1,942 research outputs found

    Systems, interactions and macrotheory

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    A significant proportion of early HCI research was guided by one very clear vision: that the existing theory base in psychology and cognitive science could be developed to yield engineering tools for use in the interdisciplinary context of HCI design. While interface technologies and heuristic methods for behavioral evaluation have rapidly advanced in both capability and breadth of application, progress toward deeper theory has been modest, and some now believe it to be unnecessary. A case is presented for developing new forms of theory, based around generic “systems of interactors.” An overlapping, layered structure of macro- and microtheories could then serve an explanatory role, and could also bind together contributions from the different disciplines. Novel routes to formalizing and applying such theories provide a host of interesting and tractable problems for future basic research in HCI

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Workshop on Automating Software Design. Theme: Domain Specific Software Design

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    The goal of this workshop is to identify different architectural approaches to building domain-specific software design systems and to explore issues unique to domain-specific (vs. general-purpose) software design. Some general issues that cut across the particular software design domain include: (1) knowledge representation, acquisition, and maintenance; (2) specialized software design techniques; and (3) user interaction and user interface

    Model Driven Engineering Benefits for High Level Synthesis

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    This report presents the benefits of using the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) methodology to solve major difficulties encountered by usual high level synthesis (HLS) flows. These advantages are highlighted in a design space exploration environment we propose. MDE is the skeleton of our HLS flow dedicated to intensive signal processing to demonstrate the expected benefits of these software technologies extended to hardware design. Both users and designers of the design flow benefit from the MDE methodology, participating to a concrete and effective advancement in the high level synthesis research domain. The flow is automatized from UML specifications to VHDL code generation and has been successfully evaluated for the conception of a video processing application

    Designing a Requirement Mining System

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    The success of information systems (IS) development strongly depends on the accuracy of the requirements gathered from users and other stakeholders. When developing a new IS, about 80 percent of these requirements are recorded in informal requirements documents (e.g., interview transcripts or discussion forums) using natural language. However, processing the resultant natural language requirements resources is inherently complex and often error prone due to ambiguity, inconsistency, and incompleteness. Thus, even highly qualified requirements engineers often struggle to process large amounts of natural language requirements resources efficiently and effectively. In this paper, we propose a design theory for requirement mining systems (RMSs) based on two design principles: (1) semi-automatic requirement mining and (2) usage of imported and retrieved knowledge. As part of an extensive design project, which led to these principles, we also implemented a prototype based on this design theory (REMINER). It supports requirements engineers in identifying and classifying requirements documented in natural language and allows us to evaluate the artifact’s viability and the conceptual soundness of our design. The results of our evaluation suggest that an RMS based on our proposed design principles can significantly improve recall while maintaining precision levels

    Developing Blockchain-enabled Marketplace Interfaces: A Design Science Research Study

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    Digital transformation\u27s scope evolves from being limited to the organizational level to inter-organizational collaboration in supply chain networks and business ecosystems. Blockchain-enabled marketplaces have the potential to transform business networks by eliminating intermediaries. To investigate the interface design and visualization of blockchain-enabled marketplaces, we employed a design science methodology and synthesized knowledge from literature, practice, and qualitative expert interviews. Our research provides (1) theoretically grounded and prescriptive knowledge expressed in meta-requirements and design principles inspired by effective use theory, and (2) presents concrete design features and an expository prototype instantiation. The prototype is evaluated through focus group workshops and interviews with experts and potential users. Our work contributes to recent calls to investigate the design and visualization of blockchain-enabled marketplaces, advances research on blockchain applications in B2B contexts, and expands the literature on information system design for marketplace-oriented transformations

    Engineering Systems Integration

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    Dreamers may envision our future, but it is the pragmatists who build it. Solve the right problem in the right way, mankind moves forward. Solve the right problem in the wrong way or the wrong problem in the right way, however clever or ingenious the solution, neither credits mankind. Instead, this misfire demonstrates a failure to appreciate a crucial step in pragmatic problem solving: systems integration. The first book to address the underlying premises of systems integration and how to exposit them in a practical and productive manner, Engineering Systems Integration: Theory, Metrics, and Methods looks at the fundamental nature of integration, exposes the subtle premises to achieve integration, and posits a substantial theoretical framework that is both simple and clear. Offering systems managers and systems engineers the framework from which to consider their decisions in light of systems integration metrics, the book isolates two basic questions, 1) Is there a way to express the interplay of human actions and the result of system interactions of a product with its environment?, and 2) Are there methods that combine to improve the integration of systems? The author applies the four axioms of General Systems Theory (holism, decomposition, isomorphism, and models) and explores the domains of history and interpretation to devise a theory of systems integration, develop practical guidance applying the three frameworks, and formulate the mathematical constructs needed for systems integration. The practicalities of integrating parts when we build or analyze systems mandate an analysis and evaluation of existing integrative frameworks of causality and knowledge. Integration is not just a word that describes a best practice, an art, or a single discipline. The act of integrating is an approach, operative in all disciplines, in all we see, in all we do

    Analyse de testabilité au niveau transfert de registres

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    Synthèse automatique et analyse de testabilité -- Les définitions de base -- Analyse de testabilité à haut niveau d'abstraction -- Analyse de testabilité et d'insertion de points de test au niveau transfert de registres -- Testability analysis and test-point insertion in RTL VHDL specifications for scan-based bist -- Implantation de l'algorithme et résultats expérimentaux

    Psychological challenges for the analysis of style.

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    This article remains the copyright of Cambridge University Press. The definitive version of this article can be found at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S089006040606015XAnalyses of styles in design have paid little attention to how people see style, and how designers use perceptions of style to guide designing. While formal and computational methods for analysing styles and generating designs provide impressively parsimonious accounts of what some styles are, they do not address many of the factors that influence how humans understand styles. The subtlety of human style judgements raises challenges for computational approaches to style. This paper differentiates between a range of distinct meanings of 'style', and explores how designers and ordinary people learn and apply perceptual similarity classes and style concepts in different situations to interpret and create designed artefacts. A range of psychological evidence indicates that style perception is dependent on knowledge, and involves the interaction of perceptual recognition of style features and explanatory inference processes that create a coherent understanding of an object as an exemplar of a style. This paper concludes by outlining how formal style analyses can be used in combination with psychological research to develop a fuller understanding of style perception and creative design
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