1,983 research outputs found

    Denjoy constructions for fibred homeomorphisms of the torus

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    We construct different types of quasiperiodically forced circle homeomorphisms with transitive but non-minimal dynamics. Concerning the recent Poincar\'e-like classification for this class of maps of Jaeger-Stark, we demonstrate that transitive but non-minimal behaviour can occur in each of the different cases. This closes one of the last gaps in the topological classification. Actually, we are able to get some transitive quasiperiodically forced circle homeomorphisms with rather complicated minimal sets. For example, we show that, in some of the examples we construct, the unique minimal set is a Cantor set and its intersection with each vertical fibre is uncountable and nowhere dense (but may contain isolated points). We also prove that minimal sets of the later kind cannot occur when the dynamics are given by the projective action of a quasiperiodic SL(2,R)-cocycle. More precisely, we show that, for a quasiperiodic SL(2,R)-cocycle, any minimal strict subset of the torus either is a union of finitely many continuous curves, or contains at most two points on generic fibres

    Topological conjugation classes of tightly transitive subgroups of Homeo+(S1)\text{Homeo}_{+}(\mathbb{S}^1)

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    Let Homeo+(S1)\text{Homeo}_{+}(\mathbb{S}^1) denote the group of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the circle S1\mathbb{S}^1. A subgroup GG of Homeo+(S1)\text{Homeo}_{+}(\mathbb{S}^1) is tightly transitive if it is topologically transitive and no subgroup HH of GG with [G:H]=∞[G: H]=\infty has this property; is almost minimal if it has at most countably many nontransitive points. In the paper, we determine all the topological conjugation classes of tightly transitive and almost minimal subgroups of Homeo+(S1)\text{Homeo}_{+}(\mathbb{S}^1) which are isomorphic to Zn\mathbb{Z}^n for any integer n≥2n\geq 2.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Homogeneous Transformation Groups of the Sphere

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    In this paper, we study the structure of homogeneous subgroups of the homeomorphism group of the sphere, which are defined as closed groups of homeomorphisms of the sphere that contain the rotation group. We prove two structure theorems about the behaviour and properties of such groups and present a diagram of the structure of these groups partly on the basis of these results. In addition, we prove a number of explicit relations between the groups in the diagram.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by an irreconcilable difference of opinion between the authors on its presentation and content

    Surface homeomorphisms : the interplay between topology, geometry and dynamics

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    In this thesis we study certain classes of surface homeomorphisms and in particular the interplay between the topology of the underlying surface and topological, geometrical and dynamical properties of the homeomorphisms. We study three problems in three independent chapters: The first problem is to describe the minimal sets of non-resonant torus homeomorphisms, i.e. those homeomorphisms which are in a sense close to a minimal translation of the torus. We study the possible minimal sets that such a homeomorphism can admit, uniqueness of minimal sets and their relation with other limit sets. Further, we give examples of homeomorphisms to illustrate the possible dynamics. In a sense, this study is a two-dimensional analogue of H. Poincar´e’s study of orbit structures of orientation preserving circle homeomorphisms without periodic points. The second problem concerns the interplay between smoothness of surface diffeomorphisms, entropy and the existence of wandering domains. Every surface admits homeomorphisms with positive entropy that permutes a dense collection of domains that have bounded geometry. However, we show that at a certain level of differentiability it becomes impossible for a diffeomorphism of a surface to have positive entropy and permute a dense collection of domains that has bounded geometry. The third problem concerns quasiconformal homogeneity of surfaces; i.e., whether a surface admits a transitive family of quasiconformal homeomorphisms, with an upper bound on the maximal distortion of these homeomorphisms. In the setting of hyperbolic surfaces, this turns out to be a very intriguing question. Our main result states that there exists a universal lower bound on the maximal dilatation of elements of a transitive family of quasiconformal homeomorphisms on a hyperbolic surface of genus zero

    The C*-algebra of an affine map on the 3-torus

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    We study the C*-algebra of an affine map on a compact abelian group and give necessary and sufficient conditions for strong transitivity when the group is a torus. The structure of the C*-algebra is completely determined for all strongly transitive affine maps on a torus of dimension one, two or three

    Construction of curious minimal uniquely ergodic homeomorphisms on manifolds: the Denjoy-Rees technique

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    Mary Rees has constructed a minimal homeomorphism of the 2-torus with positive topological entropy. This homeomorphism f is obtained by enriching the dynamics of an irrational rotation R. We improve Rees construction, allowing to start with any homeomorphism R instead of an irrational rotation and to control precisely the measurable dynamics of f. This yields in particular the following result: Any compact manifold of dimension d>1 which carries a minimal uniquely ergodic homeomorphism also carries a minimal uniquely ergodic homeomorphism with positive topological entropy. More generally, given some homeomorphism R of a (compact) manifold and some homeomorphism h of a Cantor set, we construct a homeomorphism f which "looks like" R from the topological viewpoint and "looks like" R*h from the measurable viewpoint. This construction can be seen as a partial answer to the following realisability question: which measurable dynamical systems are represented by homeomorphisms on manifolds
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