888 research outputs found

    A pattern-oriented and model-driven architecture for interactive systems

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    Day-to-day experiences suggest that it is not enough to approach a complex design equipped with design tips, guidelines, and hints. Developers must also be able to use proven solutions emerging from the best design practices to solve new design challenges. Without these, the designer is unable to properly apply guidelines or take full advantage of the power of technology, resulting therefore in poor performance, poor scalability, and poor usability. Furthermore, the designer might "reinvent the wheel" when attempting to implement a design solution. A number of design problems continue to arise, such as: (1) decoupling the various aspects of interactive systems (for example, business logic, the UI, navigation, and information architecture) and (2) isolating platform specifics from the concerns common to all interactive systems. In the context of a proposal for a Pattern-Oriented and Model-driven Architecture (POMA) for interactive systems, this thesis identifies an extensive list of pattern categories and types of models aimed at providing a pool of proven solutions to these problems. The models of patterns span several levels of abstraction, such as domain, task, dialog, presentation and layout. The proposed POMA architecture illustrates how several individual models can be combined at different levels of abstraction into heterogeneous structures which can then be used as building blocks in the development of interactive systems. This document is divided into six chapters: the first chapter presents a background and related work on "Patterns" in general and on various architectures for interactive systems development such as "N-tiers architectures", "Pattern-Oriented Design" (POD), "Pattern- Supported Approach" (PSA), and "Model-Driven Architecture" (MDA). The second chapter introduces the research topic with its objectives, its limits, the research methodology, and research steps. The third chapter describes primarily the most important parts of the research which is the development of a new architecture called Pattern-Oriented and Model-Driven Architecture, facilitating the development of interactive systems including fundamentals and key concepts, an overview, justifications versus N-tiers, POD, PSA, and MDA architectures and specifications. The fourth chapter describes architectural levels and categories of patterns used in POMA. The fifth chapter describes the categories of models used in POMA. The sixth chapter presents an exploratory case study applied to the architecture proposed in this research. The last chapter presents a conclusion on this research work and its expected evolution in the future

    La traduction intersémiotique et l’hybridité dans la Nueva coronica y buen gobierno de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala : analyse des rapports de pouvoir ethniques

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    La fin du XVe siècle marque le début d’une nouvelle ère dans les Amériques. L’arrivée des explorateurs, des conquistadores et des colonisateurs espagnols au nouveau continent signe l’introduction des Amériques dans l’histoire. Dans les écrits rédigés durant les premières décennies de la colonisation, les Autochtones endossent majoritairement le rôle d’objet. À la suite de l’endoctrinement d’une partie de la population autochtone, ce rôle passif se transforme en rôle davantage actif alors que certains Autochtones décident de prendre la parole et la plume. Voilà ce que Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala décide de faire par l’entremise de sa chronique Nueva coronica y buen gobierno, rédigé en 1615 et adressé au roi Philippe III d’Espagne. Ce mémoire étudie une sélection d’images de la chronique comme traductions culturelles intersémiotiques de la société coloniale dans la mesure où elles traduisent le vécu colonial, y compris les rapports de pouvoir ethniques au sein de la hiérarchie sociale, à l’aide d’unités sémiotiques provenant de divers codes culturels (espagnol, catholique et andin). L’objectif de ce projet de recherche consiste à démontrer la façon dont l’hybridité du système sémiotique du texte cible expose la nature aliénante de la traduction ainsi que la relation antagonique qu’elle entretient avec l’idéologie coloniale officielle.The end of the 15th century introduces a new era in America. The arrival of Spanish explorers, conquistadors and colonists on the New Continent marks the beginning of American History. In works written during the first decades of colonization, most Natives merely take on the role of objects. Following the indoctrination of part of the Native population, this passive role becomes more active when some Natives decide to make their voices heard by the means of writing. This is exactly what Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala decides to do in his 1615 Nueva coronica y buen gobierno, written to King Phillip III of Spain. This project studies a selection of pictures from the chronicle as intersemiotic cultural translations of colonial society that translate colonial events, including the ethnic power struggles within the social hierarchy, using semiotic units belonging to various culture codes (Spanish, Catholic, Andean). Our goal is to show that the hybridity that shapes the semiotic system used in the target text reveals the foreignizing nature of the translation, and in turn, the antagonistic relations with the official colonial ideology

    The Triumph of the Uncanny: Italians and Italian Architecture in Tianjin

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    Between 1860 and 1945, the Chinese port city of Tianjin became the site of up to nine foreign-controlled concessions, including one controlled by Italy, as well as, temporarily, a multi-national military government (1900–02), and a series of evolving municipal administrations. Tianjin became the second largest industrial and commercial city in China after Shanghai, the largest financial and trade centre in the north, and one of the most vibrant commercial centres in Asia.This article focuses on the identity politics of ‘Italy’ in Tianjin. It analyses both the discursive formations and the practices of governance that characterised the Italian concession area, in the past and in the present. Using Freud’s paradigm of ‘uncanny’ (unheimlich) the article explores the context in which forms and representations that are considered ‘homely’ and ‘familiar’ by the Italians are exposed, proposed and imposed on the perceived otherness of Tianjin’s space

    Clothing Colonial Lima: Dress in Plaza Mayor de Lima de los Reinos de el Peru, año de 1680

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    The painting Plaza Mayor de Lima de los Reinos de el Peru, año de 1680, which is held in the collection of the Museo de América in Madrid, presents an idealized image of social interaction in the Plaza Mayor with its depiction of people from a variety of social groups. Little is known surrounding the painting’s commission, and recent scholarship focuses primarily on the colonial architecture within the image. This thesis seeks to shift the scholarly dialogue by examining the depictions of the female figures within the painting. As this thesis will argue, both the portrayal of the female figures in different modes of dress and the location of the figures within the painting document the ways in which distinctions in race and economic class were understood in seventeenth-century Lima. By analyzing the dress and the positioning of the figures, the interactions of Europeans, West Africans, indigenous and mixed raced persons are revealed

    FRAT-up, a Web-based fall-risk assessment tool for elderly people living in the community.

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    Background: About 30% of people over 65 are subject to at least one unintentional fall a year. Fall prevention protocols and interventions can decrease the number of falls. To be effective, a prevention strategy requires a prior step to evaluate the fall risk of the subjects. Despite extensive research, existing assessment tools for fall risk have been insufficient for predicting falls. Objective: The goal of this study is to present a novel web-based fall-risk assessment tool (FRAT-up) and to evaluate its accuracy in predicting falls, within a context of community-dwelling persons aged 65 and up. Methods: FRAT-up is based on the assumption that a subject\u2019s fall risk is given by the contribution of their exposure to each of the known fall-risk factors. Many scientific studies have investigated the relationship between falls and risk factors. The majority of these studies adopted statistical approaches, usually providing quantitative information such as odds ratios. FRAT-up exploits these numerical results to compute how each single factor contributes to the overall fall risk. FRAT-up is based on a formal ontology that enlists a number of known risk factors, together with quantitative findings in terms of odds ratios. From such information, an automatic algorithm generates a rule-based probabilistic logic program, that is, a set of rules for each risk factor. The rule-based program takes the health profile of the subject (in terms of exposure to the risk factors) and computes the fall risk. A Web-based interface allows users to input health profiles and to visualize the risk assessment for the given subject. FRAT-up has been evaluated on the InCHIANTI Study dataset, a representative population-based study of older persons living in the Chianti area (Tuscany, Italy). We compared reported falls with predicted ones and computed performance indicators. Results: The obtained area under curve of the receiver operating characteristic was 0.642 (95% CI 0.614-0.669), while the Brier score was 0.174. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test indicated statistical significance of miscalibration. Conclusions: FRAT-up is a web-based tool for evaluating the fall risk of people aged 65 or up living in the community. Validation results of fall risks computed by FRAT-up show that its performance is comparable to externally validated state-of-the-art tools. A prototype is freely available through a web-based interface. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01331512 (The InChianti Follow-Up Study); http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT01331512 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6UDrrRuaR)

    Ya no tengo vecinos: Local Understandings of Neighborhood Change in Cusco, Peru

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    This thesis involves the San Blas neighborhood in the Historic Center of Cusco, Peru. It aims to better understand local effects of the changes that San Blas has undergone since the 1990s and to explore possibilities related to improving the qualities of life of long-term residents (vecinos) who have lived in San Blas for at least two generations. It has two principal objectives: 1) Make recommendations to present to various public and private entities who have a presence and influence over the San Blas neighborhood to improve the likelihood that vecino demands are heard, 2) Illuminate the ways that vecinos are adapting to neighborhood change in order to maintain a sense of community, traditions and ways of life in spite of the strong presence of tourism in the neighborhood. The data in this thesis were derived from participatory asset mapping sessions and interviews with San Blas vecinos, academic literature, literature published by the Municipality of Cusco and the Ministry of Culture, the Master Plan of the Historic Center of Cusco and participatory observation. Recommendations for improving vecino qualities of life were suggested by vecinos and myself. While this thesis is specific to the San Blas neighborhood of Cusco, I hope that its findings, methods and methodologies might be applied to additional areas of the Historic Center of Cusco and other UNESCO World Heritage cities of Latin America and beyond for exploring strategies and solutions to the displacement of long-term residents and the disruption of their livelihoods in the context of highly concentrated cultural tourism

    Religious Syncretism in Spanish Latin America: Survival, Power, and Resistance

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    This paper explores the theory of religious syncretism and its application within early modern Latin America. It proposes a new model for understanding religious syncretism in order to eliminate the previous bias in the scholarship and misconceptions inherent in the term and seeks to discover why cultures chose specific religious elements over their counterparts in syncretic scenarios. Reviewing primary and secondary sources analyzing the religious characteristics and atmosphere of this period revealed that there was a pattern to syncretism and religious selection in Spanish Latin America. Europeans, Indigenous Peoples, and Africans in the New World selected religious elements based on three factors: survival, power, and resistance. This paper shows that religious elements in this region took on a Darwinian sense in which they became traits which individuals employed to survive and prosper

    Navigation, findability and the usage of cultural heritage on the web: an exploratory study

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    The present thesis investigates the usage of cultural heritage resources on the web. In recent years cultural heritage objects has been digitalized and made available on the web for the general public to use. The thesis addresses to what extent the digitalized material is used, and how findable it is on the web. On the web resources needs to be findable in order to be visited and used. The study is done at the intersection of several research areas in Library and Information Science; Information Seeking/Human Information Behaviour, Interactive Information Retrieval, and Webometrics. The two thesis research questions focus on different aspects of the study: (1) findability on the web; and (2) the usage and the users. The usage of the cultural heritage is analysed with Savolainen’s Everyday Life Information Seeking (ELIS) framework. The IS&R framework by Ingwersen and Järvelin is the main theoretical foundation, and a conceptual framework is developed so the examined aspects could be related to each other more clearly. An important distinction in the framework is between object and resource. An object is a single document, file or html page, whereas a resource is a collection of objects, e.g. a cultural heritage web site. Three webometric levels are used to both combine and distinguish the data types: usage, content, and structure. The interaction between the system and its users’ information search process was divided into query dependent and query independent aspects. The query dependent aspects contain the information need on the user side and the topic of the content on the system side. The query independent aspects are the structural findability on the system side and the users search skills on the user side. The conceptual framework is summarised in the User-Resource Interaction (URI) model. The research design is a methodological triangulation, in the form of a mixed methods approach in order to obtain measures and indicators of the resources and the usage from different angels. Four methods are used: site structure analysis; log analysis; web survey; and findability analysis. The research design is both sequential and parallel, the site structure analysis preceded the log analysis and the findability analysis, and the web survey was employed independent of the other methods. Three Danish resources are studied: Arkiv for Dansk Litteratur (ADL), a collection of literary texts written by authors; Kunst Index Danmark (KID), an index of the holdings in the Danish art museums; and Guaman Poma Inch Chronicle (Poma), a digitalized manuscript on the UNESCO list of World cultural heritage. The studied log covers all usage during the period October to December 2010. The site structure is analysed so the resources can be described as different levels, based on function and content. The results from the site structure analysis are used both in the log analysis and the findability analysis, as well as a way to describe the resources. In the log analysis navigation strategies and navigation patterns are studied. Navigation through a web search engine is the most common way to reach the resources, but both direct navigation and link navigation are also used in all three resources. Most users arrive in the middle level in ADL and KID, at information on authors and artists. On average cultural heritage objects are viewed in half of the session. In the analysis of the web survey answers two groups of users’ are distinguished, the professional user in a work context and users in a hobby or leisure context. School or study as a context is prominent in Guaman Poma, the Inca Chronicle. Generally are pages about the cultural heritage more frequently visited than the digitized cultural heritage objects. In the findability framework six aspects are identified as central for the findability of an object on the web: attributes of the object, accessibility, internal navigation, internal search, reachability and web prestige. The six aspects are evaluated through seven indicators. All studied objects are findable in the analysis using the findability framework. A findability issue in KID is the use of the secure https protocol instead of http, which leads to the objects in KID having no PageRank value in Google and thereby a lower ranking in comparison to similar objects with a PageRank value. The internal findability is reduced for the objects in top of all three resources, e.g. the first page, due to the focus of the internal search engine on the cultural heritage objects. Several possible adjustment or developments of the findability frameworks is discussed, such as changing the weightning between the aspects measured, alternative scores and automated measuring. In conclusion, the investigation adds to our knowledge about how resources with digitalized cultural heritage are accessed and used, as well as how findable they are. The thesis provides both theoretical and conceptual contributions to research. The IS&R framework has been adapted to the web, the information search process was split into query dependent and query independent aspects, and a whole findability framework has been developed. Both the empirical findings and the theoretical advancements support the development of better access to web resources
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