70 research outputs found

    Reachability Preservers: New Extremal Bounds and Approximation Algorithms

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    We abstract and study \emph{reachability preservers}, a graph-theoretic primitive that has been implicit in prior work on network design. Given a directed graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) and a set of \emph{demand pairs} PV×VP \subseteq V \times V, a reachability preserver is a sparse subgraph HH that preserves reachability between all demand pairs. Our first contribution is a series of extremal bounds on the size of reachability preservers. Our main result states that, for an nn-node graph and demand pairs of the form PS×VP \subseteq S \times V for a small node subset SS, there is always a reachability preserver on O(n+nPS)O(n+\sqrt{n |P| |S|}) edges. We additionally give a lower bound construction demonstrating that this upper bound characterizes the settings in which O(n)O(n) size reachability preservers are generally possible, in a large range of parameters. The second contribution of this paper is a new connection between extremal graph sparsification results and classical Steiner Network Design problems. Surprisingly, prior to this work, the osmosis of techniques between these two fields had been superficial. This allows us to improve the state of the art approximation algorithms for the most basic Steiner-type problem in directed graphs from the O(n0.6+ε)O(n^{0.6+\varepsilon}) of Chlamatac, Dinitz, Kortsarz, and Laekhanukit (SODA'17) to O(n4/7+ε)O(n^{4/7+\varepsilon}).Comment: SODA '1

    Roundtrip Spanners with (2k-1) Stretch

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    A roundtrip spanner of a directed graph GG is a subgraph of GG preserving roundtrip distances approximately for all pairs of vertices. Despite extensive research, there is still a small stretch gap between roundtrip spanners in directed graphs and undirected graphs. For a directed graph with real edge weights in [1,W][1,W], we first propose a new deterministic algorithm that constructs a roundtrip spanner with (2k1)(2k-1) stretch and O(kn1+1/klog(nW))O(k n^{1+1/k}\log (nW)) edges for every integer k>1k> 1, then remove the dependence of size on WW to give a roundtrip spanner with (2k1)(2k-1) stretch and O(kn1+1/klogn)O(k n^{1+1/k}\log n) edges. While keeping the edge size small, our result improves the previous 2k+ϵ2k+\epsilon stretch roundtrip spanners in directed graphs [Roditty, Thorup, Zwick'02; Zhu, Lam'18], and almost matches the undirected (2k1)(2k-1)-spanner with O(n1+1/k)O(n^{1+1/k}) edges [Alth\"ofer et al. '93] when kk is a constant, which is optimal under Erd\"os conjecture.Comment: 12 page

    A simple online competitive adaptation of Lempel-Ziv compression with efficient random access support

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    We present a simple adaptation of the Lempel Ziv 78' (LZ78) compression scheme ({\em IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1978}) that supports efficient random access to the input string. Namely, given query access to the compressed string, it is possible to efficiently recover any symbol of the input string. The compression algorithm is given as input a parameter \eps >0, and with very high probability increases the length of the compressed string by at most a factor of (1+\eps). The access time is O(\log n + 1/\eps^2) in expectation, and O(\log n/\eps^2) with high probability. The scheme relies on sparse transitive-closure spanners. Any (consecutive) substring of the input string can be retrieved at an additional additive cost in the running time of the length of the substring. We also formally establish the necessity of modifying LZ78 so as to allow efficient random access. Specifically, we construct a family of strings for which Ω(n/logn)\Omega(n/\log n) queries to the LZ78-compressed string are required in order to recover a single symbol in the input string. The main benefit of the proposed scheme is that it preserves the online nature and simplicity of LZ78, and that for {\em every} input string, the length of the compressed string is only a small factor larger than that obtained by running LZ78

    Network Design Problems with Bounded Distances via Shallow-Light Steiner Trees

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    In a directed graph GG with non-correlated edge lengths and costs, the \emph{network design problem with bounded distances} asks for a cost-minimal spanning subgraph subject to a length bound for all node pairs. We give a bi-criteria (2+ε,O(n0.5+ε))(2+\varepsilon,O(n^{0.5+\varepsilon}))-approximation for this problem. This improves on the currently best known linear approximation bound, at the cost of violating the distance bound by a factor of at most~2+ε2+\varepsilon. In the course of proving this result, the related problem of \emph{directed shallow-light Steiner trees} arises as a subproblem. In the context of directed graphs, approximations to this problem have been elusive. We present the first non-trivial result by proposing a (1+ε,O(Rε))(1+\varepsilon,O(|R|^{\varepsilon}))-ap\-proxi\-ma\-tion, where RR are the terminals. Finally, we show how to apply our results to obtain an (α+ε,O(n0.5+ε))(\alpha+\varepsilon,O(n^{0.5+\varepsilon}))-approximation for \emph{light-weight directed α\alpha-spanners}. For this, no non-trivial approximation algorithm has been known before. All running times depends on nn and ε\varepsilon and are polynomial in nn for any fixed ε>0\varepsilon>0

    Efficient and Simple Algorithms for Fault Tolerant Spanners

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    It was recently shown that a version of the greedy algorithm gives a construction of fault-tolerant spanners that is size-optimal, at least for vertex faults. However, the algorithm to construct this spanner is not polynomial-time, and the best-known polynomial time algorithm is significantly suboptimal. Designing a polynomial-time algorithm to construct (near-)optimal fault-tolerant spanners was given as an explicit open problem in the two most recent papers on fault-tolerant spanners ([Bodwin, Dinitz, Parter, Vassilevka Williams SODA '18] and [Bodwin, Patel PODC '19]). We give a surprisingly simple algorithm which runs in polynomial time and constructs fault-tolerant spanners that are extremely close to optimal (off by only a linear factor in the stretch) by modifying the greedy algorithm to run in polynomial time. To complement this result, we also give simple distributed constructions in both the LOCAL and CONGEST models.Comment: 15 pages. Appeared at PODC 2020. This revision improves the running time slightly and incorporates reviewer comment

    Lowest Degree k-Spanner: Approximation and Hardness

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    A k-spanner is a subgraph in which distances are approximately preserved, up to some given stretch factor k. We focus on the following problem: Given a graph and a value k, can we find a k-spanner that minimizes the maximum degree? While reasonably strong bounds are known for some spanner problems, they almost all involve minimizing the total number of edges. Switching the objective to the degree introduces significant new challenges, and currently the only known approximation bound is an O~(Delta^(3-2*sqrt(2)))-approximation for the special case when k = 2 [Chlamtac, Dinitz, Krauthgamer FOCS 2012] (where Delta is the maximum degree in the input graph). In this paper we give the first non-trivial algorithm and polynomial-factor hardness of approximation for the case of general k. Specifically, we give an LP-based O~(Delta^((1-1/k)^2) )-approximation and prove that it is hard to approximate the optimum to within Delta^Omega(1/k) when the graph is undirected, and to within Delta^Omega(1) when it is directed