478 research outputs found

    On the Reliability Function of Distributed Hypothesis Testing Under Optimal Detection

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    The distributed hypothesis testing problem with full side-information is studied. The trade-off (reliability function) between the two types of error exponents under limited rate is studied in the following way. First, the problem is reduced to the problem of determining the reliability function of channel codes designed for detection (in analogy to a similar result which connects the reliability function of distributed lossless compression and ordinary channel codes). Second, a single-letter random-coding bound based on a hierarchical ensemble, as well as a single-letter expurgated bound, are derived for the reliability of channel-detection codes. Both bounds are derived for a system which employs the optimal detection rule. We conjecture that the resulting random-coding bound is ensemble-tight, and consequently optimal within the class of quantization-and-binning schemes

    Source Coding When the Side Information May Be Delayed

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    For memoryless sources, delayed side information at the decoder does not improve the rate-distortion function. However, this is not the case for more general sources with memory, as demonstrated by a number of works focusing on the special case of (delayed) feedforward. In this paper, a setting is studied in which the encoder is potentially uncertain about the delay with which measurements of the side information are acquired at the decoder. Assuming a hidden Markov model for the sources, at first, a single-letter characterization is given for the set-up where the side information delay is arbitrary and known at the encoder, and the reconstruction at the destination is required to be (near) lossless. Then, with delay equal to zero or one source symbol, a single-letter characterization is given of the rate-distortion region for the case where side information may be delayed or not, unbeknownst to the encoder. The characterization is further extended to allow for additional information to be sent when the side information is not delayed. Finally, examples for binary and Gaussian sources are provided.Comment: revised July 201

    Distributed Channel Synthesis

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    Two familiar notions of correlation are rediscovered as the extreme operating points for distributed synthesis of a discrete memoryless channel, in which a stochastic channel output is generated based on a compressed description of the channel input. Wyner's common information is the minimum description rate needed. However, when common randomness independent of the input is available, the necessary description rate reduces to Shannon's mutual information. This work characterizes the optimal trade-off between the amount of common randomness used and the required rate of description. We also include a number of related derivations, including the effect of limited local randomness, rate requirements for secrecy, applications to game theory, and new insights into common information duality. Our proof makes use of a soft covering lemma, known in the literature for its role in quantifying the resolvability of a channel. The direct proof (achievability) constructs a feasible joint distribution over all parts of the system using a soft covering, from which the behavior of the encoder and decoder is inferred, with no explicit reference to joint typicality or binning. Of auxiliary interest, this work also generalizes and strengthens this soft covering tool.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Information Theory (submitted Aug., 2012, accepted July, 2013), 26 pages, using IEEEtran.cl

    Temporal Lossy In-Situ Compression for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations

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    Während CFD Simulationen für Metallschmelze im Rahmen des SFB920 fallen auf dem Taurus HPC Cluster in Dresden sehr große Datenmengen an, deren Handhabung den wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsablauf stark verlangsamen. Zum einen ist der Transfer in Visualisierungssysteme nur unter hohem Zeitaufwand möglich. Zum anderen ist interaktive Analyse von zeitlich abhängigen Prozessen auf Grund des Speicherflaschenhalses nahezu unmöglich. Aus diesen Gründen beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Dissertation mit der Entwicklung sog. Temporaler In-Situ Kompression für wissenschaftliche Daten direkt innerhalb von CFD Simulationen. Dabei werden mittels neuer Quantisierungsverfahren die Daten auf ~10% komprimiert, wobei dekomprimierte Daten einen Fehler von maximal 1% aufweisen. Im Gegensatz zu nicht-temporaler Kompression, wird bei temporaler Kompression der Unterschied zwischen Zeitschritten komprimiert, um den Kompressionsgrad zu erhöhen. Da die Datenmenge um ein Vielfaches kleiner ist, werden Kosten für die Speicherung und die Übertragung gesenkt. Da Kompression, Transfer und Dekompression bis zu 4 mal schneller ablaufen als der Transfer von unkomprimierten Daten, wird der wissenschaftliche Arbeitsablauf beschleunigt