464 research outputs found

    Wireless communications in the new millennium and third generation wireless networks

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    At the end of the 20 century, and at the beginning of this one, wireless communications are making large advances. The new technologies are on the way to provide a high-speed, high-quality information exchange between handheld terminals, and information repositories. The so called 2,5 generation networks, using the techniques like the HSCSD1, GPRS2, EDGE3, and the 3r generation wireless systems will help the wireless world to reach those goals. In this thesis I will start from the first and second-generation wireless networks, and then look into the 2,5 generation and 3rd generation wireless communications more in detail. The latest advances in the wireless world are the main focus of this paper although a short history of wireless communications is also given. The various aspects related to 3rd generation systems will be explored in this thesis, for example the air interface discussions, its time scale, its elements like the mobile equipment, software and security, USLM4, services that will be offered, etc. In addition, the technical factors and key technologies that are likely to shape the wireless network environment of the future will be explored. This part is expected to help us to see beyond the 3rd generation

    Interference charecterisation, location and bandwidth estimation in emerging WiFi networks

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    Wireless LAN technology based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, commonly referred to as WiFi, has been hugely successful not only for the last hop access to the Internet in home, office and hotspot scenarios but also for realising wireless backhaul in mesh networks and for point -to -point long- distance wireless communication. This success can be mainly attributed to two reasons: low cost of 802.11 hardware from reaching economies of scale, and operation in the unlicensed bands of wireless spectrum.The popularity of WiFi, in particular for indoor wireless access at homes and offices, has led to significant amount of research effort looking at the performance issues arising from various factors, including interference, CSMA/CA based MAC protocol used by 802.11 devices, the impact of link and physical layer overheads on application performance, and spatio-temporal channel variations. These factors affect the performance of applications and services that run over WiFi networks. In this thesis, we experimentally investigate the effects of some of the above mentioned factors in the context of emerging WiFi network scenarios such as multi- interface indoor mesh networks, 802.11n -based WiFi networks and WiFi networks with virtual access points (VAPs). More specifically, this thesis comprises of four experimental characterisation studies: (i) measure prevalence and severity of co- channel interference in urban WiFi deployments; (ii) characterise interference in multi- interface indoor mesh networks; (iii) study the effect of spatio-temporal channel variations, VAPs and multi -band operation on WiFi fingerprinting based location estimation; and (iv) study the effects of newly introduced features in 802.11n like frame aggregation (FA) on available bandwidth estimation.With growing density of WiFi deployments especially in urban areas, co- channel interference becomes a major factor that adversely affects network performance. To characterise the nature of this phenomena at a city scale, we propose using a new measurement methodology called mobile crowdsensing. The idea is to leverage commodity smartphones and the natural mobility of people to characterise urban WiFi co- channel interference. Specifically, we report measurement results obtained for Edinburgh, a representative European city, on detecting the presence of deployed WiFi APs via the mobile crowdsensing approach. These show that few channels in 2.4GHz are heavily used and there is hardly any activity in the 5GHz band even though relatively it has a greater number of available channels. Spatial analysis of spectrum usage reveals that co- channel interference among nearby APs operating in the same channel can be a serious problem with around 10 APs contending with each other in many locations. We find that the characteristics of WiFi deployments at city -scale are similar to those of WiFi deployments in public spaces of different indoor environments. We validate our approach in comparison with wardriving, and also show that our findings generally match with previous studies based on other measurement approaches. As an application of the mobile crowdsensing based urban WiFi monitoring, we outline a cloud based WiFi router configuration service for better interference management with global awareness in urban areas.For mesh networks, the use of multiple radio interfaces is widely seen as a practical way to achieve high end -to -end network performance and better utilisation of available spectrum. However this gives rise to another type of interference (referred to as coexistence interference) due to co- location of multiple radio interfaces. We show that such interference can be so severe that it prevents concurrent successful operation of collocated interfaces even when they use channels from widely different frequency bands. We propose the use of antenna polarisation to mitigate such interference and experimentally study its benefits in both multi -band and single -band configurations. In particular, we show that using differently polarised antennas on a multi -radio platform can be a helpful counteracting mechanism for alleviating receiver blocking and adjacent channel interference phenomena that underlie multi -radio coexistence interference. We also validate observations about adjacent channel interference from previous studies via direct and microscopic observation of MAC behaviour.Location is an indispensable information for navigation and sensing applications. The rapidly growing adoption of smartphones has resulted in a plethora of mobile applications that rely on position information (e.g., shopping apps that use user position information to recommend products to users and help them to find what they want in the store). WiFi fingerprinting is a popular and well studied approach for indoor location estimation that leverages the existing WiFi infrastructure and works based on the difference in strengths of the received AP signals at different locations. However, understanding the impact of WiFi network deployment aspects such as multi -band APs and VAPs has not received much attention in the literature. We first examine the impact of various aspects underlying a WiFi fingerprinting system. Specifically, we investigate different definitions for fingerprinting and location estimation algorithms across different indoor environments ranging from a multi- storey office building to shopping centres of different sizes. Our results show that the fingerprint definition is as important as the choice of location estimation algorithm and there is no single combination of these two that works across all environments or even all floors of a given environment. We then consider the effect of WiFi frequency bands (e.g., 2.4GHz and 5GHz) and the presence of virtual access points (VAPs) on location accuracy with WiFi fingerprinting. Our results demonstrate that lower co- channel interference in the 5GHz band yields more accurate location estimation. We show that the inclusion of VAPs has a significant impact on the location accuracy of WiFi fingerprinting systems; we analyse the potential reasons to explain the findings.End -to -end available bandwidth estimation (ABE) has a wide range of uses, from adaptive application content delivery, transport-level transmission rate adaptation and admission control to traffic engineering and peer node selection in peer -to- peer /overlay networks [ 1, 2]. Given its importance, it has been received much research attention in both wired data networks and legacy WiFi networks (based on 802.11 a/b /g standards), resulting in different ABE techniques and tools proposed to optimise different criteria and suit different scenarios. However, effects of new MAC/PHY layer enhancements in new and next generation WiFi networks (based on 802.11n and 802.11ac standards) have not been studied yet. We experimentally find that among different new features like frame aggregation, channel bonding and MIMO modes (spacial division multiplexing), frame aggregation has the most harmful effect as it has direct effect on ABE by distorting the measurement probing traffic pattern commonly used to estimate available bandwidth. Frame aggregation is also specified in both 802.11n and 802.1 lac standards as a mandatory feature to be supported. We study the effect of enabling frame aggregation, for the first time, on the performance of the ABE using an indoor 802.11n wireless testbed. The analysis of results obtained using three tools - representing two main Probe Rate Model (PRM) and Probe Gap Model (PGM) based approaches for ABE - led us to come up with the two key principles of jumbo probes and having longer measurement probe train sizes to counter the effects of aggregating frames on the performance of ABE tools. Then, we develop a new tool, WBest+ that is aware of the underlying frame aggregation by incorporating these principles. The experimental evaluation of WBest+ shows more accurate ABE in the presence of frame aggregation.Overall, the contributions of this thesis fall in three categories - experimental characterisation, measurement techniques and mitigation/solution approaches for performance problems in emerging WiFi network scenarios. The influence of various factors mentioned above are all studied via experimental evaluation in a testbed or real - world setting. Specifically, co- existence interference characterisation and evaluation of available bandwidth techniques are done using indoor testbeds, whereas characterisation of urban WiFi networks and WiFi fingerprinting based location estimation are carried out in real environments. New measurement approaches are also introduced to aid better experimental evaluation or proposed as new measurement tools. These include mobile crowdsensing based WiFi monitoring; MAC/PHY layer monitoring of co- existence interference; and WBest+ tool for available bandwidth estimation. Finally, new mitigation approaches are proposed to address challenges and problems identified throughout the characterisation studies. These include: a proposal for crowd - based interference management in large scale uncoordinated WiFi networks; exploiting antenna polarisation diversity to remedy the effects of co- existence interference in multi -interface platforms; taking advantage of VAPs and multi -band operation for better location estimation; and introducing the jumbo frame concept and longer probe train sizes to improve performance of ABE tools in next generation WiFi networks

    Traffic offloading in future, heterogeneous mobile networks

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    The rise of third-party content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. In order to tackle this challenge, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) aim to increase their networks' capacity by expanding their infrastructure, deploying more Base Stations (BSs). Particularly, the creation of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) and the application of traffic offloading through the dense deployment of low-power BSs, the small cells (SCs), is one promising solution to address the aforementioned explosive data traffic increase. Due to their financial implementation requirements, which could not be met by the MNOs, the emergence of third parties that deploy small cell networks creates new business opportunities. Thus, the investigation of frameworks that facilitate the implementation of outsourced traffic offloading, the collaboration and the transactions among MNOs and third-party small cell owners, as well as the provision of participation incentives for all stakeholders is essential for the deployment of the necessary new infrastructure and capacity expansion. The aforementioned emergence of third-party content providers and their applications not only drives the increase in mobile data traffic, but also create new Quality of Service (QoS) as well as Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements that the MNOs need to guarantee for the satisfaction of their subscribers. Moreover, even though the MNOs accommodate this traffic, they do not get any monetary compensation or subsidization for the required capacity expansion. On the contrary, their revenues reduce continuously. To that end, it is necessary to research and design network and economic functionalities adapted to the new requirements, such as QoE-aware Radio Resource Management and Dynamic Pricing (DP) strategies, which both guarantee the subscriber satisfaction and maximization the MNO profit (to compensate the diminished MNOs' revenues and the increasing deployment investment). Following a thorough investigation of the state-of-the-art, a set of research directions were identified. This dissertation consists of contributions on network sharing and outsourced traffic offloading for the capacity enhancement of MNO networks, and the design of network and economic functions for the sustainable deployment and use of the densely constructed HetNets. The contributions of this thesis are divided into two main parts, as described in the following. The first part of the thesis introduces an innovative approach on outsourced traffic offloading, where we present a framework for the Multi-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) sharing. The proposed framework is based on an auction scheme used by a monopolistic Small Cell Operator (SCO), through which he leases his SC infrastructure to MNOs. As the lack of information on the future offered load and the auction strategies creates uncertainty for the MNOs, we designed a learning mechanism that assists the MNOs in their bid-placing decisions. Our simulations show that our proposal almost maximizes the social welfare, satisfying the involved stakeholders and providing them with participation incentives. The second part of the thesis researches the use of network and economic functions for MNO profit maximization, while guaranteeing the users' satisfaction. Particularly, we designed a model that accommodates a plethora of services with various QoS and QoE requirements, as well as diverse pricing, that is, various service prices and different charging schemes. In this model, we proposed QoE-aware user association, resource allocation and joint resource allocation and dynamic pricing algorithms, which exploit the QoE-awareness and the network's economic aspects, such as the profit. Our simulations have shown that our proposals gain substantial more profit compared to traditional and state-of-the-art solutions, while providing a similar or even better network performance.El aumento de los proveedores de contenido de terceros y la introducción de numerosas aplicaciones ha impulsado el crecimiento del tráfico de datos en redes móviles en los últimos años. Para hacer frente a este desafío, los operadores de redes móviles (Mobile Network Operators, MNOs) apuntan a aumentar la capacidad de sus redes mediante la expansión de su infraestructura y el despliegue de más estaciones base (BS). Particularmente, la creación de Redes Heterogéneas (Heterogenous Networks, HetNets) y la aplicación de descarga de tráfico a través del despliegue denso de BSs de baja potencia, las células pequeñas (small cells, SCs), es una solución prometedora para abordar el aumento del tráfico de datos explosivos antes mencionado. Debido a sus requisitos de implementación financiera, que los MNO no pudieron cumplir, la aparición de terceros que implementan redes de células pequeñas crea nuevas oportunidades comerciales. Por lo tanto, la investigación de marcos que faciliten la implementación de la descarga tercerizada de tráfico, la colaboración y las transacciones entre MNOs y terceros propietarios de células pequeñas, así como la provisión de incentivos de participación para todas las partes interesadas esencial para el despliegue de la nueva infraestructura necesaria y la expansión de la capacidad. La aparición antes mencionada de proveedores de contenido de terceros y sus aplicaciones no solo impulsa el aumento del tráfico de datos móviles, sino también crea nuevos requisitos de calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) y calidad de la experiencia (Quality of Experience, QoE) que los operadores de redes móviles deben garantizar para la satisfacción de sus suscriptores. Además, a pesar de que los operadores de redes móviles adaptan este tráfico, no obtienen ninguna compensación monetaria o subsidio por la expansión de capacidad requerida. Por el contrario, sus ingresos se reducen continuamente. Para ello, es necesario investigar y diseñar funcionalidades económicas y de red adaptadas a los nuevos requisitos, tales como las estrategias QoE-conscientes de gestión de recursos de radio y de precios dinámicos (Dynamic Pricing, DP), que garantizan la satisfacción del abonado y la maximización de la ganancia de operador móvil (para compensar los ingresos de los MNOs disminuidos y la creciente inversión de implementación). Después de una investigación exhaustiva del estado del arte, se identificaron un conjunto de direcciones de investigación. Esta disertación consiste en contribuciones sobre el uso compartido de redes y la descarga tercerizada de tráfico para la mejora de la capacidad de redes MNO, y el diseño de funciones económicas y de red para el despliegue y uso sostenible de las HetNets densamente construidas. Las contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos partes principales, como se describe a continuación. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un enfoque innovador sobre la descarga subcontratada de tráfico, en el que presentamos un marco para el uso compartido de la red de acceso de radio de múltiples operadores (Multi-Operator RAN, MORAN). El marco propuesto se basa en un esquema de subasta utilizado por un operador monopólico de celda pequeña (Small Cell Operator, SCO), a través del cual arrienda su infraestructura SC a MNOs. Como la falta de información sobre la futura carga de red y las estrategias de subasta creaban incertidumbre para los MNO, diseñamos un mecanismo de aprendizaje que asiste a los MNO en sus decisiones de colocación de pujas. Nuestras simulaciones muestran que nuestra propuesta casi maximiza el bienestar social, satisfaciendo a las partes interesadas involucradas y proporcionándoles incentivos de participación. La segunda parte de la tesis investiga el uso de las funciones económicas y de red para la maximización de los beneficios de los MNOs, al tiempo que garantiza la satisfacción de los usuarios. Particularmente, diseñamos un modelo que acomoda una gran cantidad de servicios con diversos requisitos de QoS y QoE, tanto como diversos precios, es decir, varios precios de servicio y diferentes esquemas de cobro. En este modelo, propusimos algoritmos QoE-conscientes para asociación de usuarios, asignación de recursos y conjunta asignación de recursos y de fijación dinámica de precios, que explotan la conciencia de QoE y los aspectos económicos de la red, como la ganancia. Nuestras simulaciones han demostrado que nuestras propuestas obtienen un beneficio sustancial en comparación con las soluciones tradicionales y del estado del arte, a la vez que proporcionan un rendimiento de red similar o incluso mejor.Postprint (published version

    Protecting the infrastructure: 3rd Australian information warfare & security conference 2002

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    The conference is hosted by the We-B Centre (working with a-business) in the School of Management Information System, the School of Computer & Information Sciences at Edith Cowan University. This year\u27s conference is being held at the Sheraton Perth Hotel in Adelaide Terrace, Perth. Papers for this conference have been written by a wide range of academics and industry specialists. We have attracted participation from both national and international authors and organisations. The papers cover many topics, all within the field of information warfare and its applications, now and into the future. The papers have been grouped into six streams: • Networks • IWAR Strategy • Security • Risk Management • Social/Education • Infrastructur

    Physical and Link Layer Implications in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks

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    Vehicle Ad hoc Networks (V ANET) have been proposed to provide safety on the road and deliver road traffic information and route guidance to drivers along with commercial applications. However the challenges facing V ANET are numerous. Nodes move at high speeds, road side units and basestations are scarce, the topology is constrained by the road geometry and changes rapidly, and the number of nodes peaks suddenly in traffic jams. In this thesis we investigate the physical and link layers of V ANET and propose methods to achieve high data rates and high throughput. For the physical layer, we examine the use of Vertical BLAST (VB LAST) systems as they provide higher capacities than single antenna systems in rich fading environments. To study the applicability of VB LAST to VANET, a channel model was developed and verified using measurement data available in the literature. For no to medium line of sight, VBLAST systems provide high data rates. However the performance drops as the line of sight strength increases due to the correlation between the antennas. Moreover, the performance of VBLAST with training based channel estimation drops as the speed increases since the channel response changes rapidly. To update the channel state information matrix at the receiver, a channel tracking algorithm for flat fading channels was developed. The algorithm updates the channel matrix thus reducing the mean square error of the estimation and improving the bit error rate (BER). The analysis of VBLAST-OFDM systems showed they experience an error floor due to inter-carrier interference (lCI) which increases with speed, number of antennas transmitting and number of subcarriers used. The update algorithm was extended to VBLAST -OFDM systems and it showed improvements in BER performance but still experienced an error floor. An algorithm to equalise the ICI contribution of adjacent subcarriers was then developed and evaluated. The ICI equalisation algorithm reduces the error floor in BER as more subcarriers are equalised at the expense of more hardware complexity. The connectivity of V ANET was investigated and it was found that for single lane roads, car densities of 7 cars per communication range are sufficient to achieve high connectivity within the city whereas 12 cars per communication range are required for highways. Multilane roads require higher densities since cars tend to cluster in groups. Junctions and turns have lower connectivity than straight roads due to disconnections at the turns. Although higher densities improve the connectivity and, hence, the performance of the network layer, it leads to poor performance at the link layer. The IEEE 802.11 p MAC layer standard under development for V ANET uses a variant of Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA). 802.11 protocols were analysed mathematically and via simulations and the results prove the saturation throughput of the basic access method drops as the number of nodes increases thus yielding very low throughput in congested areas. RTS/CTS access provides higher throughput but it applies only to unicast transmissions. To overcome the limitations of 802.11 protocols, we designed a protocol known as SOFT MAC which combines Space, Orthogonal Frequency and Time multiple access techniques. In SOFT MAC the road is divided into cells and each cell is allocated a unique group of subcarriers. Within a cell, nodes share the available subcarriers using a combination of TDMA and CSMA. The throughput analysis of SOFT MAC showed it has superior throughput compared to the basic access and similar to the RTS/CTS access of 802.11

    Improving relay based cellular networks performance in highly user congested and emergency situations

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    PhDRelay based cellular networks (RBCNs) are the technologies that incorporate multi-hop communication into traditional cellular networks. A RBCN can potentially support higher data rates, more stable radio coverage and more dynamic services. In reality, RBCNs still suffer from performance degradation in terms of high user congestion, base station failure and overloading in emergency situations. The focus of this thesis is to explore the potential to improve IEEE802.16j supported RBCN performance in user congestion and emergency situations using adjustments to the RF layer (by antenna adjustments or extensions using multi-hop) and cooperative adjustment algorithms, e.g. based on controlling frequency allocation centrally and using distributed approaches. The first part of this thesis designs and validates network reconfiguration algorithms for RBCN, including a cooperative antenna power control algorithm and a heuristic antenna tilting algorithm. The second part of this thesis investigates centralized and distributed dynamic frequency allocation for higher RBCN frequency efficiency, network resilience, and computation simplicity. It is demonstrated that these benefits mitigate user congestion and base station failure problems significantly. Additionally, interweaving coordinated dynamic frequency allocation and antenna tilting is investigated in order to obtain the benefits of both actions. The third part of this thesis incorporates Delay Tolerate Networking (DTN) technology into RBCN to let users self-organize to connect to functional base station through multi-hops supported by other users. Through the use of DTN, RBCN coverage and performance are improved. This thesis explores the augmentation of DTN routing protocols to let more un-covered users connect to base stations and improve network load balancin

    Modelling route choice behaviour with incomplete data: an application to the London Underground

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    This thesis develops a modelling framework for learning route choice behaviour of travellers on an underground railway system, with a major emphasis on the use of smart-card data. The motivation for this topic comes from two respects. On the one hand, in a metropolis, particularly those furnished with massive underground services (e.g. London, Beijing and Paris), severe passenger-traffic congestion may often occur, especially during rush hours. In order to support the public transport managers in taking actions that are more effective in smoothening the passenger flows, there is bound to be a need for better understanding of the passengers’ routing behaviour when they are travelling on such public transport networks. On the other hand, a wealth of travel data is nowadays readily obtainable, largely owing to the widespread implementation of automatic fare collection systems (AFC) as well as popularity of smart cards on the public transport. Nevertheless, a core limitation of such data is that the actual route-choice decisions taken by the passengers might not be available, especially when their journeys involve alternative routes and/or within-station interchanges. Mostly, the AFC systems (e.g. the Oyster system in London) record only data of passengers’ entry and exit, rather than their route choices. We are thus interested in whether it is possible to analytically infer the route-choice information based on the ‘incomplete’ data. Within the scope of this thesis, passengers’ single journeys are investigated on a station basis, where sufficiently large samples of the smart-card users’ travel records can be gained. With their journey time data being modelled by simple finite mixture distributions, Bayesian inference is applied to estimate posterior probabilities for each route that a given passenger might have chosen from all possible alternatives. We learn the route-choice probabilities of every individual passenger in any given sample, conditional on an observation of the passenger’s journey time. Further to this, the estimated posterior probabilities are also updated for each passenger, by taking into account additional information including their entry times as well as the timetables. To understand passengers’ actual route choice behaviour, we then make use of adapted discrete choice model, replacing the conventional dependent variable of actual route choices by the posterior choice probabilities for different possible outcomes. This proposed methodology is illustrated with seven case studies based in the area of central zone of the London Underground network, by using the Oyster smart-card data. Two standard mixture models, i.e. the probability distributions of Gaussian and log-normal mixtures, are tested, respectively. The outcome demonstrates a good performance of the mixture models. Moreover, relying on the updated choice probabilities in the estimation of a multinomial logit latent choice model, we show that we could estimate meaningful relative sensitivities to the travel times of different journey segments. This approach thus allows us to gain an insight into passengers’ route choice preferences even in the absence of observations of their actual chosen routes

    Security Enhanced Applications for Information Systems

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    Every day, more users access services and electronically transmit information which is usually disseminated over insecure networks and processed by websites and databases, which lack proper security protection mechanisms and tools. This may have an impact on both the users’ trust as well as the reputation of the system’s stakeholders. Designing and implementing security enhanced systems is of vital importance. Therefore, this book aims to present a number of innovative security enhanced applications. It is titled “Security Enhanced Applications for Information Systems” and includes 11 chapters. This book is a quality guide for teaching purposes as well as for young researchers since it presents leading innovative contributions on security enhanced applications on various Information Systems. It involves cases based on the standalone, network and Cloud environments

    Utilizing ZigBee Technology for More Resource-efficient Wireless Networking

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    Wireless networks have been an essential part of communication in our daily life. Targeted at different applications, a variety of wireless networks have emerged. Due to constrained resources for wireless communications, challenges arise but are not fully addressed. Featured by low cost and low power, ZigBee technology has been developed for years. As the ZigBee technology becomes more and more mature, low-cost embedded ZigBee interfaces have been available off the shelf and their sizes are becoming smaller and smaller. It will not be surprising to see the ZigBee interface commonly embedded in mobile devices in the near future. Motivated by this trend, we propose to leverage the ZigBee technology to improve existing wireless networks. In this dissertation, we classify wireless networks into three categories (i.e., infrastructure-based, infrastructure-less and hybrid networks), and investigate each with a representative network. Practical schemes are designed with the major objective of improving resource efficiency for wireless networking through utilizing ZigBee technology. Extensive simulation and experiment results have demonstrated that network performance can be improved significantly in terms of energy efficiency, throughput, packet delivery delay, etc., by adopting our proposed schemes