12,926 research outputs found

    Routing in turn-prohibition based feed-forward networks

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    Abstract. The application of queuing theory to communications systems often requires that the respective networks are of a feed-forward nature, that is they have to be free of cyclic dependencies. An effective way to ensure this property is to identify a certain set of critical turns and to prohibit their use. A turn is a concatenation of two adjacent, consecutive links. Unfortunately, current routing algorithms are usually not equipped to handle forbidden turns and the required extensions are nontrivial. We discuss the relevant issues for the example of the widely deployed Dijkstra algorithm. Then, we address the general case and introduce the Turnnet concept, which supports arbitrary combinations of routing algorithms with turn-prohibiting feed-forward mechanisms

    Site-Specific Rules Extraction in Precision Agriculture

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    El incremento sostenible en la producción alimentaria para satisfacer las necesidades de una población mundial en aumento es un verdadero reto cuando tenemos en cuenta el impacto constante de plagas y enfermedades en los cultivos. Debido a las importantes pérdidas económicas que se producen, el uso de tratamientos químicos es demasiado alto; causando contaminación del medio ambiente y resistencia a distintos tratamientos. En este contexto, la comunidad agrícola divisa la aplicación de tratamientos más específicos para cada lugar, así como la validación automática con la conformidad legal. Sin embargo, la especificación de estos tratamientos se encuentra en regulaciones expresadas en lenguaje natural. Por este motivo, traducir regulaciones a una representación procesable por máquinas está tomando cada vez más importancia en la agricultura de precisión.Actualmente, los requisitos para traducir las regulaciones en reglas formales están lejos de ser cumplidos; y con el rápido desarrollo de la ciencia agrícola, la verificación manual de la conformidad legal se torna inabordable.En esta tesis, el objetivo es construir y evaluar un sistema de extracción de reglas para destilar de manera efectiva la información relevante de las regulaciones y transformar las reglas de lenguaje natural a un formato estructurado que pueda ser procesado por máquinas. Para ello, hemos separado la extracción de reglas en dos pasos. El primero es construir una ontología del dominio; un modelo para describir los desórdenes que producen las enfermedades en los cultivos y sus tratamientos. El segundo paso es extraer información para poblar la ontología. Puesto que usamos técnicas de aprendizaje automático, implementamos la metodología MATTER para realizar el proceso de anotación de regulaciones. Una vez creado el corpus, construimos un clasificador de categorías de reglas que discierne entre obligaciones y prohibiciones; y un sistema para la extracción de restricciones en reglas, que reconoce información relevante para retener el isomorfismo con la regulación original. Para estos componentes, empleamos, entre otra técnicas de aprendizaje profundo, redes neuronales convolucionales y “Long Short- Term Memory”. Además, utilizamos como baselines algoritmos más tradicionales como “support-vector machines” y “random forests”.Como resultado, presentamos la ontología PCT-O, que ha sido alineada con otras ontologías como NCBI, PubChem, ChEBI y Wikipedia. El modelo puede ser utilizado para la identificación de desórdenes, el análisis de conflictos entre tratamientos y la comparación entre legislaciones de distintos países. Con respecto a los sistemas de extracción, evaluamos empíricamente el comportamiento con distintas métricas, pero la métrica F1 es utilizada para seleccionar los mejores sistemas. En el caso del clasificador de categorías de reglas, el mejor sistema obtiene un macro F1 de 92,77% y un F1 binario de 85,71%. Este sistema usa una red “bidirectional long short-term memory” con “word embeddings” como entrada. En relación al extractor de restricciones de reglas, el mejor sistema obtiene un micro F1 de 88,3%. Este extractor utiliza como entrada una combinación de “character embeddings” junto a “word embeddings” y una red neuronal “bidirectional long short-term memory”.<br /

    Balancing and integrating basic values in the development of organic regulations and standards: proposal for a procedure using case studies of conflicting areas

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    The basic aim of the report is to develop a procedure for the integration of the ethical value base of organic farming into standards and regulations. For this it is necessary to identify the core ethical value of organic production, consider their coherence and relate them to existing practice of organic food and farming. Ethical values are per se in need of interpretation. It is therefore also necessary to consider the process of decision-making, when aiming to achieve a coherent integration of such values in the structure of a standard or regulation. In line with the European Action Plan for organic food and farming from 2004 the Project EEC 2092/91 (Organic) Revision supports the idea that delegating a larger role to values and basic principles will help to harmonise the rules, provide room for flexibility in implementation and to simplify the European Regulation for organic production. It is important to include basic values in standards and regulations, because organic farming is value based and all actors/stakeholders have value expectations, including consumers who the regulation wants to protect. Standards and regulations form the basis of a virtual contract between the consumer and the producers. By following the practices set out in the standards, producers give a promise to the consumer to deliver on additional ethical values, beyond the legal minimum standards for conventional agriculture and food. The growing and globalised organic market and the involvement of large companies have resulted in renewed interest in the values and principles of organic farming. There has been concern that the organic food and farming sector is becoming more conventionalised, and has lost touch with its basic values. Thus it will no longer function effectively as a real alternative to general agriculture for consumers, producers and also for policy makers. The report analyses what core ethical value are associated with organic agriculture and should therefore be considered for inclusion in a regulation. This value base is contrasted with the existing Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 and with examples of current practice of organic agriculture in Europe. The implications of including ethical values in the structure of a regulation for decisionmaking are considered. Following on from the European Action Plan a process of total revision of the EU regulation on organic production is underway. A new European Regulation for organic production was adopted by the European Council of Ministers in June 2006 and will come into force in Jan 2009. The text of the near final proposal from December 2006 has been considered in several sections of the report. The report finishes with some conclusions and recommendations for the EU Commission and other standard setting bodies regarding the choice and roles of values in organic standard, the rules for decision-making processes in relation to integrating values, and regarding the ongoing revision of the organic regulation in Europe

    Infrastructure and Centrality in Town during Annual Fairs: Three Polish Examples (1385-1655)

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    The aim of this paper is to reflect on how annual fairs challenged the urban spatialities of trade in medieval and old-regime towns. It is also to pose the question of centrality under the point of view of both the centrality of commercial towns in regional and international networks and the urban centrality of spaces dedicated to trade activities. The study is based on the example of three towns of Greater Poland in the late Middle Ages and Early Modern period. Focusing on trade facilities and on the management of the city space during annual fairs (extraordinary times in the life of cities, when the guild monopoly was suspended and many foreign merchants and ordinary people were gathering in the city), the aim here is to analyse the way in which urban authorities handled the organisation of such big endeavours and how the city space was managed, valorised, and utilized

    New trends and their implications for the German energy transition process

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    In this paper I discuss very recent developments in the post-2020 climate and energy policy framework of the European Union as well as their implications for the German energy transition process. In a first step, I analyze how the need for the planned modifications of the European strategy is framed. I argue that the European Commission obviously sparked off a new round in tackling a longstanding governance dilemma between European market integration and regulatory diversity among Member States regarding energy and environmental issues. In a second step, I take a closer look at the implications of these changes at the European level for the German energy transition pathway. I argue that supranational pressure to adapt national energy policies to internal market rules coincides with the dominant domestic framing of the need for market integration of renewable energies. This interplay of problem framings, on the one hand, and the discretionary power of the European Commission to control competition rules, on the other, explains the very recent instrumental shift in the German national support scheme for renewable energies. Subsequently, I debate various governance options for dealing with the implications of the proposed new European approach to energy and climate policy, both against the backdrop of the particular German way of energy transition as well as against the backdrop of general transition challenges

    Rights in a Cloud of Dust: The Value and Qualities of Farm Data and How Its Property Rights Should Be Viewed Moving Forward

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    Historically, technology growth has been slower in agriculture than other industries. However, a rising demand for food and an increase in efficient farm practices has changed this, leading to a rise in precision farming technologies. Now, entities that provide services or information to farmers need precision farming technologies to compete, and more farmers are adopting precision farming technologies. These technologies help farmers, but questions still remain about ownership rights in the data that farmers create

    Structuring the European Administrative Space - Channels of EU Penetration and Mechanisms ofNational Change

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    The author provides an analytical model to capture mechanisms of supranational impact on national public administrations. The aim is to understand how we can perceive a European administrative space given the persistent diversity between member states. In face of the overly complex subject matter, it is argued that a typology that presents ideal types of interaction modes between supranational and national levels of administration provides in fact a suitable pragmatic approach to understand the potential impact of European integration on national civil services. Scrutinizing which mechanisms of possible influence-taking the European Union (EU) invokes shows that administrative integration does actually not suggest overall convergence. Instead the shared administrative space works precisely because it preserves state-sensitive diversity. Only in the context of enlargement did the EU need to present a single model to the candidate states and thus the notion of an ever more converging single administrative space was invented. Despite the external promotion of a single model, the driving dynamic of the emerging European administrative space remains increased cooperation and common administration that respects and sustains differences between independent national public administrations. The theoretical framework and empirical application therefore provide a first step for further research to tackle how supranational integration changes national public administration.public administration; identity; ideas; integration theory; public administration; closer cooperation; Europeanization; Europeanization

    The new import regulation; More reliability for imported organic products? in The New EU Regulation for organic food and farming: (EC) No 834/2007

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    The European market for organic products is growing at a dynamic pace. Increasingly, processing and marketing companies are entering this market, which has a very promising future. However, organic farm production at the inter-European level has not increased at the same rate as the market for organic products