6 research outputs found

    Trademark recognition using the PDH shape descriptor

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    The paper presents the results of experiments, where trademark shapes were described using the PDH algorithm and recognized using the template matching approach. Those experiments were performed to verify some properties of the PDH shape descriptor in the presence of real contour object deformations

    Trademark recognition using the PDH shape descriptor

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    The paper presents the results of experiments, where trademark shapes were described using the PDH algorithm and recognized using the template matching approach. Those experiments were performed to verify some properties of the PDH shape descriptor in the presence of real contour object deformations

    Genomics data integration for knowledge discovery using genome annotations from molecular databases and scientific literature

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    One of the major global challenges of today is to meet the food demands of an ever increasing population (food demand will increase by 50% in 2030). One approach to address this challenge is to breed new crop varieties that yield more even under unfavorable conditions e.g. have improved tolerance to drought and/or resistance to pathogens. However, designing a breeding program is a laborious and time consuming effort that often lacks the capacity to generate new cultivars quickly in response to the required traits. Recent advances in biotechnology and genomics data science have the potential to accelerate and precise breeding programs greatly. As large-scale genomic data sets for crop species are available in multiple independent data sources and scientific literature, this thesis provides innovative technologies that use natural language processing (NLP) and semantic web technologies to address challenges of integrating genomic data for improving plant breeding. Firstly, in this research study, we developed a supervised Natural language processing (NLP) model with the help of IBM Watson, to extract knowledge networks containing genotypic-phenotypic associations of potato tuber flesh color from the scientific literature. Secondly, a table mining tool called QTLTableMiner++ (QTM) was developed which enables knowledge discovery of novel genomic regions (such as QTL regions), which positively or negatively affect the traits of interest. The objective of both above mentioned, NLP techniques was to extract information which is implicitly described in the literature and is not available in structured resources, like databases. Thirdly, with the help of semantic web technology, a linked-data platform called Solanaceae linked data platform(pbg-ld) was developed, to semantically integrates geno- and pheno-typic data of Solanaceae species. This platform combines both unstructured data from scientific literature and structured data from publicly available biological databases using the Linked Data approach. Lastly, analysis workflows for prioritizing candidate genes with QTL regions were tested using pbg-ld. Hence, this research provides in-silico knowledge discovery tools and genomic data infrastructure, which aids researchers and breeders in the design of a precise and improved breeding program.</p

    The Book of Ruth: Its Didactic Wisdom Themes

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    This dissertation proposes and argues that the Book of Ruth is better situated in Wisdom literature because of its didactic wisdom themes. Prominent wisdom themes will be analyzed and compared intertextually with the Book of Ruth, which provides Ruth’s understanding of YHWH. The research methodology evaluates the intertextuality, or inter-themes, between the Book of Ruth and the Wisdom literature (Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes), the primary source. Peer-reviewed sources (scholarly commentaries, academic peer-reviewed journals, and scholarly biblical dictionaries) are used to evaluate and support the findings uncovered in the primary source. Semantic field and range studies are performed with the help of biblical Hebrew lexicons and lexical aids. The dissertation stems from the awareness that Ruth’s placement in the Old Testament differs between the Greek and Christian Bibles and the Hebrew Bible. In Judaism, Ruth is one of five scrolls in the Megilloth collection. This is significant because the Greek and Christian Bibles place Ruth after Judges and before 1 Samuel, which satisfies judicial and genealogical purposes. However, the Megilloth’s chronological order places Ruth first of the five scrolls, follows Proverbs, and precedes Ecclesiastes. Therefore, this chronological order has Ruth as the solution to the question posed in Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find?” Chapter one begins with an introduction highlighting prominent historical, literary, and theological elements of the Book of Ruth, followed by a description of the Megilloth with an explanation of the liturgical and chronological ordering. Finally, intertextuality is discussed, touching on the associated theories and methods. Chapter two is an overview of Wisdom literature. It will be investigated to analyze its genre, portrayal in Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Ruth, and its association with Old Testament theology. Finally, how wisdom is perceived in the ancient Near East, and its influence on Wisdom literature are explored. Chapter three evaluates fifteen didactic wisdom themes in the Book o Ruth. These themes will be evaluated to show their relevance to furthering the concept of a moral character properly situated within Yahweh’s standards. Biblical verses applicable to each theme will be analyzed, which will include looking at semantic fields and ranges and lexical comprehension of essential biblical Hebrew terms. Chapters four through six give a comparative study between Wisdom literature and Ruth. Specifically, how each Wisdom book treats the prominent wisdom themes and how Ruth treats the same themes are discussed. The comparative study focuses on specific verses relating to each theme, key terms are excised and studied, and thematic significances are given attention with a detailed explanation. Chapter seven focuses on how the Book of Ruth comprehends YHWH, though He is not visibly active in the biblical text. The ‘fear of Yahweh,’ divine sovereignty and providence, the concept of ḥesed, and the role of gō’ēl are evaluated in Ruth’s context. Finally, Chapter eight concludes the evaluation and ties together the crucial points from each chapter. The limitations of the research and its relevancy in understanding the book are presented