6 research outputs found

    A Mapping Approach to Convert MTPs into a Capability and Skill Ontology

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    Being able to quickly integrate new equipment and functions into an existing plant is a major goal for both discrete and process manufacturing. But currently, these two industry domains use different approaches to achieve this goal. While the Module Type Package (MTP) is getting more and more adapted in practical applications of process manufacturing, so-called skill-based manufacturing approaches are favored in the context of discrete manufacturing. The two approaches are incompatible because their models feature different contents and they use different technologies. This contribution provides a comparison of the MTP with a skill-based approach as well as an automated mapping that can be used to transfer the contents of an MTP into a skill ontology. Through this mapping, an MTP can be semantically lifted in order to apply functions like querying or reasoning. Furthermore, machines that were previously described using two incompatible models can now be used in one production process

    An AutomationML model for plug-and-produce assembly systems

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    This paper aims to support the creation of high performance ‘Plug-and-Produce’ systems by proposing a new semantic model that targets the use of AutomationML (AML). In this direction, the focus is narrowed to the self-description of equipment modules that highlights the use of ‘Skill’ concept. An insight description on how the concept of ‘Skill Recipe’ can be used to execute the equipment ‘Skills’ to fulfil the product's assembly requirements is also provided. This is viewed as a critical concept to achieve high performance in ‘Plug-and-Produce’. To translate the base semantic definitions, we have developed new libraries that are fully compliant with the AML standard. The main purpose of using AML in this context is to bridge production and other engineering domains. An overview of the literature that covers the past and current trends in data exchange and standards is presented, while pointing out the existing challenges and limitations. The vision of this paper is to support the standardization effort of integrating information for design, build, ramp-up and operation of production systems. Hence, this approach elucidates the use of existing AML concepts to model and instantiate Product, Process and Resource (PPR), and the underlying definitions such as: ‘Skills’, ‘Skill Recipes’ and ‘Skill Requirements’. Finally, this paper illustrates the implementation of this approach in AML with a help of an industrial case study demonstrated within the openMOS project

    Model for web-application based configuration of modular production plants with automated PLC line control code generation

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    The international competition leads manufacturers in high-wage countries to focus more on high-value products, which often come at the disadvantage of small batch sizes. To remain competitive, the plant engineering for should be time and cost effective. One approach to achieve this are modular production lines. In the presented contribution, a product orientated web- service for the configuration of a modular production plant investigated. The resulting model then is interpreted by a code generator to generate a PLC line control. The approach is validated with a plant of metal hybrid carbon fiber seat rests

    Design, Application and Evaluation of a Multi Agent System in the Logistics Domain

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    The increasing demand for flexibility of automated production systems also affects the automated material flow systems (aMFS) they contain and demands reconfigurable systems. However, the centralized control concept usually applied in aMFS hinders an easy adaptation, as the entire control software has to be re-tested, when manually changing sub-parts of the control. As adaption and subsequent testing are a time-consuming task, concepts for splitting the control from one centralized to multiple, decentralized control nodes are required. Therefore, this paper presents a holistic agent-based control concept for aMFS, whereby the system is divided into so-called automated material flow modules (aMFM), each being controlled by a dedicated module agent. The concept allows the reconfiguration of aMFS, consisting of heterogeneous, stationary aMFM, during runtime. Furthermore, it includes aspects such as uniform agent knowledge bases through metamodel-based development, a communication ontology considering different information types and properties, strategic route optimization in decentralized control architecture and a visualization concept to make decisions of the module agents comprehensible to operators and maintenance staff. The evaluation of the concept is performed by means of material flow simulations as well as a prototypical implementation on a lab-sized demonstrator.Comment: 13 pages, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9042827

    Sistema Ciber-Físico de Produção Modular usando Raspberry Pi

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    A procura por produtos personalizados cresceu significativamente nos últimos anos o que exigiu profundas alterações nos processos de produção da indústria tradicional, de forma a que passassem a existir linhas de produção adaptadas, dinâmicas e flexíveis, por outras palavras, li-nhas capazes de produzir produtos personalizados em larga escala. A adaptação dos formatos de produção foi um desafio para os produtores cujo os custos elevados e soluções limitadas tornaram-se num problema que vários estudos tentaram resolver. O avanço tecnológico permitiu explorar soluções viáveis mais simples e eficazes. O objetivo deste projeto é desenhar um módulo de produção a um custo reduzido capaz de abstrair um componente de produção e oferecer uma solução de controlo flexível. Isto consegue-se através da integração de tecnologias da informação com a engenharia de controlo nos processos de produção, assentando em IoT e sistemas Ciber-Físicos. Propõem-se a utilização de uma arqui-tetura modular para gerir e controlar descentralizadamente os sistemas de produção com tecnolo-gia Plug&Produce. Concluindo, elegeu-se um Raspeberry Pi 3 (Modelo B) como módulo viável para a imple-mentação de uma arquitetura onde um sistema multiagente é capaz de controlar vários recursos. A solução final foi testada num kit de demonstração que representa uma linha de produção a 24V

    Model-based condition and process monitoring based on socio-cyber-physical systems

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    Die produzierende Industrie strebt im Rahmen der vierten industriellen Revolution, Industrie 4.0, die Optimierung der klassischen Zielgrößen Qualität, Kosten und Zeit sowie Ressourceneffizienz, Flexibilität, Wandlungsfähigkeit und Resilienz in globalen, volatilen Märkten an. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Entwicklung von Smart Factories, in denen sich relevante Objekte, Produktions-, Logistik- und Informationssysteme sowie der Mensch vernetzen. Cyber-physische Systeme (CPS) tragen als sensorisierte und aktorisierte, resiliente und intelligente Gesamtsysteme dazu bei, Produktionsprozesse und -maschinen sowie die Produktqualität zu kontrollieren. Vordergründig wird die technische Komplexität von Produktionssystemen und damit auch zugehöriger Instandhaltungsprozesse durch die Anforderungen an deren Wandlungsfähigkeit und den zunehmenden Automatisierungsgrad ansteigen. Heraus-forderungen bei der Entwicklung und Implementierung von CPS liegen in fehlenden Interoperabilitäts- und Referenzarchitekturkonzepten sowie der unzureichend definierten Interaktion von Mensch und CPS begründet. Sozio-cyber-physische Systeme (Sozio-CPS) fokussieren die bidirektionale Interaktion von Mensch und CPS und adressieren diese Problemstellung. Gegenstand und Zielstellung dieser Dissertationsschrift ist die Definition von Sozio-CPS in der Domäne der Zustands- und Prozessüberwachung von Smart Factories. Untersucht werden dabei Nutzungsszenarien von Sozio-CPS, die ganzheitliche Formulierung von Systemarchitekturen sowie die Validierung der entwickelten Lösungsansätze in industriellen Anwendungsszenarien. Eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Sozio-CPS in drei heterogenen Validierungsszenarien beweist die Korrektheit und Anwendbarkeit der Lösungsansätze.Within the scope of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, the manufacturing industry is trying to optimize the traditional target figures of quality, costs and time as well as resource efficiency, flexibility, adaptability and resilience in volatile global markets. The focus is on the development of smart factories, in which relevant objects and humans are interconnected . Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are used as sensorized and actuatorized, resilient and intelligent overall systems to control production processes, machines and product quality . The technical complexity of production systems and their associated maintenance processes are rising due to the demands on their adaptability and the increasing automation. Challenges in the development and implementation of CPS include the lack of interoperability and reference architecture concepts as well as the insufficiently defined interaction of people and CPS. Socio-cyber-physical systems (Socio-CPS) focus on bidirectional interaction of humans and CPS to address this problem. The scope and objective of this dissertation is to define Socio-CPS in the condition and process monitoring of smart factories. This dissertation utilizes scenarios of Socio-CPS, holistically defines system architectures and validates the solutions developed in industrial applications. The successful implementation of Socio-CPS in three heterogeneous validation scenarios proves the correctness and applicability of the solutions