230 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of packet radio networks

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    The first ground wireless packet switching radio network, named the ALOHA network, was implemented in the early 1970s at University of Hawaii. The most distinct features of a packet radio network are: (1) the absence of physical connections between users, (2) the sharing of a common transmission medium, and (3) the broadcasting capability of each user. Today, the packet radio network technology is widely used in a variety of civilian as well as military applications;The throughput of a packet radio network is defined as the percentage of time the channel carries good packets. It is largely determined by the channel access method, the signal propagation characteristics, and the capture effect at a receiver. In this dissertation, we present two packet radio network models under the Slotted ALOHA channel access method and a capture model which is based on the relative strength of signal powers of the desired packet and the interfering packets;The first model is a single-hop network with a central station and finite number of users randomly distributed in a limited area. All the users communicate with each other through the central station, which is within one hop distance of all users. Given a density distribution function for the distance of a user, we show that there is an optimal transmission probability which maximizes the throughput of the network. Also, under a light traffic load, the throughput of a remote user is relatively insensitive to its distance from the station;The second model is a multi-hop network where a user is equipped with a directional antenna and not every user can directly communicate with every other else. As a result, a user communicates with another user either directly in a single hop or through some intermediate users in multiple hops. The location of all users is modeled by a two-dimensional Poisson process with an average of [lambda] users per unit area. By balancing the transmission probability and the antenna beam width, we show that the maximum hop-by-hop progress of a packet can be achieved when the transmitter and the receiver are separated by an optimal distance

    Maximizing the stable throughput of heterogeneous nodes under airtime fairness in a CSMA environment

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    The stability region of non-persistent CSMA is analyzed in a general heterogeneous network, where stations have different mean packet arrival rates, packet transmission times probability distributions and transmission probabilities. The considered model of CSMA captures the behavior of the well known CSMA/CA, at least as far as stability and throughput evaluation are concerned. The analysis is done both with and without collision detection. Given the characterization of the stability region, throughput-optimal transmission probabilities are identified under airtime fairness, establishing asymptotic upper and lower bounds of the maximum achievable stable throughput. The bounds turn out to be insensitive to the probability distribution of packet transmission times. Numerical results highlight that the obtained bounds are tight not only asymptotically, but also for essentially all values of the number of stations. The insight gained leads to the definition of a distributed adaptive algorithm to adjust the transmission probabilities of stations so as to attain the maximum stable throughput

    Cognitive Media Access Control

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    Investigation of the consumer electronics bus

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    The objectives of this dissertation are to investigate the performance of the Consumer Electronics Bus (CEBus) and to develop a theoretical formulation of the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Contention Detection and Contention Resolution (CSMA/CDCR) with three priority classes protocol utilized by the CEBus A new priority channel assigned multiple access with embedded priority resolution (PAMA/PR) theoretical model is formulated. It incorporates the main features of the CEBus with three priority classes. The analytical results for throughput and delay obtained by this formulation were compared to simulation experiments. A close agreement has been found thus validated both theory and simulation models Moreover, the performance of the CEBus implemented with two physical media, the power line (PL) and twisted pair (TP) communication lines, was investigated by measuring message and channel throughputs and mean packet and message delays. The router was modeled as a node which can handle three priority levels simultaneously. Satisfactory performance was obtained. Finally, a gateway joining the CEBus to ISDN was designed and its perfor-mance was evaluated. This gateway provides access to ISDN-based services to the CEBus. The ISDN and CEBus system network architecture, gateway wiring, and data and signaling interface between the CEBus and ISDN were designed, analyzed, and discussed. Again, satisfactory performance was found

    Modelling interference in a CSMA/CA wireless network

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    The determining of optimum protocol strategies for half-duplex telemetry communication links

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    Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Though not so prominent as the wide band, high speed, mainstream development of data communication networks, cost and particular bandwidth limitations, still ensure extensive and continuing use of low-speed, half-duplex data link equipment. Most of these applications are radio based and aimed towards telemetry systems serving a wide range of utilities. Experience has shown that systems engineering for this type of installation, is seldom undertaken to a satisfactory analytical level. Investigation of published analyses of CSMA protocols in general, has indicated scope of extension of theoretical work to include system parameters for the type of protocol investigated in this dissertation. This dissertation describes the mathematical modeling of such a strategy by utilising a significantly modified, finite source, transition state-matrix approach derived from queueing theory. The contribution of the dissertation is to include system overhead parameters, such as backoff strategy, channel noise, equipment rise times, propagation- and retry delays, into the abovementioned model. The latter provides a relatively straightforward and readily applicable method for system analysis and performance prediction. A further contribution is the presentation of a software emulation with which different strategies could be simulated, allowing for adjustment of all design parameters. The simulation is intended for parallel and confimatory use with the theoretical model. A dual set of tools, theoretical and emulation based, is thus contributed to assist with the system design, performance prediction and protocol selection process.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel nie so prominent soos die wyeband, hoëspoed, hoofstroom ontwikkeling van datakommunikasie netwerke nie, verseker koste en spesifieke bandwydte beperkings nog die uitgebreide en voortdurende gebruik van laespoed half-dupleks data verbindingstoerusting. Meeste van die toepassings is radio gebaseer en gerig op telemetriestelsels wat deur 'n wye verskeidenheid diensverskaffers benut word. Stelselontwerp vir hierdie tipe installasies word selde op analitiese vlak benader. Ondersoek van gepubliseerde analises van kontensieprotokolle in die algemeen, het ruimte aangetoon vir die uitbreiding van bestaande teoretiese werk om stelselveranderlikes soos van toepassing op die tipe protokol in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek, in te sluit. Hierdie proefskrif beskryf die wiskundige modelering van sodanige strategie, deur gebruik te maak van 'n beduidend veranderde eindige bron, oorgangs-toestandmatriks benadering, afgelei van touteorie. Die bydrae van hierdie proefskrif is die insluiting van oorhoofse stelselveranderlikes, soos herhaal strategie, kanaalruis, toerusting stygtye, herhaal- en voortplantingsvertragings, in bogenoemde model. Laasgenoemde verskaf 'n relatief eenvoudige en maklik toepasbare metode vir stelselanalise en werkverrigtingvoorspelling. 'n Verder bydrae is die daarstelling van 'n sagteware simulasie waarmee verskillende strategieë nageboots kan word. Verstelling van alle ontwerpparameters word ondersteun. Die simulasie is bedoel vir parallelle en bevestigende gebruik tesame met die teoretiese model. 'n Dubbele, teoreties- en simulasie gebaseerde benadering, word dus aangebied vir gebruik by stelselontwerp, gedragsvoorspelling en optimale protokolseleksie

    Performance of a Busy-Tone Approach on 802.11 Wireless Network

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    The big evolution of modem applications in the wireless networks domain as the wireless videos remote access, big files transfer, streaming and downloading high definition videos etc, has led to using the mmWave technology (60 GHz for example) that represents an important solution for the se applications because of the advantages presented by this frequency band such as the high data rate transmission up to multi gigabits, also the large bandwidth that goes up to 7 GHz. The use of the mm Wave technology requires a MAC protocol which ensures the channel sharing between users in a multi-node network, with directional antennas that increase spatial reuse and cover a wider area compared to the omnidirecti on al antennas. Many access method approaches were used in order to resolve these problems, for instance, the methods that use a signaling channel, then methods that exploit directional antennas with directional frames, and those using beacons and many others .... In our project, we worked on the adaptation of the 'Busy - Tone' method using the 802.11 ad protocol with directional antennas in addition to a coordination between 2.4 GHz and 60 GHz. This method offers a big solution to resolve the collisions of data and control packets that affect and reduce the network capacity and lead to data loss. Simulation results showed the efficiency of this model by reducing collisions caused by hidden terminais, therefore, enhancing the performance of the network in terms oftransmission delay, retransmission attempts and throughput. L'évolution des applications modernes dans le domaine des réseaux sans fils tel que 1 'accès à distance des vidéos sans fils, le transfert des gros fichiers, flux des vidéos à haute définition etc .... nécessite l'utilisation de la bande 60 GHz qui présente une solution très importante pour ces applications grâce aux avantages que présente cette bande tel que le taux de transmission des données qui atteint quelques Gigabits, et aussi grâce à la bande passante du canal qui est environ 7 GHz. L'utilisation de cette bande de fréquence nécessite un protocole MAC qui assure le partage de canal entre les utilisateurs dans un réseau multi-noeuds. Ce protocole doit tenir compte les problèmes et les défis qui se produisent grâce à l'utilisation de la bande 60 GHz, tel que les problèmes des terminales cachées et exposées Dans ce projet on a proposé une méthode qui se base sur l'adaptation de protocole 802.llad avec la méthode 'Busy-Tone 'parce qu'elle représente la solution la plus efficace pour résoudre les problèmes des collisions des paquets de donnés et les paquets de contrôle qui sont causés normalement par la présence des terminales cachées et exposées. L'approche proposée consiste aussi à utiliser les antennes directives qm augmentent la réutilisation spatiale et couvre une portée plus grande par rapport à l'antenne omnidirectionnelle. Ces antennes ont été utilisées à côté des antennes omnidirectionnelles avec une coordination entre les deux, alors les antennes omnidirectionnelles sont utilisées pour envoyer les signaux 'Busy-Tone ' tandis que les antennes directives sont utilisées pour envoyer les paquets de données. Les résultats de la simulation ont montré une amélioration au niveau de la performance du réseau en terme du débit, du délai et les essaies de retransmission en comparant avec le standard 801.11ad. La mise en oeuvre est effectuée dans le logiciel Matlab/Simulink. Les paramètres utilisés dans les simulations sont des valeurs typiques des centrales existantes ou prises dans la littérature. La conformité avec la littérature est réalisée grâce à une validation croisée progressive de chaque sous-ensemble et du système globa
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