1,184 research outputs found

    Drum Transcription via Classification of Bar-level Rhythmic Patterns

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    acceptedMatthias Mauch is supported by a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowshi

    Automatic Drum Transcription and Source Separation

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    While research has been carried out on automated polyphonic music transcription, to-date the problem of automated polyphonic percussion transcription has not received the same degree of attention. A related problem is that of sound source separation, which attempts to separate a mixture signal into its constituent sources. This thesis focuses on the task of polyphonic percussion transcription and sound source separation of a limited set of drum instruments, namely the drums found in the standard rock/pop drum kit. As there was little previous research on polyphonic percussion transcription a broad review of music information retrieval methods, including previous polyphonic percussion systems, was also carried out to determine if there were any methods which were of potential use in the area of polyphonic drum transcription. Following on from this a review was conducted of general source separation and redundancy reduction techniques, such as Independent Component Analysis and Independent Subspace Analysis, as these techniques have shown potential in separating mixtures of sources. Upon completion of the review it was decided that a combination of the blind separation approach, Independent Subspace Analysis (ISA), with the use of prior knowledge as used in music information retrieval methods, was the best approach to tackling the problem of polyphonic percussion transcription as well as that of sound source separation. A number of new algorithms which combine the use of prior knowledge with the source separation abilities of techniques such as ISA are presented. These include sub-band ISA, Prior Subspace Analysis (PSA), and an automatic modelling and grouping technique which is used in conjunction with PSA to perform polyphonic percussion transcription. These approaches are demonstrated to be effective in the task of polyphonic percussion transcription, and PSA is also demonstrated to be capable of transcribing drums in the presence of pitched instruments

    Drum Source Separation using Percussive Feature Detection and Spectral Modulation

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    We present a method for the separation and resynthesis of drum sources from single channel polyphonic mixtures. The frequency domain technique involves identifying the presence of a drum using a novel percussive feature detection function, after which the short-time magnitude spectrum is estimated and scaled according to an estimated time-amplitude function derived from the percussive measure. In addition to producing high quality separation results, the method we describe is also a useful pre-process for drum transcription techniques such as Prior Subspace Analysis in the presence of pitched instruments

    Fusion of Multimodal Information in Music Content Analysis

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    Music is often processed through its acoustic realization. This is restrictive in the sense that music is clearly a highly multimodal concept where various types of heterogeneous information can be associated to a given piece of music (a musical score, musicians\u27 gestures, lyrics, user-generated metadata, etc.). This has recently led researchers to apprehend music through its various facets, giving rise to "multimodal music analysis" studies. This article gives a synthetic overview of methods that have been successfully employed in multimodal signal analysis. In particular, their use in music content processing is discussed in more details through five case studies that highlight different multimodal integration techniques. The case studies include an example of cross-modal correlation for music video analysis, an audiovisual drum transcription system, a description of the concept of informed source separation, a discussion of multimodal dance-scene analysis, and an example of user-interactive music analysis. In the light of these case studies, some perspectives of multimodality in music processing are finally suggested

    A Corpus-based Study Of Rhythm Patterns

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    We present a corpus-based study of musical rhythm, based on a collection of 4.8 million bar-length drum patterns extracted from 48,176 pieces of symbolic music. Approaches to the analysis of rhythm in music information retrieval to date have focussed on low-level features for retrieval or on the detection of tempo, beats and drums in audio recordings. Musicological approaches are usually concerned with the description or implementation of manmade music theories. In this paper, we present a quantitative bottom-up approach to the study of rhythm that relies upon well-understood statistical methods from natural language processing. We adapt these methods to our corpus of music, based on the realisation that—unlike words—barlength drum patterns can be systematically decomposed into sub-patterns both in time and by instrument. We show that, in some respects, our rhythm corpus behaves like natural language corpora, particularly in the sparsity of vocabulary. The same methods that detect word collocations allow us to quantify and rank idiomatic combinations of drum patterns. In other respects, our corpus has properties absent from language corpora, in particular, the high amount of repetition and strong mutual information rates between drum instruments. Our findings may be of direct interest to musicians and musicologists, and can inform the design of ground truth corpora and computational models of musical rhythm. 1
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