1,030 research outputs found

    How to Make an Image More Memorable? A Deep Style Transfer Approach

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    Recent works have shown that it is possible to automatically predict intrinsic image properties like memorability. In this paper, we take a step forward addressing the question: "Can we make an image more memorable?". Methods for automatically increasing image memorability would have an impact in many application fields like education, gaming or advertising. Our work is inspired by the popular editing-by-applying-filters paradigm adopted in photo editing applications, like Instagram and Prisma. In this context, the problem of increasing image memorability maps to that of retrieving "memorabilizing" filters or style "seeds". Still, users generally have to go through most of the available filters before finding the desired solution, thus turning the editing process into a resource and time consuming task. In this work, we show that it is possible to automatically retrieve the best style seeds for a given image, thus remarkably reducing the number of human attempts needed to find a good match. Our approach leverages from recent advances in the field of image synthesis and adopts a deep architecture for generating a memorable picture from a given input image and a style seed. Importantly, to automatically select the best style a novel learning-based solution, also relying on deep models, is proposed. Our experimental evaluation, conducted on publicly available benchmarks, demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach for generating memorable images through automatic style seed selectionComment: Accepted at ACM ICMR 201

    Viraliency: Pooling Local Virality

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    In our overly-connected world, the automatic recognition of virality - the quality of an image or video to be rapidly and widely spread in social networks - is of crucial importance, and has recently awaken the interest of the computer vision community. Concurrently, recent progress in deep learning architectures showed that global pooling strategies allow the extraction of activation maps, which highlight the parts of the image most likely to contain instances of a certain class. We extend this concept by introducing a pooling layer that learns the size of the support area to be averaged: the learned top-N average (LENA) pooling. We hypothesize that the latent concepts (feature maps) describing virality may require such a rich pooling strategy. We assess the effectiveness of the LENA layer by appending it on top of a convolutional siamese architecture and evaluate its performance on the task of predicting and localizing virality. We report experiments on two publicly available datasets annotated for virality and show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted at IEEE CVPR 201

    Predicting media memorability using ensemble models

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    Memorability, defined as the quality of being worth remembering, is a pressing issue in media as we struggle to organize and retrieve digital content and make it more useful in our daily lives. The Predicting Media Memorability task in MediaEval 2019 tackles this problem by creating a challenge to automatically predict memorability scores building on the work developed in 2018. Our team ensembled transfer learning approaches with video captions using embeddings and our own pre-computed features which outperformed Medieval 2018’s state-of-the-art architectures

    AMNet: Memorability Estimation with Attention

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    In this paper we present the design and evaluation of an end-to-end trainable, deep neural network with a visual attention mechanism for memorability estimation in still images. We analyze the suitability of transfer learning of deep models from image classification to the memorability task. Further on we study the impact of the attention mechanism on the memorability estimation and evaluate our network on the SUN Memorability and the LaMem datasets. Our network outperforms the existing state of the art models on both datasets in terms of the Spearman's rank correlation as well as the mean squared error, closely matching human consistency