1,172 research outputs found

    Validity contracts for software transactions

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    Software Transactional Memory is a promising approach to concurrent programming, freeing programmers from error-prone concurrency control decisions that are complicated and not composable. But few such systems address consistencies of transactional objects. In this thesis, I propose a contract-based transactional programming model toward more secure transactional softwares. In this general model, a validity contract specifies both requirements and effects for transactions. Validity contracts bring numerous benefits including reasoning about and verifying transactional programs, detecting and resolving transactional conflicts, automating object revalidation and easing program debugging. I introduce an ownership-based framework, namely AVID, derived from the general model, using object ownership as a mechanism for specifying and reasoning validity contracts. I have specified a formal type system and implemented a prototype type checker to support static checking. I also have built a transactional library framework AVID, based on existing Java DSTM2 framework, for expressing transactions and validity contracts. Experimental results on a multi-core system show that contracts add little overheads to the original STM. I find that contract-aware contention management yields significant speedups in some cases. The results have suggested compiler directed optimisation for tunning contract-based transactional programs. My further work will investigate the applications of transaction contracts on various aspects of TM research such as hardware support and open-nesting

    Unrestricted Transactional Memory: Supporting I/O and System Calls Within Transactions

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    Hardware transactional memory has great potential to simplify the creation of correct and efficient multithreaded programs, enabling programmers to exploit the soon-to-be-ubiquitous multi-core designs. Transactions are simply segments of code that are guaranteed to execute without interference from other concurrently-executing threads. The hardware executes transactions in parallel, ensuring non-interference via abort/rollback/restart when conflicts are detected. Transactions thus provide both a simple programming interface and a highly-concurrent implementation that serializes only on data conflicts. A progression of recent work has broadened the utility of transactional memory by lifting the bound on the size and duration of transactions, called unbounded transactions. Nevertheless, two key challenges remain: (i) I/O and system calls cannot appear in transactions and (ii) existing unbounded transactional memory proposals require complex implementations. We describe a system for fully unrestricted transactions (i.e., they can contain I/O and system calls in addition to being unbounded in size and duration). We achieve this via two modes of transaction execution: restricted (which limits transaction size, duration, and content but is highly concurrent) and unrestricted (which is unbounded and can contain I/O and system calls but has limited concurrency because there can be only one unrestricted transaction executing at a time). Transactions transition to unrestricted mode only when necessary. We introduce unoptimized and optimized implementations in order to balance performance and design complexity

    Rigorous Design of Distributed Transactions

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    Database replication is traditionally envisaged as a way of increasing fault-tolerance and availability. It is advantageous to replicate the data when transaction workload is predominantly read-only. However, updating replicated data within a transactional framework is a complex affair due to failures and race conditions among conflicting transactions. This thesis investigates various mechanisms for the management of replicas in a large distributed system, formalizing and reasoning about the behavior of such systems using Event-B. We begin by studying current approaches for the management of replicated data and explore the use of broadcast primitives for processing transactions. Subsequently, we outline how a refinement based approach can be used for the development of a reliable replicated database system that ensures atomic commitment of distributed transactions using ordered broadcasts. Event-B is a formal technique that consists of describing rigorously the problem in an abstract model, introducing solutions or design details in refinement steps to obtain more concrete specifications, and verifying that the proposed solutions are correct. This technique requires the discharge of proof obligations for consistency checking and refinement checking. The B tools provide significant automated proof support for generation of the proof obligations and discharging them. The majority of the proof obligations are proved by the automatic prover of the tools. However, some complex proof obligations require interaction with the interactive prover. These proof obligations also help discover new system invariants. The proof obligations and the invariants help us to understand the complexity of the problem and the correctness of the solutions. They also provide a clear insight into the system and enhance our understanding of why a design decision should work. The objective of the research is to demonstrate a technique for the incremental construction of formal models of distributed systems and reasoning about them, to develop the technique for the discovery of gluing invariants due to prover failure to automatically discharge a proof obligation and to develop guidelines for verification of distributed algorithms using the technique of abstraction and refinement

    Studying and Analysing Transactional Memory Using Interval Temporal Logic and AnaTempura

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    Transactional memory (TM) is a promising lock-free synchronisation technique which offers a high-level abstract parallel programming model for future chip multiprocessor (CMP) systems. Moreover, it adapts the well-established popular paradigm of transactions and thus provides a general and flexible way to allow programs to read and modify disparate memory locations atomically as a single operation. In this thesis, we propose a general framework for validating a TM design, starting from a formal specification into a hardware implementation, with its underpinning theory and refinement. A methodology in this work starts with a high-level and executable specification model for an abstract TM with verification for various correctness conditions of concurrent transactions. This model is constructed within a flexible transition framework that allows verifying correctness of a TM system with animation. Then, we present a formal executable specification for a chip-dual single-cycle MIPS processor with a cache coherence protocol and integrate the provable TM system. Finally, we transform the dual processors with the TM from a high-level description into a Hardware Description Language (VHDL), using some proposed refinement and restriction rules. Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) and its programming language subset AnaTempura are used to build, execute and test the model, since they together provide a powerful framework supporting logical reasoning about time intervals as well as programming and simulation

    Improving Reuse of Distributed Transaction Software with Transaction-Aware Aspects

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    Implementing crosscutting concerns for transactions is difficult, even using Aspect-Oriented Programming Languages (AOPLs) such as AspectJ. Many of these challenges arise because the context of a transaction-related crosscutting concern consists of loosely-coupled abstractions like dynamically-generated identifiers, timestamps, and tentative value sets of distributed resources. Current AOPLs do not provide joinpoints and pointcuts for weaving advice into high-level abstractions or contexts, like transaction contexts. Other challenges stem from the essential complexity in the nature of the data, operations on the data, or the volume of data, and accidental complexity comes from the way that the problem is being solved, even using common transaction frameworks. This dissertation describes an extension to AspectJ, called TransJ, with which developers can implement transaction-related crosscutting concerns in cohesive and loosely-coupled aspects. It also presents a preliminary experiment that provides evidence of improvement in reusability without sacrificing the performance of applications requiring essential transactions. This empirical study is conducted using the extended-quality model for transactional application to define measurements on the transaction software systems. This quality model defines three goals: the first relates to code quality (in terms of its reusability); the second to software performance; and the third concerns software development efficiency. Results from this study show that TransJ can improve the reusability while maintaining performance of TransJ applications requiring transaction for all eight areas addressed by the hypotheses: better encapsulation and separation of concern; loose Coupling, higher-cohesion and less tangling; improving obliviousness; preserving the software efficiency; improving extensibility; and hasten the development process

    Application Aware for Byzantine Fault Tolerance

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    Driven by the need for higher reliability of many distributed systems, various replication-based fault tolerance technologies have been widely studied. A prominent technology is Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). BFT can help achieve high availability and trustworthiness by ensuring replica consistency despite the presence of hardware failures and malicious faults on a small portion of the replicas. However, most state-of-the-art BFT algorithms are designed for generic stateful applications that require the total ordering of all incoming requests and the sequential execution of such requests. In this dissertation research, we recognize that a straightforward application of existing BFT algorithms is often inappropriate for many practical systems: (1) not all incoming requests must be executed sequentially according to some total order and doing so would incur unnecessary (and often prohibitively high) runtime overhead and (2) a sequential execution of all incoming requests might violate the application semantics and might result in deadlocks for some applications. In the past four and half years of my dissertation research, I have focused on designing lightweight BFT solutions for a number of Web services applications (including a shopping cart application, an event stream processing application, Web service business activities (WS-BA), and Web service atomic transactions (WS-AT)) by exploiting application semantics. The main research challenge is to identify how to minimize the use of Byzantine agreement steps and enable concurrent execution of requests that are commutable or unrelated. We have shown that the runtime overhead can be significantly reduced by adopting our lightweight solutions. One limitation for our solutions is that it requires intimate knowledge on the application design and implementation, which may be expensive and error-prone to design such BFT solutions on complex applications. Recognizing this limitation, we investigated the use of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to