the desired signal. Finally, the problem of joint optimization of the transmit and receive beam- forming weights in the downlink of a cyclic pre x-free MC-CDMA arrayed MIMO communication system is investigated. A subcarrier-cooperative approach is used for the transmit beamforming so that there is greater flexibility in the allocation of channel symbols. The resulting optimization problem, with a per-antenna transmit power constraint, is solved by the Lagrange multiplier method and an iterative algorithm is proposed

    Matrix Completion-Based Channel Estimation for MmWave Communication Systems With Array-Inherent Impairments

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    Hybrid massive MIMO structures with reduced hardware complexity and power consumption have been widely studied as a potential candidate for millimeter wave (mmWave) communications. Channel estimators that require knowledge of the array response, such as those using compressive sensing (CS) methods, may suffer from performance degradation when array-inherent impairments bring unknown phase errors and gain errors to the antenna elements. In this paper, we design matrix completion (MC)-based channel estimation schemes which are robust against the array-inherent impairments. We first design an open-loop training scheme that can sample entries from the effective channel matrix randomly and is compatible with the phase shifter-based hybrid system. Leveraging the low-rank property of the effective channel matrix, we then design a channel estimator based on the generalized conditional gradient (GCG) framework and the alternating minimization (AltMin) approach. The resulting estimator is immune to array-inherent impairments and can be implemented to systems with any array shapes for its independence of the array response. In addition, we extend our design to sample a transformed channel matrix following the concept of inductive matrix completion (IMC), which can be solved efficiently using our proposed estimator and achieve similar performance with a lower requirement of the dynamic range of the transmission power per antenna. Numerical results demonstrate the advantages of our proposed MC-based channel estimators in terms of estimation performance, computational complexity and robustness against array-inherent impairments over the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP)-based CS channel estimator.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl