770 research outputs found

    Transformational approach to program concretization

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    AbstractThis paper focuses on the problem of program concretization by applying correctness-preserving transformations of annotated programs. According to the approach presented, a general-purpose program can be annotated by known information about a specific context of its applications and correctly transformed into a specialized program which is equivalent to the original one on the context-defined ranges of inputs and outputs and is better than it by quality criteria given by the context. Tools for program concretizations via annotated program transformations are considered

    Character Concretization Through Boarding School Culture: Case Studi In Padang Lawas Utara District

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    This research examines the concretization of the character of the santri through culture at the North Padang Lawas Islamic Boarding School which was formed through a continuous process of pesantren education so that it is firmly rooted in the identity of the santri. The approach used in this research is a case study at Islamic boarding schools in North Padang Lawas Regency. Sources of data were taken through primary data sources, namely asatidz administrators, students, and secondary sources obtained from documents and images related to research. Researchers as actors. As for data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that: (1) The character building of the students at the North Padang Lawas Regency Islamic Boarding School is through education in the yellow book, educational habits, educational advice, attention to education and education through activities in the Islamic boarding school. (2) Centric character is formed through the culture of the pesantren at the North Padang Lawas Regency Islamic Boarding School, namely caring for the environment, hard work, cooperation, responsibility, togetherness, creativity, confidence, cohesiveness, caring, mutual cooperation, solidarity, tolerance, vulnerability, honesty, curiosity, respecting the opinions of others, mutual respect, tolerance, not arrogant, accepting what is, caring, discipline, not wasting time, diligent, tenacious, humble, maintain behavior

    Generalized Strong Preservation by Abstract Interpretation

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    Standard abstract model checking relies on abstract Kripke structures which approximate concrete models by gluing together indistinguishable states, namely by a partition of the concrete state space. Strong preservation for a specification language L encodes the equivalence of concrete and abstract model checking of formulas in L. We show how abstract interpretation can be used to design abstract models that are more general than abstract Kripke structures. Accordingly, strong preservation is generalized to abstract interpretation-based models and precisely related to the concept of completeness in abstract interpretation. The problem of minimally refining an abstract model in order to make it strongly preserving for some language L can be formulated as a minimal domain refinement in abstract interpretation in order to get completeness w.r.t. the logical/temporal operators of L. It turns out that this refined strongly preserving abstract model always exists and can be characterized as a greatest fixed point. As a consequence, some well-known behavioural equivalences, like bisimulation, simulation and stuttering, and their corresponding partition refinement algorithms can be elegantly characterized in abstract interpretation as completeness properties and refinements

    Effective Psychodrama Supervision: A Grounded Theory Study on Senior Supervisors\u27 Perspectives

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    The overarching purpose of this two-phase study was to gain understanding about and insight into the practice of effective psychodrama supervision as a specialty field. The study explored senior supervisors’ perspectives on their roles as in-class group supervisors in psychodrama graduate school programs in Israel. Grounded theory (GT) methods of data collection and analysis were aimed at learning about participants’ professional approaches, and practice- based experiences. Study 1 involved face-to-face in-depth interviews conducted with open-ended core questions. The interviews explored how six expert participants approached the practice of PD supervision and the reasons behind their approaches. The findings shed light on the PD supervisor’s multifaceted role as clinical educator, role model, and group facilitator. The four emergent main domains, PD supervisors’ professional role identity; guiding principles and practices; PD supervision pedagogy; and PD supervisors’ challenges and dilemmas, constructed a conceptual framework of interrelated and overlapping aspects of the practice of PD supervision. Each domain was divided into five sub-categories for a total of 20 sub-categories that reflect the multifaceted nature and complexity of the supervisor’s role. A preliminary set of applicable best practice guidelines, both descriptive and prescriptive were formulated through secondary level analysis and synthesis of the collected data. Study 2 involved a single six-hour focus group study composed of questionnaires and collaborative group discussions as its main research instruments. The participants, 10 senior Israeli PD supervisors, were invited to provide outside expert opinion and validation of the proposed theory and guidelines. Study 2 served the primary purpose of ensuring greater trustworthiness, accuracy and triangulation of Study1 findings, and in addition provided key new findings on the specification of the PD supervisor’s embodied role and the experiential practice of PD supervision. A new emergent domain B highlights the foundations of PD supervision philosophy and worldview as rooted in classical psychodrama theory and language. Study 2 concludes with an expanded conceptual framework for conceptualizing PD supervision. In addition, a set of applicable best practice guidelines are constructed as secondary findings grounded in the data and presented as a proposed platform to help inform effective PD supervision

    Generalizing the Paige-Tarjan Algorithm by Abstract Interpretation

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    The Paige and Tarjan algorithm (PT) for computing the coarsest refinement of a state partition which is a bisimulation on some Kripke structure is well known. It is also well known in model checking that bisimulation is equivalent to strong preservation of CTL, or, equivalently, of Hennessy-Milner logic. Drawing on these observations, we analyze the basic steps of the PT algorithm from an abstract interpretation perspective, which allows us to reason on strong preservation in the context of generic inductively defined (temporal) languages and of possibly non-partitioning abstract models specified by abstract interpretation. This leads us to design a generalized Paige-Tarjan algorithm, called GPT, for computing the minimal refinement of an abstract interpretation-based model that strongly preserves some given language. It turns out that PT is a straight instance of GPT on the domain of state partitions for the case of strong preservation of Hennessy-Milner logic. We provide a number of examples showing that GPT is of general use. We first show how a well-known efficient algorithm for computing stuttering equivalence can be viewed as a simple instance of GPT. We then instantiate GPT in order to design a new efficient algorithm for computing simulation equivalence that is competitive with the best available algorithms. Finally, we show how GPT allows to compute new strongly preserving abstract models by providing an efficient algorithm that computes the coarsest refinement of a given partition that strongly preserves the language generated by the reachability operator.Comment: Keywords: Abstract interpretation, abstract model checking, strong preservation, Paige-Tarjan algorithm, refinement algorith

    The untapped potential of digital citizen engagement in Morocco: a data-driven approach to online participation.

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    Aligning closely with trends in research impact, open government approaches are looking to incorporate public engagement and establish wider transparency as central operations. Samuel Lee, Fabian Seiderer and Lida Bteddini share findings from a World Bank project on digital participation and open data in Morocco. They find that greater access and use of public sector data can result in increased civic participation and socio-economic benefits

    Management Performance Model of Senior High School Teachers of Muhammadiyah In South Sumatera

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    This research aimed at analyzing school management which manages teachers’ management model that impacts the performance of High School teachers of Muhammadiyah in South-Sumatera Province. This field research applied a descriptive-qualitative approach. The technique for collecting the data was through observation, interview and documentation. The research subjects selected by using purposive sampling technique. The technique for analyzing the data was through data analysis by reducing, presenting, verifying and drawing conclusions, and also using reliable and extended participation techniques, careful observation, triangulation and consulting with advisors. The results showed that management performance model in Senior High School of Muhammadiyah was a successful management model which enables to improve teachers’ performance. The success of applying this model can be regarded on management performance model of teachers in line with POAC management, in which POAC was implemented to meet teachers’ success, and also other factors, such as humans’ competency and motivation in managing teachers’ performance, the effectiveness of managing performance starting from input, process and teachers’ performance objective, as well as the use of facilities and infrastructure, time, finance (capital) had supported the success of teacher's performance

    Examining Rural Adoption Of Broadband – Critical Realist Perspectives

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    Broadband infrastructure is currently being implemented throughout Australia as part of a government funded National Broadband Network (NBN). Ultimately successful universal provision will require that metropolitan installations subsidize rural adoption. It is important for the success of the project that rural adoption is maximized. This will require an understanding of the complex social, political and technical aspects affecting the adoption process for rural regions. The paper argues that critical realism can provide a useful meta-theoretical position to examine the important social and physical aspects of the adoption process. Drawing on the work of Raduescu and Vessey (2008) on critical realist explanatory frameworks, it supports using 3 commonly used critical realist frameworks to guide the examination process – that of Pawson and Tilley (2007) and Danermark et al. (2002), together with Archer’s (1995, 1998) morphogenetic model as the meta theory that underpins the examination. The frameworks and model are introduced briefly and examples provided as to how they can contribute to the examination of the rural broadband adoption process
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