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    Latent tree models

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    Latent tree models are graphical models defined on trees, in which only a subset of variables is observed. They were first discussed by Judea Pearl as tree-decomposable distributions to generalise star-decomposable distributions such as the latent class model. Latent tree models, or their submodels, are widely used in: phylogenetic analysis, network tomography, computer vision, causal modeling, and data clustering. They also contain other well-known classes of models like hidden Markov models, Brownian motion tree model, the Ising model on a tree, and many popular models used in phylogenetics. This article offers a concise introduction to the theory of latent tree models. We emphasise the role of tree metrics in the structural description of this model class, in designing learning algorithms, and in understanding fundamental limits of what and when can be learned

    Efficient Bayesian Learning in Social Networks with Gaussian Estimators

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    We consider a group of Bayesian agents who try to estimate a state of the world θ\theta through interaction on a social network. Each agent vv initially receives a private measurement of θ\theta: a number SvS_v picked from a Gaussian distribution with mean θ\theta and standard deviation one. Then, in each discrete time iteration, each reveals its estimate of θ\theta to its neighbors, and, observing its neighbors' actions, updates its belief using Bayes' Law. This process aggregates information efficiently, in the sense that all the agents converge to the belief that they would have, had they access to all the private measurements. We show that this process is computationally efficient, so that each agent's calculation can be easily carried out. We also show that on any graph the process converges after at most 2ND2N \cdot D steps, where NN is the number of agents and DD is the diameter of the network. Finally, we show that on trees and on distance transitive-graphs the process converges after DD steps, and that it preserves privacy, so that agents learn very little about the private signal of most other agents, despite the efficient aggregation of information. Our results extend those in an unpublished manuscript of the first and last authors.Comment: Added coauthor. Added proofs for fast convergence on trees and distance transitive graphs. Also, now analyzing a notion of privac

    Efficient Bayesian Social Learning on Trees

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    We consider a set of agents who are attempting to iteratively learn the 'state of the world' from their neighbors in a social network. Each agent initially receives a noisy observation of the true state of the world. The agents then repeatedly 'vote' and observe the votes of some of their peers, from which they gain more information. The agents' calculations are Bayesian and aim to myopically maximize the expected utility at each iteration. This model, introduced by Gale and Kariv (2003), is a natural approach to learning on networks. However, it has been criticized, chiefly because the agents' decision rule appears to become computationally intractable as the number of iterations advances. For instance, a dynamic programming approach (part of this work) has running time that is exponentially large in \min(n, (d-1)^t), where n is the number of agents. We provide a new algorithm to perform the agents' computations on locally tree-like graphs. Our algorithm uses the dynamic cavity method to drastically reduce computational effort. Let d be the maximum degree and t be the iteration number. The computational effort needed per agent is exponential only in O(td) (note that the number of possible information sets of a neighbor at time t is itself exponential in td). Under appropriate assumptions on the rate of convergence, we deduce that each agent is only required to spend polylogarithmic (in 1/\eps) computational effort to approximately learn the true state of the world with error probability \eps, on regular trees of degree at least five. We provide numerical and other evidence to justify our assumption on convergence rate. We extend our results in various directions, including loopy graphs. Our results indicate efficiency of iterative Bayesian social learning in a wide range of situations, contrary to widely held beliefs.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, submitte

    Making Consensus Tractable

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    We study a model of consensus decision making, in which a finite group of Bayesian agents has to choose between one of two courses of action. Each member of the group has a private and independent signal at his or her disposal, giving some indication as to which action is optimal. To come to a common decision, the participants perform repeated rounds of voting. In each round, each agent casts a vote in favor of one of the two courses of action, reflecting his or her current belief, and observes the votes of the rest. We provide an efficient algorithm for the calculation the agents have to perform, and show that consensus is always reached and that the probability of reaching a wrong decision decays exponentially with the number of agents.Comment: 18 pages. To appear in Transactions on Economics and Computatio

    Insights on Learning Tractable Probabilistic Graphical Models

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    Insights on Learning Tractable Probabilistic Graphical Models

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    Learning without Recall: A Case for Log-Linear Learning

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    We analyze a model of learning and belief formation in networks in which agents follow Bayes rule yet they do not recall their history of past observations and cannot reason about how other agents' beliefs are formed. They do so by making rational inferences about their observations which include a sequence of independent and identically distributed private signals as well as the beliefs of their neighboring agents at each time. Fully rational agents would successively apply Bayes rule to the entire history of observations. This leads to forebodingly complex inferences due to lack of knowledge about the global network structure that causes those observations. To address these complexities, we consider a Learning without Recall model, which in addition to providing a tractable framework for analyzing the behavior of rational agents in social networks, can also provide a behavioral foundation for the variety of non-Bayesian update rules in the literature. We present the implications of various choices for time-varying priors of such agents and how this choice affects learning and its rate.Comment: in 5th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, (NecSys 2015

    Learning Gaussian Graphical Models with Observed or Latent FVSs

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    Gaussian Graphical Models (GGMs) or Gauss Markov random fields are widely used in many applications, and the trade-off between the modeling capacity and the efficiency of learning and inference has been an important research problem. In this paper, we study the family of GGMs with small feedback vertex sets (FVSs), where an FVS is a set of nodes whose removal breaks all the cycles. Exact inference such as computing the marginal distributions and the partition function has complexity O(k2n)O(k^{2}n) using message-passing algorithms, where k is the size of the FVS, and n is the total number of nodes. We propose efficient structure learning algorithms for two cases: 1) All nodes are observed, which is useful in modeling social or flight networks where the FVS nodes often correspond to a small number of high-degree nodes, or hubs, while the rest of the networks is modeled by a tree. Regardless of the maximum degree, without knowing the full graph structure, we can exactly compute the maximum likelihood estimate in O(kn2+n2logn)O(kn^2+n^2\log n) if the FVS is known or in polynomial time if the FVS is unknown but has bounded size. 2) The FVS nodes are latent variables, where structure learning is equivalent to decomposing a inverse covariance matrix (exactly or approximately) into the sum of a tree-structured matrix and a low-rank matrix. By incorporating efficient inference into the learning steps, we can obtain a learning algorithm using alternating low-rank correction with complexity O(kn2+n2logn)O(kn^{2}+n^{2}\log n) per iteration. We also perform experiments using both synthetic data as well as real data of flight delays to demonstrate the modeling capacity with FVSs of various sizes