102 research outputs found

    Roller drive materials performance

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    Roller traction performance basics, a test program to measure performance, and the need for and typical use of the information are outlined. A test rig was designed and fabricated to develop this information. Parametric conditions and specimen materials were chosen so that the resulting data will be valuable to the design and development of advanced, roller-driven space mechanisms, from precision positioning devices to telerobot joints

    Traction-drive force transmission for telerobotic joints

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    A mechanism which meets the requirements of a teleoperated manipulator and those of an autonomous robot is discussed. The mechanism is a traction-drive differential that uses variable preload mechanisms. The differential provides compact design, with dextrous motion range and torque density similar to geared systems. The traction drive offers high stiffness to backlash for good robotic performance. The variable-loading mechanism (VLM) minimizes the drive-train friction for improved teleoperation. This combination provides a mechanism to allow advanced manipulation with either teleoperated control or autonomous robotic operation. The design principles of both major components of the joint mechanism are described

    Traction-drive, seven-degree-of-freedom telerobot arm: A concept for manipulaton in space

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    As man seeks to expand his dominion into new environments, the demand increases for machines that perform useful functions in remote locations. This new concept for manipulation in space is based on knowledge and experience gained from manipulator systems developed to meet the needs of remote nuclear applications. It merges the best characteristics of teleoperation and robotic technologies. The design goals for the telerobot, a mechanical description, and technology areas that must be addressed for successful implementation are presented and discussed. The concept incorporates mechanical traction drives, redundant kinematics, and modular arm subelements to provide a backlash-free manipulator capable of obstacle avoidance

    Microgravity mechanisms and robotics program

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    The primary goal of this program is to produce the motion control tools necessary to enhance and enable a particular NASA mission - space laboratory-based microgravity experiments. To that end, a spectrum of technology is being developed in the disciplines of precision mechanisms and robotics

    Reaction-compensation technology for microgravity laboratory robots

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    Robots operating in the microgravity environment of an orbiting laboratory should be capable of manipulating payloads such that the motion of the robot does not disturb adjacent experiments. The current results of a NASA Lewis Research Center technology program to develop smooth, reaction-compensated manipulation based on both mechanism technology and trajectory planning strategies are present. Experimental validation of methods to reduce robot base reactions through the use of redundant degrees of freedom is discussed. Merits of smooth operation roller-driven robot joints for microgravity manipulators are also reviewed

    An intelligent, free-flying robot

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    The ground based demonstration of the extensive extravehicular activity (EVA) Retriever, a voice-supervised, intelligent, free flying robot, is designed to evaluate the capability to retrieve objects (astronauts, equipment, and tools) which have accidentally separated from the Space Station. The major objective of the EVA Retriever Project is to design, develop, and evaluate an integrated robotic hardware and on-board software system which autonomously: (1) performs system activation and check-out; (2) searches for and acquires the target; (3) plans and executes a rendezvous while continuously tracking the target; (4) avoids stationary and moving obstacles; (5) reaches for and grapples the target; (6) returns to transfer the object; and (7) returns to base

    Evaluation of a high-torque backlash-free roller actuator

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    The results are presented of a test program that evaluated the stiffness, accuracy, torque ripple, frictional losses, and torque holding capability of a 16:1 ratio, 430 N-m (320 ft-lb) planetary roller drive for a potential space vehicle actuator application. The drive's planet roller supporting structure and bearings were found to be the largest contributors to overall drive compliance, accounting for more than half the total. In comparison, the traction roller contacts themselves contributed only 9 percent of the drive's compliance based on an experimentally verified stiffnesss model. Torque ripple tests showed the drive to be extremely smooth, actually providing some damping of input torsional oscillations. The drive also demonstrated the ability to hold static torque with drifts of 7 arc sec or less over a 24-hour period at 35 percent of full load

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 3

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. The Conference provided a forum for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas on the research and development required for application of telerobotics technology to the space systems planned for the 1990s and beyond. The Conference: (1) provided a view of current NASA telerobotic research and development; (2) stimulated technical exchange on man-machine systems, manipulator control, machine sensing, machine intelligence, concurrent computation, and system architectures; and (3) identified important unsolved problems of current interest which can be dealt with by future research

    The 21st Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium

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    During the symposium technical topics addressed included deployable structures, electromagnetic devices, tribology, actuators, latching devices, positioning mechanisms, robotic manipulators, and automated mechanisms synthesis. A summary of the 20th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium panel discussions is included as an appendix. However, panel discussions on robotics for space and large space structures which were held are not presented herein