17,607 research outputs found

    WiFi-based PCL for monitoring private airfields

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    In this article, the potential exploitation of WiFi-based PCL systems is investigated with reference to a real-world civil application in which these sensors are expected to nicely complement the existing technologies adopted for monitoring purposes, especially when operating against noncooperative targets. In particular, we consider the monitoring application of small private airstrips or airfields. With this terminology, we refer to open areas designated for the takeoff and landing of small aircrafts that, unlike an airport, have generally short and possibly unpaved runways (e.g., grass, dirt, sand, or gravel surfaces) and do not necessarily have terminals. More important, such areas usually are devoid of conventional technologies, equipment, or procedures adopted to guarantee safety and security in large aerodromes.There exist a huge number of small, privately owned, and unlicensed airfields around the world. Private aircraft owners mainly use these “airports” for recreational, single-person, or private flights for small groups and training flight purposes. In addition, residential airparks have proliferated in recent years, especially inthe United States, Canada, and South Africa. A residential airpark, or “fly-in community,” features common airstrips where homes with attached hangars allow owners to taxi from their hangar to a shared runway. In many cases, roads are dual use for both cars and planes.In such scenarios, the possibility to employ low-cost, compact, nonintrusive, and nontransmitting sensors as a way to improve safety and security with limited impact on the airstrips' users would be of great potential interest. To this purpose, WiFi-based passive radar sensors appear to be good candidates [23]. Therefore, we investigate their application against typical operative conditions experienced in the scenarios described earlier. The aim is to assess the capability to detect, localize, and track authorized and unauthorized targets that can be occupying the runway and the surrounding areas

    Adaptive Airborne Separation to Enable UAM Autonomy in Mixed Airspace

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    The excitement and promise generated by Urban Air Mobility (UAM) concepts have inspired both new entrants and large aerospace companies throughout the world to invest hundreds of millions in research and development of air vehicles, both piloted and unpiloted, to fulfill these dreams. The management and separation of all these new aircraft have received much less attention, however, and even though NASAs lead is advancing some promising concepts for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM), most operations today are limited to line of sight with the vehicle, airspace reservation and geofencing of individual flights. Various schemes have been proposed to control this new traffic, some modeled after conventional air traffic control and some proposing fully automatic management, either from a ground-based entity or carried out on board among the vehicles themselves. Previous work has examined vehicle-based traffic management in the very low altitude airspace within a metroplex called UTM airspace in which piloted traffic is rare. A management scheme was proposed in that work that takes advantage of the homogeneous nature of the traffic operating in UTM airspace. This paper expands that concept to include a traffic management plan usable at all altitudes desired for electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing urban and short-distance, inter-city transportation. The interactions with piloted aircraft operating under both visual and instrument flight rules are analyzed, and the role of Air Traffic Control services in the postulated mixed traffic environment is covered. Separation values that adapt to each type of traffic encounter are proposed, and the relationship between required airborne surveillance range and closure speed is given. Finally, realistic scenarios are presented illustrating how this concept can reliably handle the density and traffic mix that fully implemented and successful UAM operations would entail

    Identification of high-level functional/system requirements for future civil transports

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    In order to accommodate the rapid growth in commercial aviation throughout the remainder of this century, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is faced with a formidable challenge to upgrade and/or modernize the National Airspace System (NAS) without compromising safety or efficiency. A recurring theme in both the Aviation System Capital Investment Plan (CIP), which has replaced the NAS Plan, and the new FAA Plan for Research, Engineering, and Development (RE&D) rely on the application of new technologies and a greater use of automation. Identifying the high-level functional and system impacts of such modernization efforts on future civil transport operational requirements, particularly in terms of cockpit functionality and information transfer, was the primary objective of this project. The FAA planning documents for the NAS of the 2005 era and beyond were surveyed; major aircraft functional capabilities and system components required for such an operating environment were identified. A hierarchical structured analysis of the information processing and flows emanating from such functional/system components were conducted and the results documented in graphical form depicting the relationships between functions and systems

    Computationally effective range migration compensation in PCL systems for maritime surveillance

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    In this paper, we consider the possibility of extending the coherent processing interval (CPI) as a way to improve target detection capability in passive radars for maritime surveillance applications. Despite the low velocity of the considered targets, range walk effects could limit the performance of the system when long CPIs are considered. To overcome these limitations while keeping the computational load controlled, we resort to a sub-optimal implementation of the Keystone Transform (KT), based on Lagrange polynomial interpolation, recently presented by the authors and successfully applied against aerial targets. Following those promising results, we extend the proposed approach to a coastal surveillance scenario. In the considered case, since longer CPI values are used, the proposed strategy appears to be even more attractive with respect to a conventional KT implementation based on the Chirp-Z Transform interpolation. In fact, comparable detection performance are obtained with a remarkable computational load saving. In detail, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated against experimental data provided by Leonardo S.p.A., using a DVB-T based passive radar

    Applications of a High-Altitude Powered Platform (HAPP)

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    A list of potential uses for the (HAPP) and conceptual system designs for a small subset of the most promising applications were investigated. The method was to postulate a scenario for each application specifying a user, a set of system requirements and the most likely competitor among conventional aircraft and satellite systems. As part of the study of remote sensing applications, a parametric cost comparison was done between aircraft and HAPPS. For most remote sensing applications, aircraft can supply the same data as HAPPs at substantially lower cost. The critical parameters in determining the relative costs of the two systems are the sensor field of view and the required frequency of the observations being made. The HAPP is only competitive with an airplane when sensors having a very wide field of view are appropriate and when the phenomenon being observed must be viewed at least once per day. This eliminates the majority of remote sensing applications from any further consideration

    Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS): Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) investigation. Phase 1: Feasibility study

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    The possibility of the Threat Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) traffic sensor and display being used for meaningful Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) applications has resulted in the Federal Aviation Administration initiating a project to establish the technical and operational requirements to realize this potential. Phase 1 of the project is presented here. Phase 1 was organized to define specific CDTI applications for the terminal area, to determine what has already been learned about CDTI technology relevant to these applications, and to define the engineering required to supply the remaining TCAS-CDTI technology for capacity benefit realization. The CDTI applications examined have been limited to those appropriate to the final approach and departure phases of flight

    On Small Satellites for Oceanography: A Survey

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    The recent explosive growth of small satellite operations driven primarily from an academic or pedagogical need, has demonstrated the viability of commercial-off-the-shelf technologies in space. They have also leveraged and shown the need for development of compatible sensors primarily aimed for Earth observation tasks including monitoring terrestrial domains, communications and engineering tests. However, one domain that these platforms have not yet made substantial inroads into, is in the ocean sciences. Remote sensing has long been within the repertoire of tools for oceanographers to study dynamic large scale physical phenomena, such as gyres and fronts, bio-geochemical process transport, primary productivity and process studies in the coastal ocean. We argue that the time has come for micro and nano satellites (with mass smaller than 100 kg and 2 to 3 year development times) designed, built, tested and flown by academic departments, for coordinated observations with robotic assets in situ. We do so primarily by surveying SmallSat missions oriented towards ocean observations in the recent past, and in doing so, we update the current knowledge about what is feasible in the rapidly evolving field of platforms and sensors for this domain. We conclude by proposing a set of candidate ocean observing missions with an emphasis on radar-based observations, with a focus on Synthetic Aperture Radar.Comment: 63 pages, 4 figures, 8 table

    Target DoA estimation in passive radar using non-uniform linear arrays and multiple frequency channels

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    In this paper we present a robust approach for target direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in passive radar that jointly exploits spatial and frequency diversity. Specifically we refer to a DVB-T based passive radar receiver equipped with a linear array of few antenna elements non-uniformly spaced in the horizontal dimension, able to collect multiple DVB-T channels simultaneously. We resort to a maximum likelihood (ML) approach to jointly exploit the target echoes collected across the antenna elements at multiple carrier frequencies. Along with an expected improvement in terms of DoA estimation accuracy, we show that the available spatial and frequency diversity can be fruitfully exploited to extend the unambiguous angular sector useful for DoA estimation, which represent an invaluable tool in many applications. To this purpose, a performance analysis is reported against experimental data collected by a multi-channel DVB-T based passive radar developed by Leonardo S.p.A

    Principles for increased resilience in critical networked infrastructures

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    We propose a framework for deploying stronger, intelligent resilience mechanisms in mission-critical ATM networks over and above that offered by physical n-fold redundancy. We compare the challenges facing power and data network resilience and discuss disruptive threats to real-world operations. Using recorded live data from an ATM data network we argue our proposed architecture with deployable, distributed on-demand anomaly detection and monitoring modules provides enhanced fail-secure versus current fail-safe resilience