9 research outputs found


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    Geo-Visualisation (GV) and Visual Analytics (VA) of geo-spatial data have become a focus of interest for research, industries, government and other organisations for improving the mobility, energy efficiency, waste management and public administration of a smart city. The geo-spatial data requirements, increasing volumes, varying formats and quality standards, present challenges in managing, storing, visualising and analysing the data. A survey covering GV and VA of the geo-spatial data collected from a smart city helps to portray the potential of such techniques, which is still required. Therefore, this survey presents GV and VA techniques for the geo-spatial urban data represented in terms of location, multi-dimensions including time, and several other attributes. Further, the current study provides a comprehensive review of the existing literature related to GV and VA from cities, highlighting the important open white spots for the cities’ geo-spatial data handling in term of visualisation and analytics. This will aid to get a better insight into the urban system and enable sustainable development of the future cities by improving human interaction with the geo-spatial data

    Design study of MovementSlicer : an interactive visualization of patterns and group meetings in 2D movement data

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    Movement data collected through GPS or other technologies is increasingly common, but is difficult to visualize due to overplotting and occlusion of movements when displayed on 2D maps. An additional challenge is the extraction of useful higher-level information (such as meetings) derived from the raw movement data. We present a design study of MovementSlicer, a tool for visualizing the places visited, and behaviors of, individual actors, and also the meetings between multiple actors. We first present a taxonomy of visualizations of movement data, and then consider tasks to support when analyzing movement data and especially meetings of multiple actors. We argue that Gantt charts have many advantages for understanding the movements and meetings of small groups of moving entities, and present the design of a Gantt chart that can nest people within locations or locations within people along the vertical axis, and show time along the horizontal axis. The rows of our Gantt chart are sorted by activity level and can be filtered using a weighted adjacency matrix showing meetings between people. Empty time intervals in the Gantt chart can be automatically folded, with smoothly animated transitions, yielding a multi-focal view. Case studies demonstrate the utility of our prototype

    Visual Analytics Methods for Exploring Geographically Networked Phenomena

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    abstract: The connections between different entities define different kinds of networks, and many such networked phenomena are influenced by their underlying geographical relationships. By integrating network and geospatial analysis, the goal is to extract information about interaction topologies and the relationships to related geographical constructs. In the recent decades, much work has been done analyzing the dynamics of spatial networks; however, many challenges still remain in this field. First, the development of social media and transportation technologies has greatly reshaped the typologies of communications between different geographical regions. Second, the distance metrics used in spatial analysis should also be enriched with the underlying network information to develop accurate models. Visual analytics provides methods for data exploration, pattern recognition, and knowledge discovery. However, despite the long history of geovisualizations and network visual analytics, little work has been done to develop visual analytics tools that focus specifically on geographically networked phenomena. This thesis develops a variety of visualization methods to present data values and geospatial network relationships, which enables users to interactively explore the data. Users can investigate the connections in both virtual networks and geospatial networks and the underlying geographical context can be used to improve knowledge discovery. The focus of this thesis is on social media analysis and geographical hotspots optimization. A framework is proposed for social network analysis to unveil the links between social media interactions and their underlying networked geospatial phenomena. This will be combined with a novel hotspot approach to improve hotspot identification and boundary detection with the networks extracted from urban infrastructure. Several real world problems have been analyzed using the proposed visual analytics frameworks. The primary studies and experiments show that visual analytics methods can help analysts explore such data from multiple perspectives and help the knowledge discovery process.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Magische Linsen an Displaywänden: Steuerung und Bedienung mit Mobilgeräten

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    Der Einsatz großer, vertikaler Displays nimmt sowohl in Bereichen der Forschung als auch der Wirtschaft zu. Diese Displays eignen sich durch ihre Größe und Auflösung unter anderem für die Informationsvisualisierung. Es gibt bereits eine Menge von Forschungsarbeiten, welche die Interaktion mit großen, vertikalen Displays untersucht hat. Jedoch ist speziell die Bedienung Magischer Linsen auf großen Displaywänden weitgehend unbeachtet geblieben. Eine intuitive Interaktion mit Magischen Linsen auf einer Displaywand kann jedoch insbesondere in kollaborativen Szenarien große Vorteile bieten. Smartphones eignen sich durch ihre Portabilität zur Interaktion mit Displaywänden. Unter Verwendung von Mobilgeräten und einer hochauflösenden Displaywand wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit Interaktionskonzepte zur Steuerung und Parametrisierung Magischer Linsen entwickelt. Hierzu wurde eine Recherche des aktuellen Forschungsstandes betrieben und Anwendungsfälle für den Einsatz der Konzepte aufgestellt. Es wurde eine große Bandbreite von Interaktionskonzepten entwickelt, welche von lockeren bis zu fokussierten Interaktionen reichen. Für die Bedienung der Magischen Linsen wurden verschiedene Aktionen identifiziert, welche in einem Interaktionsablauf auftreten und durch die Konzepte zu unterstützen sind. Ein Teil der entwickelten Interaktionskonzepte wurde durch einen Prototypen implementiert und anhand von Beispieldatensätzen getestet.The usage of large, vertical displays is increasing in felds of research as well as in the economy. Because of their size and resolution these displays are well suited for information visualization. There already are a number of publications which examine the interaction with large, vertical displays. Yet especially the operation of magic lenses on large display walls has been mostly ignored. An intuitive interaction with magic lenses on a large display may be espesially advantageous in collaborative scenarios. Smartphones are suited for interaction with display walls because of their portability. In this paper interaction concepts for operating and parametrizing magic lenses have been developed using mobile devices and a high resolution display wall. For this purpose the current state of research has been investigated and application scenarios for the use of the concepts have been constructed. A big amount of interaction concepts have been developed which range from casual to focused interactions. For the operation of magic lenses several actions have been identifed which occur in an interaction process and have to be adsressed by the concepts. Part of the developed interaction concepts have been implemented by a prototype and tested with sample data sets

    Interactive Visualization Lenses:: Natural Magic Lens Interaction for Graph Visualization

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    Information visualization is an important research field concerned with making sense and inferring knowledge from data collections. Graph visualizations are specific techniques for data representation relevant in diverse application domains among them biology, software-engineering, and business finance. These data visualizations benefit from the display space provided by novel interactive large display environments. However, these environments also cause new challenges and result in new requirements regarding the need for interaction beyond the desktop and according redesign of analysis tools. This thesis focuses on interactive magic lenses, specialized locally applied tools that temporarily manipulate the visualization. These may include magnification of focus regions but also more graph-specific functions such as pulling in neighboring nodes or locally reducing edge clutter. Up to now, these lenses have mostly been used as single-user, single-purpose tools operated by mouse and keyboard. This dissertation presents the extension of magic lenses both in terms of function as well as interaction for large vertical displays. In particular, this thesis contributes several natural interaction designs with magic lenses for the exploration of graph data in node-link visualizations using diverse interaction modalities. This development incorporates flexible switches between lens functions, adjustment of individual lens properties and function parameters, as well as the combination of lenses. It proposes interaction techniques for fluent multi-touch manipulation of lenses, controlling lenses using mobile devices in front of large displays, and a novel concept of body-controlled magic lenses. Functional extensions in addition to these interaction techniques convert the lenses to user-configurable, personal territories with use of alternative interaction styles. To create the foundation for this extension, the dissertation incorporates a comprehensive design space of magic lenses, their function, parameters, and interactions. Additionally, it provides a discussion on increased embodiment in tool and controller design, contributing insights into user position and movement in front of large vertical displays as a result of empirical investigations and evaluations.Informationsvisualisierung ist ein wichtiges Forschungsfeld, das das Analysieren von Daten unterstützt. Graph-Visualisierungen sind dabei eine spezielle Variante der Datenrepräsentation, deren Nutzen in vielerlei Anwendungsfällen zum Einsatz kommt, u.a. in der Biologie, Softwareentwicklung und Finanzwirtschaft. Diese Datendarstellungen profitieren besonders von großen Displays in neuen Displayumgebungen. Jedoch bringen diese Umgebungen auch neue Herausforderungen mit sich und stellen Anforderungen an Nutzerschnittstellen jenseits der traditionellen Ansätze, die dadurch auch Anpassungen von Analysewerkzeugen erfordern. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit interaktiven „Magischen Linsen“, spezielle lokal-angewandte Werkzeuge, die temporär die Visualisierung zur Analyse manipulieren. Dabei existieren zum Beispiel Vergrößerungslinsen, aber auch Graph-spezifische Manipulationen, wie das Anziehen von Nachbarknoten oder das Reduzieren von Kantenüberlappungen im lokalen Bereich. Bisher wurden diese Linsen vor allem als Werkzeug für einzelne Nutzer mit sehr spezialisiertem Effekt eingesetzt und per Maus und Tastatur bedient. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit präsentiert die Erweiterung dieser magischen Linsen, sowohl in Bezug auf die Funktionalität als auch für die Interaktion an großen, vertikalen Displays. Insbesondere trägt diese Dissertation dazu bei, die Exploration von Graphen mit magischen Linsen durch natürliche Interaktion mit unterschiedlichen Modalitäten zu unterstützen. Dabei werden flexible Änderungen der Linsenfunktion, Anpassungen von individuellen Linseneigenschaften und Funktionsparametern, sowie die Kombination unterschiedlicher Linsen ermöglicht. Es werden Interaktionstechniken für die natürliche Manipulation der Linsen durch Multitouch-Interaktion, sowie das Kontrollieren von Linsen durch Mobilgeräte vor einer Displaywand vorgestellt. Außerdem wurde ein neuartiges Konzept körpergesteuerter magischer Linsen entwickelt. Funktionale Erweiterungen in Kombination mit diesen Interaktionskonzepten machen die Linse zu einem vom Nutzer einstellbaren, persönlichen Arbeitsbereich, der zudem alternative Interaktionsstile erlaubt. Als Grundlage für diese Erweiterungen stellt die Dissertation eine umfangreiche analytische Kategorisierung bisheriger Forschungsarbeiten zu magischen Linsen vor, in der Funktionen, Parameter und Interaktion mit Linsen eingeordnet werden. Zusätzlich macht die Arbeit Vor- und Nachteile körpernaher Interaktion für Werkzeuge bzw. ihre Steuerung zum Thema und diskutiert dabei Nutzerposition und -bewegung an großen Displaywänden belegt durch empirische Nutzerstudien

    Embodied geosensification-models, taxonomies and applications for engaging the body in immersive analytics of geospatial data

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    This thesis examines how we can use immersive multisensory displays and body-focused interaction technologies to analyze geospatial data. It merges relevant aspects from an array of interdisciplinary research areas, from cartography to the cognitive sciences, to form three taxonomies that describe the senses, data representations, and interactions made possible by these technologies. These taxonomies are then integrated into an overarching design model for such "Embodied Geosensifications". This model provides guidance for system specification and is validated with practical examples