15 research outputs found

    Looking for Transliterations in a Trilingual English, French and Japanese Specialised Comparable Corpus

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    International audienceTransliterations and cognates have been shown to be useful in the case of bilingual extraction from parallel corpora. Observation of transliterations in a trilingual English, French and Japanese specialised comparable corpus reveals evidences that they are likely to be used with comparable corpora too, since they are an important and relevant part of the common vocabulary, but they also yield links between Japanese and English/French corpora

    Computer Assisted Language Learning Based on Corpora and Natural Language Processing : The Experience of Project CANDLE

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    This paper describes Project CANDLE, an ongoing 3-year project which uses various corpora and NLP technologies to construct an online English learning environment for learners in Taiwan. This report focuses on the interim results obtained in the first eighteen months. First, an English-Chinese parallel corpus, Sinorama, was used as the main course material for reading, writing, and culture-based learning courses. Second, an online bilingual concordancer, TotalRecall, and a collocation reference tool, TANGO, were developed based on Sinorama and other corpora. Third, many online lessons, including extensive reading, verb-noun collocations, and vocabulary, were designed to be used alone or together with TotalRecall and TANGO. Fourth, an online collocation check program, MUST, was developed for detecting V-N miscollocation and suggesting adequate collocates in student’s writings based on the hypothesis of L1 interference and the database of BNC and the bilingual Sinorama Corpus. Other computational scaffoldings are under development. It is hoped that this project will help intermediate learners in Taiwan enhance their English proficiency with effective pedagogical approaches and versatile language reference tools

    Transliteration Systems Across Indian Languages Using Parallel Corpora

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    CNN based Cuneiform Sign Detection Learned from Annotated 3D Renderings and Mapped Photographs with Illumination Augmentation

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    Motivated by the challenges of the Digital Ancient Near Eastern Studies (DANES) community, we develop digital tools for processing cuneiform script being a 3D script imprinted into clay tablets used for more than three millennia and at least eight major languages. It consists of thousands of characters that have changed over time and space. Photographs are the most common representations usable for machine learning, while ink drawings are prone to interpretation. Best suited 3D datasets that are becoming available. We created and used the HeiCuBeDa and MaiCuBeDa datasets, which consist of around 500 annotated tablets. For our novel OCR-like approach to mixed image data, we provide an additional mapping tool for transferring annotations between 3D renderings and photographs. Our sign localization uses a RepPoints detector to predict the locations of characters as bounding boxes. We use image data from GigaMesh's MSII (curvature, see https://gigamesh.eu) based rendering, Phong-shaded 3D models, and photographs as well as illumination augmentation. The results show that using rendered 3D images for sign detection performs better than other work on photographs. In addition, our approach gives reasonably good results for photographs only, while it is best used for mixed datasets. More importantly, the Phong renderings, and especially the MSII renderings, improve the results on photographs, which is the largest dataset on a global scale.Comment: This paper was accepted to ICCV23 and includes the DOI for an Open Access Dataset with annotated cuneiform scrip

    Deep Aramaic: Towards a synthetic data paradigm enabling machine learning in epigraphy

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    Epigraphy is witnessing a growing integration of artificial intelligence, notably through its subfield of machine learning (ML), especially in tasks like extracting insights from ancient inscriptions. However, scarce labeled data for training ML algorithms severely limits current techniques, especially for ancient scripts like Old Aramaic. Our research pioneers an innovative methodology for generating synthetic training data tailored to Old Aramaic letters. Our pipeline synthesizes photo-realistic Aramaic letter datasets, incorporating textural features, lighting, damage, and augmentations to mimic real-world inscription diversity. Despite minimal real examples, we engineer a dataset of 250 000 training and 25 000 validation images covering the 22 letter classes in the Aramaic alphabet. This comprehensive corpus provides a robust volume of data for training a residual neural network (ResNet) to classify highly degraded Aramaic letters. The ResNet model demonstrates 95% accuracy in classifying real images from the 8th century BCE Hadad statue inscription. Additional experiments validate performance on varying materials and styles, proving effective generalization. Our results validate the model’s capabilities in handling diverse real-world scenarios, proving the viability of our synthetic data approach and avoiding the dependence on scarce training data that has constrained epigraphic analysis. Our innovative framework elevates interpretation accuracy on damaged inscriptions, thus enhancing knowledge extraction from these historical resources

    DeepScribe: Localization and Classification of Elamite Cuneiform Signs Via Deep Learning

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    Twenty-five hundred years ago, the paperwork of the Achaemenid Empire was recorded on clay tablets. In 1933, archaeologists from the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute (OI) found tens of thousands of these tablets and fragments during the excavation of Persepolis. Many of these tablets have been painstakingly photographed and annotated by expert cuneiformists, and now provide a rich dataset consisting of over 5,000 annotated tablet images and 100,000 cuneiform sign bounding boxes. We leverage this dataset to develop DeepScribe, a modular computer vision pipeline capable of localizing cuneiform signs and providing suggestions for the identity of each sign. We investigate the difficulty of learning subtasks relevant to cuneiform tablet transcription on ground-truth data, finding that a RetinaNet object detector can achieve a localization mAP of 0.78 and a ResNet classifier can achieve a top-5 sign classification accuracy of 0.89. The end-to-end pipeline achieves a top-5 classification accuracy of 0.80. As part of the classification module, DeepScribe groups cuneiform signs into morphological clusters. We consider how this automatic clustering approach differs from the organization of standard, printed sign lists and what we may learn from it. These components, trained individually, are sufficient to produce a system that can analyze photos of cuneiform tablets from the Achaemenid period and provide useful transliteration suggestions to researchers. We evaluate the model's end-to-end performance on locating and classifying signs, providing a roadmap to a linguistically-aware transliteration system, then consider the model's potential utility when applied to other periods of cuneiform writing.Comment: Currently under review in the ACM JOCC

    Do we need bigram alignment models? On the effect of alignment quality on transduction accuracy in G2P

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    Abstract We investigate the need for bigram alignment models and the benefit of supervised alignment techniques in graphemeto-phoneme (G2P) conversion. Moreover, we quantitatively estimate the relationship between alignment quality and overall G2P system performance. We find that, in English, bigram alignment models do perform better than unigram alignment models on the G2P task. Moreover, we find that supervised alignment techniques may perform considerably better than their unsupervised brethren and that few manually aligned training pairs suffice for them to do so. Finally, we estimate a highly significant impact of alignment quality on overall G2P transcription performance and that this relationship is linear in nature

    English/Russian lexical cognates detection using NLP Machine Learning with Python

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    Изучение языка – это замечательное занятие, которое расширяет наш кругозор и позволяет нам общаться с представителями различных культур и людей по всему миру. Традиционно языковое образование основывалось на традиционных методах, таких как учебники, словарный запас и языковой обмен. Однако с появлением машинного обучения наступила новая эра в обучении языку, предлагающая инновационные и эффективные способы ускорения овладения языком. Одним из интригующих применений машинного обучения в изучении языков является использование родственных слов, слов, которые имеют схожее значение и написание в разных языках. Для решения этой темы в данной исследовательской работе предлагается облегчить процесс изучения второго языка с помощью искусственного интеллекта, в частности нейронных сетей, которые могут идентифицировать и использовать слова, похожие или идентичные как на первом языке учащегося, так и на целевом языке. Эти слова, известные как лексические родственные слова, могут облегчить изучение языка, предоставляя учащимся знакомый ориентир и позволяя им связывать новый словарный запас со словами, которые они уже знают. Используя возможности нейронных сетей для обнаружения и использования этих родственных слов, учащиеся смогут ускорить свой прогресс в освоении второго языка. Хотя исследование семантического сходства в разных языках не является новой темой, наша цель состоит в том, чтобы применить другой подход для выявления русско-английских лексических родственных слов и представить полученные результаты в качестве инструмента изучения языка, используя выборку данных о лексическом и семантическом сходстве. между языками, чтобы построить модель обнаружения лексических родственных слов и ассоциаций слов. Впоследствии, в зависимости от нашего анализа и результатов, мы представим приложение для определения словесных ассоциаций, которое смогут использовать конечные пользователи. Учитывая, что русский и английский являются одними из наиболее распространенных языков в мире, а Россия является популярным местом для иностранных студентов со всего мира, это послужило значительной мотивацией для разработки инструмента искусственного интеллекта, который поможет людям, изучающим русский язык как англоговорящие, или изучающим английский язык. как русскоязычные.Language learning is a remarkable endeavor that expands our horizons and allows us to connect with diverse cultures and people around the world. Traditionally, language education has relied on conventional methods such as textbooks, vocabulary drills, and language exchanges. However, with the advent of machine learning, a new era has dawned upon language instruction, offering innovative and efficient ways to accelerate language acquisition. One intriguing application of machine learning in language learning is the utilization of cognates, words that share similar meanings and spellings across different languages. To address this subject, this research paper proposes to facilitate the process of acquiring a second language with the help of artificial intelligence, particularly neural networks, which can identify and use words that are similar or identical in both the learner's first language and the target language. These words, known as lexical cognates which can facilitate language learning by providing a familiar point of reference for the learner and enabling them to associate new vocabulary with words they already know. By leveraging the power of neural networks to detect and utilize these cognates, learners will be able to accelerate their progress in acquiring a second language. Although the study of semantic similarity across different languages is not a new topic, our objective is to adopt a different approach for identifying Russian-English Lexical cognates and present the obtained results as a language learning tool, by using the lexical and semantic similarity data sample across languages to build a lexical cognates detection and words association model. Subsequently, depend on our analysis and results, will present a word association application that can be utilized by end users. Given that Russian and English are among the most widely spoken languages globally and that Russia is a popular destination for international students from around the world, it served as a significant motivation to develop an AI tool to assist individuals learning Russian as English speakers or learning English as Russian speakers