4 research outputs found

    Spatial discretizations of generic dynamical systems

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    How is it possible to read the dynamical properties (ie when the time goes to infinity) of a system on numerical simulations? To try to answer this question, we study in this manuscript a model reflecting what happens when the orbits of a discrete time system ff (for example an homeomorphism) are computed numerically . The computer working in finite numerical precision, it will replace ff by a spacial discretization of ff, denoted by fNf_N (where the order NN of discretization stands for the numerical accuracy). In particular, we will be interested in the dynamical behaviour of the finite maps fNf_N for a generic system ff and NN going to infinity, where generic will be taken in the sense of Baire (mainly among sets of homeomorphisms or C1C^1-diffeomorphisms). The first part of this manuscript is devoted to the study of the dynamics of the discretizations fNf_N, when ff is a generic conservative/dissipative homeomorphism of a compact manifold. We show that it would be mistaken to try to recover the dynamics of ff from that of a single discretization fNf_N : its dynamics strongly depends on the order NN. To detect some dynamical features of ff, we have to consider all the discretizations fNf_N when NN goes through N\mathbf N. The second part deals with the linear case, which plays an important role in the study of C1C^1-generic diffeomorphisms, discussed in the third part of this manuscript. Under these assumptions, we obtain results similar to those established in the first part, though weaker and harder to prove.Comment: 322 pages. This is an improved version of the thesis of the author (among others, the introduction and conclusion have been translated into English). In particular, it contains works already published on arXiv. Comments welcome

    Discrétisations spatiales de systèmes dynamiques génériques

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    How is it possible to read the dynamical properties (ie when the time goes to infinity) of a system on numerical simulations ? To try to answer this question, we study inthis thesis a model reflecting what happens when the orbits of a discrete time system f (for example an homeomorphism) are computed numerically. The computer working in finite numerical precision, it will replace f by a spacial discretization of f, denotedby f_N (where the order N of discretization stands for the numerical accuracy). In particular, we will be interested in the dynamical behaviour of the finite maps f_N for a generic system f and N going to infinity, where generic will be taken in the sense of Baire (mainly among sets of homeomorphisms or C^1-diffeomorphisms). The first part of this manuscript is devoted to the study of the dynamics of the discretizations f_N, when f is a generic conservative/dissipative homeomorphism of a compact manifold. We show that it would be mistaken to try to recover the dynamics of f from that of a single discretization f_N : its dynamics strongly depends on the order N. To detect some dynamical features of f we have to consider all thediscretizations f_N when N goes through N.The second part deals with the linear case, which plays an important role in the study of C^1-generic diffeomorphisms, discussed in the third part of this manuscript. Under these assumptions, we obtain results similar to those established in the first part,though weaker and harder to prove.Dans quelle mesure peut-on lire les propriétés dynamiques (quand le temps tend vers l’infini) d’un système sur des simulations numériques ? Pour tenter de répondre à cette question, on étudie dans cette thèse un modèle rendant compte de ce qui se passe lorsqu’on calcule numériquement les orbites d’un système à temps discret f (par exemple un homéomorphisme). L’ordinateur travaillant à précision numérique finie, il va remplacer f par une discrétisation spatiale de f, notée f_N (où l’ordre de la discrétisation N rend compte de la précision numérique). On s’intéresse en particulier au comportement dynamique des applications finies f_N pour un système f générique et pour l’ordre N tendant vers l’infini, où générique sera à prendre dans le sens de Baire (principalement parmi des ensembles d’homéomorphismes ou de C^1-difféomorphismes). La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude de la dynamique des discrétisations f_N lorsque f est un homéomorphisme conservatif/dissipatif générique d’une variété compacte. L’étude montre qu’il est illusoire de vouloir retrouver la dynamique du système de départ f à partir de celle d’une seule discrétisation f_N : la dynamique de f_N dépend fortement de l’ordre N. Pour détecter certaines dynamiques de f il faut considérer l’ensemble des discrétisations f_N, lorsque N parcourt N.La seconde partie traite du cas linéaire, qui joue un rôle important dans l’étude du cas des C^1-difféomorphismes génériques, abordée dans la troisième partie de cette thèse. Sous ces hypothèses, on obtient des résultats similaires à ceux établis dans la première partie, bien que plus faibles et de preuves plus difficiles