22 research outputs found

    On the Security of Fully Collusion Resistant Traitor Tracing Schemes

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    This paper investigates the security of FTT (fully collusion resistant traitor tracing) schemes in terms of DOT (Denial Of Tracing) and framing. With DOT attack, a decoder is able to detect tracing activity, and then prolongs the tracing process such that the tracer is unable to complete tracing job in a realistic time duration and hence has to abort his effort. On the other hand, by merely embedding several bytes of non-volatile memory in the decoder, we demonstrate, for the FTT schemes, how the decoder can frame innocent users at will. Furthermore, we propose a countermeasure on the framing attack

    Design of Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes

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    A self-healing key distribution scheme enables dynamic groups of users of an unreliable network to establish group keys for secure communication. In such a scheme, a group manager, at the beginning of each session, in order to provide a key to each member of the group, sends packets over a broadcast channel. Every user, belonging to the group, computes the group key by using the packets and some private information. The group manager can start multiple sessions during a certain time-interval, by adding/removing users to/from the initial group. The main property of the scheme is that, if during a certain session some broadcasted packet gets lost, then users are still capable of recovering the group key for that session simply by using the packets they have received during a previous session and the packets they will receive at the beginning of a subsequent one, without requesting additional transmission from the group manager. Indeed, the only requirement that must be satisfied, in order for the user to recover the lost keys, is membership in the group both before and after the sessions in which the broadcast messages containing the keys are sent. This novel and appealing approach to key distribution is quite suitable in certain military applications and in several Internet-related settings, where high security requirements need to be satisfied. In this paper we continue the study of self-healing key distribution schemes, introduced by Staddon et al. [37]. We analyze some existing constructions: we show an attack that can be applied to one of these constructions, in order to recover session keys, and two problems in another construction. Then, we present a new mechanism for implementing the self-healing approach, and we present an efficient construction which is optimal in terms of user memory storage. Finally, we extend the self-healing approach to key distribution, and we present a scheme which enables a user to recover from a single broadcast message all keys associated with sessions in which he is member of the communication group

    Generic Construction of Hybrid Public Key Traitor Tracing with Full-Public-Traceability

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    Abstract. In Eurocrypt 2005, Chabanne, Phan and Pointcheval introduced an interesting property for traitor tracing schemes called public traceability, which makes tracing a black-box public operation. However, their proposed scheme only worked for two users and an open question proposed by authors was to provide this property for multi-user systems. In this paper, we give a comprehensive solution to this problem by giving a generic construction for a hybrid traitor tracing scheme that provides full-public-traceability. We follow the Tag KEM/DEM paradigm of hybrid encryption systems and extend it to multi-receiver scenario. We define Tag-BroadcastKEM/DEM and construct a secure Tag-BroadcastKEM from a CCA secure PKE and target-collision resistant hash function. We will then use this Tag-BroadcastKEM together with a semantically secure DEM to give a generic construction for Hybrid Public Key Broadcast Encryption. The scheme has a black box tracing algorithm that always correctly identifies a traitor. The hybrid structure makes the system very efficient, both in terms of computation and communication cost. Finally we show a method of reducing the communication cost by using codes with identifiable parent property.

    Traceable Secret Sharing Based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem

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    Traceable threshold secret sharing schemes, introduced by Goyal, Song and Srinivasan (CRYPTO\u2721), allow to provably trace leaked shares to the parties that leaked them. The authors give the first definition and construction of traceable secret sharing schemes. However, the size of the shares in their construction are quadratic in the size of the secret. Boneh, Partap and Rotem (CRYPTO\u2724) recently proposed a new definition of traceable secret sharing and the first practical constructions. In their definition, one considers a reconstruction box RR that contains ff leaked shares and, on input tft-f additional shares, outputs the secret ss. A scheme is traceable if one can find out the leaked shares inside the box RR by only getting black-box access to RR. Boneh, Partap and Rotem give constructions from Shamir\u27s secret sharing and Blakely\u27s secret sharing. The constructions are efficient as the size of the secret shares is only twice the size of the secret. In this work we present the first traceable secret sharing scheme based on the Chinese remainder theorem. This was stated as an open problem by Boneh, Partap and Rotem, as it gives rise to traceable secret sharing with weighted threshold access structures. The scheme is based on Mignotte\u27s secret sharing and increases the size of the shares of the standard Mignotte secret sharing scheme by a factor of 22

    Towards Black-Box Accountable Authority IBE with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys

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    At Crypto'07, Goyal introduced the concept of Accountable Authority Identity-Based Encryption as a convenient tool to reduce the amount of trust in authorities in Identity-Based Encryption. In this model, if the Private Key Generator (PKG) maliciously re-distributes users' decryption keys, it runs the risk of being caught and prosecuted. Goyal proposed two constructions: the first one is efficient but can only trace well-formed decryption keys to their source; the second one allows tracing obfuscated decryption boxes in a model (called weak black-box model) where cheating authorities have no decryption oracle. The latter scheme is unfortunately far less efficient in terms of decryption cost and ciphertext size. In this work, we propose a new construction that combines the efficiency of Goyal's first proposal with a very simple weak black-box tracing mechanism. Our scheme is described in the selective-ID model but readily extends to meet all security properties in the adaptive-ID sense, which is not known to be true for prior black-box schemes.Comment: 32 page

    Efficient Public Trace and Revoke from Standard Assumptions

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    We provide efficient constructions for trace-and-revoke systems with public traceability in the black-box confirmation model. Our constructions achieve adaptive security, are based on standard assumptions and achieve significant efficiency gains compared to previous constructions. Our constructions rely on a generic transformation from inner product functional encryption (IPFE) schemes to trace-and-revoke systems. Our transformation requires the underlying IPFE scheme to only satisfy a very weak notion of security -- the attacker may only request a bounded number of random keys -- in contrast to the standard notion of security where she may request an unbounded number of arbitrarily chosen keys. We exploit the much weaker security model to provide a new construction for bounded collusion and random key IPFE from the learning with errors assumption (LWE), which enjoys improved efficiency compared to the scheme of Agrawal et al. [CRYPTO'16]. Together with IPFE schemes from Agrawal et al., we obtain trace and revoke from LWE, Decision Diffie Hellman and Decision Composite Residuosity

    Fully Collusion Resistant Traitor Tracing

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    We construct the first fully collusion resistant tracing traitors system with sublinear size ciphertexts and constant size private keys. More precisely, let NN be the total number of users. Our system generates ciphertexts of size O(N)O(\sqrt{N}) and private keys of size O(1)O(1). We build our system by first building a simpler primitive called private linear broadcast encryption (PLBE). We then show that any PLBE gives a tracing traitors system with the same parameters. Our system uses bilinear maps in groups of composite order

    Building Efficient Fully Collusion-Resilient Traitor Tracing and Revocation Schemes

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    In [BSW06,BW06] Boneh et al. presented the first fully collusion-resistant traitor tracing and trace & revoke schemes. These schemes are based on composite order bilinear groups and their security depends on the hardness of the subgroup decision assumption. In this paper we present new, efficient trace & revoke schemes which are based on prime order bilinear groups, and whose security depend on the hardness of the Decisional Linear Assumption or the External Diffie-Hellman (XDH) assumption. This allows our schemes to be flexible and thus much more efficient than existing schemes in terms a variety of parameters including ciphertext size, encryption time, and decryption time. For example, if encryption time was the major parameter of concern, then for the same level of practical security as [BSW06] our scheme encrypts 6 times faster. Decryption is 10 times faster. The ciphertext size in our scheme is 50% less when compared to [BSW06]. We provide the first implementations of efficient fully collusion-resilient traitor tracing and trace & revoke schemes. The ideas used in this paper can be used to make other cryptographic schemes based on composite order bilinear groups efficient as well

    How to Watermark Cryptographic Functions

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    We introduce a notion of watermarking for cryptographic functions and propose a concrete scheme for watermarking cryptographic functions. Informally speaking, a digital watermarking scheme for cryptographic functions embeds information, called a \textit{mark}, into functions such as one-way functions and decryption functions of public-key encryption. There are two basic requirements for watermarking schemes. (1) A mark-embedded function must be functionally equivalent to the original function. (2) It must be difficult for adversaries to remove the embedded mark without damaging the original functionality. In spite of its importance and usefulness, there have only been a few theoretical works on watermarking for functions (or programs). Furthermore, we do not have rigorous definitions of watermarking for cryptographic functions and concrete constructions. To solve the above problem, we introduce a notion of watermarking for cryptographic functions and define its security. Furthermore, we present a lossy trapdoor function (LTF) based on the decisional linear (DLIN) problem and a watermarking scheme for the LTF. Our watermarking scheme is secure under the DLIN assumption in the standard model. We use techniques of dual system encryption and dual pairing vector spaces (DPVS) to construct our watermarking scheme. This is a new application of DPVS. Our watermarking for cryptographic functions is a generalized notion of copyrighted functions introduced by Naccache, Shamir, and Stern (PKC 1999) and our scheme is based on an identity-based encryption scheme whose private keys for identities (i.e., decryption functions) are marked, so our technique can be used to construct black-box traitor tracing schemes

    Multi-Client Functional Encryption with Repetition for Inner Product

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    Recently, Chotard et al. proposed a variant of functional encryption for Inner Product, where several parties can independently encrypt inputs, for a specific time-period or label, such that functional decryption keys exactly reveal the aggregations for the specific functions they are associated with. This was introduced as Multi-Client Functional Encryption (MCFE). In addition, they formalized a Decentralized version (DMCFE), where all the clients must agree and contribute to generate the functional decryption keys: there is no need of central authority anymore, and the key generation process is non-interactive between the clients. Eventually, they designed concrete constructions, for both the centralized and decentralized settings, for the inner-product function family. Unfortunately, there were a few limitations for practical use, in the security model: (1) the clients were assumed not to encrypt two messages under the same label. Then, nothing was known about the security when this restriction was not satisfied; (2) more dramatically, the adversary was assumed to ask for the ciphertexts coming from all the clients or none, for a given label. In case of partial ciphertexts, nothing was known about the security either. In this paper, our contributions are three-fold: we describe two conversions that enhance any MCFE or DMCFE for Inner Product secure in their security model to (1) handle repetitions under the same label and (2) deal with partial ciphertexts. In addition, these conversions can be applied sequentially in any order. The latter conversion exploits a new tool, which we call Secret Sharing Layer (SSL). Eventually, we propose a new efficient technique to generate the functional decryption keys in a decentralized way, in the case of Inner Product, solely relying on plain DDH, as opposed to prior work of Chotard et al. which relies on pairings. As a consequence, from the weak MCFE for Inner Product proposed by Chotard et al., one can obtain an efficient Decentralized MCFE for Inner Product that handles repetitions and partial ciphertexts. Keywords. Functional Encryption, Inner Product, Multi-Client, Decentralized