30 research outputs found

    Multiword expressions at length and in depth

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    The annual workshop on multiword expressions takes place since 2001 in conjunction with major computational linguistics conferences and attracts the attention of an ever-growing community working on a variety of languages, linguistic phenomena and related computational processing issues. MWE 2017 took place in Valencia, Spain, and represented a vibrant panorama of the current research landscape on the computational treatment of multiword expressions, featuring many high-quality submissions. Furthermore, MWE 2017 included the first shared task on multilingual identification of verbal multiword expressions. The shared task, with extended communal work, has developed important multilingual resources and mobilised several research groups in computational linguistics worldwide. This book contains extended versions of selected papers from the workshop. Authors worked hard to include detailed explanations, broader and deeper analyses, and new exciting results, which were thoroughly reviewed by an internationally renowned committee. We hope that this distinctly joint effort will provide a meaningful and useful snapshot of the multilingual state of the art in multiword expressions modelling and processing, and will be a point point of reference for future work

    Learning Chinese language structures with multiple views

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    Motivated by the inadequacy of single view approaches in many areas in NLP, we study multi-view Chinese language processing, including word segmentation, part-of-speech (POS) tagging, syntactic parsing and semantic role labeling (SRL), in this thesis. We consider three situations of multiple views in statistical NLP: (1) Heterogeneous computational models have been designed for a given problem; (2) Heterogeneous annotation data is available to train systems; (3) Supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques are applicable. First, we comparatively analyze successful single view approaches for Chinese lexical, syntactic and semantic processing. Our analysis highlights the diversity between heterogenous systems built on different views, and motivates us to improve the state-of-the-art by combining or integrating heterogeneous approaches. Second, we study the annotation ensemble problem, i.e. learning from multiple data sets under different annotation standards. We propose a series of generalized stacking models to effectively utilize heterogeneous labeled data to reduce approximation errors for word segmentation and parsing. Finally, we are concerned with bridging the gap between unsupervised and supervised learning paradigms. We introduce feature induction solutions that harvest useful linguistic knowledge from large-scale unlabeled data and effectively use them as new features to enhance discriminative learning based systems. For word segmentation, we present a comparative study of word-based and character-based approaches. Inspired by the diversity of the two views, we design a novel stacked sub-word tagging model for joint word segmentation and POS tagging, which is robust to integrate different models, even models trained on heterogeneous annotations. To benefit from unsupervised word segmentation, we derive expressive string knowledge from unlabeled data which significantly enhances a strong supervised segmenter. For POS tagging, we introduce two linguistically motivated improvements: (1) combining syntax-free sequential tagging and syntax-based chart parsing results to better capture syntagmatic lexical relations and (2) integrating word clusters acquired from unlabeled data to better capture paradigmatic lexical relations. For syntactic parsing, we present a comparative analysis for generative PCFG-LA constituency parsing and discriminative graph-based dependency parsing. To benefit from the diversity of parsing in different formalisms, we implement a previously introduced stacking method and propose a novel Bagging model to combine complementary strengths of grammar-free and grammar-based models. In addition to the study on the syntactic formalism, we also propose a reranking model to explore heterogenous treebanks that are labeled under different annotation scheme. Finally, we continue our efforts on combining strengths of supervised and unsupervised learning, and evaluate the impact of word clustering on different syntactic processing tasks. Our work on SRL focus on improving the full parsing method with linguistically rich features and a chunking strategy. Furthermore, we developed a partial parsing based semantic chunking method, which has complementary strengths to the full parsing based method. Based on our work, Zhuang and Zong (2010) successfully improve the state-of-the-art by combining full and partial parsing based SRL systems.Motiviert durch die Unzulänglichkeit der Ansätze mit dem einzigen Ansicht in vielen Bereichen in NLP, untersuchen wir Chinesische Sprache Verarbeitung mit mehrfachen Ansichten, einschließlich Wortsegmentierung, Part-of-Speech (POS)-Tagging und syntaktische Parsing und die Kennzeichnung der semantische Rolle (SRL) in dieser Arbeit . Wir betrachten drei Situationen von mehreren Ansichten in der statistischen NLP: (1) Heterogene computergestützte Modelle sind für ein gegebenes Problem entwurft, (2) Heterogene Annotationsdaten sind verfügbar, um die Systeme zu trainieren, (3) überwachten und unüberwachten Methoden des maschinellen Lernens sind zur Verfügung gestellt. Erstens, wir analysieren vergleichsweise erfolgreiche Ansätze mit einzigen Ansicht für chinesische lexikalische, syntaktische und semantische Verarbeitung. Unsere Analyse zeigt die Unterschiede zwischen den heterogenen Systemen, die auf verschiedenen Ansichten gebaut werden, und motiviert uns, die state-of-the-Art durch die Kombination oder Integration heterogener Ansätze zu verbessern. Zweitens, untersuchen wir die Annotation Ensemble Problem, d.h. das Lernen aus mehreren Datensätzen unter verschiedenen Annotation Standards. Wir schlagen eine Reihe allgemeiner Stapeln Modelle, um eine effektive Nutzung heterogener Daten zu beschriften, und um Approximationsfehler für Wort Segmentierung und Analyse zu reduzieren. Schließlich sind wir besorgt mit der Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen unüberwachten und überwachten Lernens Paradigmen. Wir führen Induktion Feature-Lösungen, die nützliche Sprachkenntnisse von großflächigen unmarkierter Daten ernte, und die effektiv nutzen als neue Features, um die unterscheidenden Lernen basierten Systemen zu verbessern. Für die Wortsegmentierung, präsentieren wir eine vergleichende Studie der Wort-basierte und Charakter-basierten Ansätzen. Inspiriert von der Vielfalt der beiden Ansichten, entwerfen wir eine neuartige gestapelt Sub-Wort-Tagging-Modell für gemeinsame Wort-Segmentierung und POS-Tagging, die robust ist, um verschiedene Modelle zu integrieren, auch Modelle auf heterogenen Annotationen geschult. Um den unbeaufsichtigten Wortsegmentierung zu profitieren, leiten wir ausdrucksstarke Zeichenfolge Wissen von unmarkierten Daten. Diese Methode hat eine überwachte Methode erheblich verbessert. Für POS-Tagging, führen wir zwei linguistisch motiviert Verbesserungen: (1) die Kombination von Syntaxfreie sequentielle Tagging und Syntaxbasierten Grafik-Parsing-Ergebnisse, um syntagmatische lexikalische Beziehungen besser zu erfassen (2) die Integration von Wortclusteren von nicht markierte Daten, um die paradigmatische lexikalische Beziehungen besser zu erfassen. Für syntaktische Parsing präsentieren wir eine vergleichenbare Analyse für generative PCFG-LA Wahlkreis Parsing und diskriminierende Graphen-basierte Abhängigkeit Parsing. Um aus der Vielfalt der Parsen in unterschiedlichen Formalismen zu profitieren, setzen wir eine zuvor eingeführte Stacking-Methode und schlagen eine neuartige Schrumpfbeutel-Modell vor, um die ergänzenden Stärken der Grammatik und Grammatik-free-basierte Modelle zu kombinieren. Neben dem syntaktischen Formalismus, wir schlagen auch ein Modell, um heterogene reranking Baumbanken, die unter verschiedenen Annotationsschema beschriftet sind zu erkunden. Schließlich setzen wir unsere Bemühungen auf die Bündelung von Stärken des überwachten und unüberwachten Lernen, und bewerten wir die Auswirkungen der Wort-Clustering auf verschiedene syntaktische Verarbeitung Aufgaben. Unsere Arbeit an SRL ist konzentriert auf die Verbesserung der vollen Parsingsmethode mit linguistischen umfangreichen Funktionen und einer Chunkingstrategie. Weiterhin entwickelten wir eine semantische Chunkingmethode basiert auf dem partiellen Parsing, die die komplementäre Stärken gegen die die Methode basiert auf dem vollen Parsing hat. Basiert auf unserer Arbeit, Zhuang und Zong (2010) hat den aktuelle Stand erfolgreich verbessert durch die Kombination von voll-und partielle-Parsing basierte SRL Systeme

    Extended papers from the MWE 2017 workshop

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    The annual workshop on multiword expressions takes place since 2001 in conjunction with major computational linguistics conferences and attracts the attention of an ever-growing community working on a variety of languages, linguistic phenomena and related computational processing issues. MWE 2017 took place in Valencia, Spain, and represented a vibrant panorama of the current research landscape on the computational treatment of multiword expressions, featuring many high-quality submissions. Furthermore, MWE 2017 included the first shared task on multilingual identification of verbal multiword expressions. The shared task, with extended communal work, has developed important multilingual resources and mobilised several research groups in computational linguistics worldwide. This book contains extended versions of selected papers from the workshop. Authors worked hard to include detailed explanations, broader and deeper analyses, and new exciting results, which were thoroughly reviewed by an internationally renowned committee. We hope that this distinctly joint effort will provide a meaningful and useful snapshot of the multilingual state of the art in multiword expressions modelling and processing, and will be a point point of reference for future work

    Question-driven text summarization with extractive-abstractive frameworks

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    Automatic Text Summarisation (ATS) is becoming increasingly important due to the exponential growth of textual content on the Internet. The primary goal of an ATS system is to generate a condensed version of the key aspects in the input document while minimizing redundancy. ATS approaches are extractive, abstractive, or hybrid. The extractive approach selects the most important sentences in the input document(s) and then concatenates them to form the summary. The abstractive approach represents the input document(s) in an intermediate form and then constructs the summary using different sentences than the originals. The hybrid approach combines both the extractive and abstractive approaches. The query-based ATS selects the information that is most relevant to the initial search query. Question-driven ATS is a technique to produce concise and informative answers to specific questions using a document collection. In this thesis, a novel hybrid framework is proposed for question-driven ATS taking advantage of extractive and abstractive summarisation mechanisms. The framework consists of complementary modules that work together to generate an effective summary: (1) discovering appropriate non-redundant sentences as plausible answers using a multi-hop question answering system based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), multi-head attention mechanism and reasoning process; and (2) a novel paraphrasing Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model based on transformers rewrites the extracted sentences in an abstractive setup. In addition, a fusing mechanism is proposed for compressing the sentence pairs selected by a next sentence prediction model in the paraphrased summary. Extensive experiments on various datasets are performed, and the results show the model can outperform many question-driven and query-based baseline methods. The proposed model is adaptable to generate summaries for the questions in the closed domain and open domain. An online summariser demo is designed based on the proposed model for the industry use to process the technical text

    Semantic consistency in text generation

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    Automatic input-grounded text generation tasks process input texts and generate human-understandable natural language text for the processed information. The development of neural sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models, which are usually trained in an end-to-end fashion, pushed the frontier of the performance on text generation tasks expeditiously. However, they are claimed to be defective in semantic consistency w.r.t. their corresponding input texts. Also, not only the models are to blame. The corpora themselves always include examples whose output is semantically inconsistent to its input. Any model that is agnostic to such data divergence issues will be prone to semantic inconsistency. Meanwhile, the most widely-used overlap-based evaluation metrics comparing the generated texts to their corresponding references do not evaluate the input-output semantic consistency explicitly, which makes this problem hard to detect. In this thesis, we focus on studying semantic consistency in three automatic text generation scenarios: Data-to-text Generation, Single Document Abstractive Summarization, and Chit-chat Dialogue Generation, by seeking for the answers to the following research questions: (1) how to define input-output semantic consistency in different text generation tasks? (2) how to quantitatively evaluate the input-output semantic consistency? (3) how to achieve better semantic consistency in individual tasks? We systematically define the semantic inconsistency phenomena in these three tasks as omission, intrinsic hallucination, and extrinsic hallucination. For Data-to-text Generation, we jointly learn a sentence planner that tightly controls which part of input source gets generated in what sequence, with a neural seq2seq text generator, to decrease all three types of semantic inconsistency in model-generated texts. The evaluation results confirm that the texts generated by our model contain much less omissions while maintaining low level of extrinsic hallucinations without sacrificing fluency compared to seq2seq models. For Single Document Abstractive Summarization, we reduce the level of extrinsic hallucinations in training data by automatically introducing assisting articles to each document-summary instance to provide the supplemental world-knowledge that is present in the summary but missing from the doc ument. With the help of a novel metric, we show that seq2seq models trained with as sisting articles demonstrate less extrinsic hallucinations than the ones trained without them. For Chit-chat Dialogue Generation, by filtering out the omitted and hallucinated examples from training set using a newly introduced evaluation metric, and encoding it into the neural seq2seq response generation models as a control factor, we diminish the level of omissions and extrinsic hallucinations in the generated dialogue responses

    Modular Deep Learning

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    Transfer learning has recently become the dominant paradigm of machine learning. Pre-trained models fine-tuned for downstream tasks achieve better performance with fewer labelled examples. Nonetheless, it remains unclear how to develop models that specialise towards multiple tasks without incurring negative interference and that generalise systematically to non-identically distributed tasks. Modular deep learning has emerged as a promising solution to these challenges. In this framework, units of computation are often implemented as autonomous parameter-efficient modules. Information is conditionally routed to a subset of modules and subsequently aggregated. These properties enable positive transfer and systematic generalisation by separating computation from routing and updating modules locally. We offer a survey of modular architectures, providing a unified view over several threads of research that evolved independently in the scientific literature. Moreover, we explore various additional purposes of modularity, including scaling language models, causal inference, programme induction, and planning in reinforcement learning. Finally, we report various concrete applications where modularity has been successfully deployed such as cross-lingual and cross-modal knowledge transfer. Related talks and projects to this survey, are available at https://www.modulardeeplearning.com/

    Great expectations: unsupervised inference of suspense, surprise and salience in storytelling

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    Stories interest us not because they are a sequence of mundane and predictable events but because they have drama and tension. Crucial to creating dramatic and exciting stories are surprise and suspense. Likewise, certain events are key to the plot and more important than others. Importance is referred to as salience. Inferring suspense, surprise and salience are highly challenging for computational systems. It is difficult because all these elements require a strong comprehension of the characters and their motivations, places, changes over time, and the cause/effect of complex interactions. Recently advances in machine learning (often called deep learning) have substantially improved in many language-related tasks, including story comprehension and story writing. Most of these systems rely on supervision; that is, huge numbers of people need to tag large quantities of data to tell the system what to teach these systems. An example would be tagging which events are suspenseful. It is highly inflexible and costly. Instead, the thesis trains a series of deep learning models via only reading stories, a self-supervised (or unsupervised) system. Narrative theory methods (rules and procedures) are applied to the knowledge built into the deep learning models to directly infer salience, surprise, and salience in stories. Extensions add memory and external knowledge from story plots and from Wikipedia to infer salience on novels such as Great Expectations and plays such as Macbeth. Other work adapts the models as a planning system for generating new stories. The thesis finds that applying the narrative theory to deep learning models can align with the typical reader. In follow up work, the insights could help improve computer models for tasks such as automatic story writing, assistance for writing, summarising or editing stories. Moreover, the approach of applying narrative theory to the inherent qualities built in a system that learns itself (self-supervised) from reading from books, watching videos, listening to audio is much cheaper and more adaptable to other domains and tasks. Progress is swift in improving self-supervised systems. As such, the thesis's relevance is that applying domain expertise with these systems may be a more productive approach in many areas of interest for applying machine learning