1,315 research outputs found

    On angled bounce-off impact of a drop impinging on a flowing soap film

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    Small drops impinging angularly on thin flowing soap films frequently demonstrate the rare emergence of bulk elastic effects working in-tandem with the more common-place hydrodynamic interactions. Three collision regimes are observable: (a) drop piercing through the film, (b) it coalescing with the flow, and (c) it bouncing off the film surface. During impact, the drop deforms along with a bulk elastic deformation of the film. For impacts that are close-to-tangential, the bounce-off regime predominates. We outline a reduced order analytical framework assuming a deformable drop and a deformable three-dimensional film, and the idealization invokes a phase-based parametric study. Angular inclination of the film and the ratio of post and pre impact drop sizes entail the phase parameters. We also perform experiments with vertically descending droplets impacting against an inclined soap film, flowing under constant pressure head. Model predicted phase domain for bounce-off compares well to our experimental findings. Additionally, the experiments exhibit momentum transfer to the film in the form of shed vortex dipole, along with propagation of free surface waves. On consulting prior published work, we note that for locomotion of water-walking insects using an impulsive action, the momentum distribution to the shed vortices and waves are both significant, taking up respectively 2/3-rd and 1/3-rd of the imparted streamwise momentum. In view of the potentially similar impulse actions, this theory is applied to the bounce-off examples in our experiments, and the resultant shed vortex dipole momenta are compared to the momenta computed from particle imaging velocimetry data. The magnitudes reveal identical order (10−710^{-7} N⋅\cdots), suggesting that the bounce-off regime can be tapped as a simple analogue for interfacial bio-locomotion relying on impulse reactions

    Modelling of immiscible liquid-liquid systems by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

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    Immiscible fluid systems are ubiquitous in industry, medicine and nature. Understanding the phase morphologies and intraphase fluid motion is often desirable in many of these situations; for example, this will aid improved design of microfluidic platforms for the production of medicinal formulations. In this paper, we detail a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach that facilitates this understanding. The approach includes surface tension and enforces incompressibility. The approach also allows the consideration of an arbitrary number of immiscible phases of differing viscosities and densities. The nature of the phase morphologies can be arbitrary and change in time, including break-up (which is illustrated) and coalescence. The use of different fluid constitutive models, including non-Newtonian models, is also possible. The validity of the model is demonstrated by applying it to a range of model problems with known solutions, including the Young-Laplace problem, confined droplet deformation under a linear shear field, and a droplet falling under gravity through another quiescent liquid. Results are also presented to illustrate how the SPH model can be used to elucidate the behaviour of immiscible liquid systems

    Ambit of Multiphase CFD in Modelling Transport Processes Related to Oil Spill Scenario and Microfluidics

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    During the ‘Deepwater Horizon’ accident in the deep sea in 2010, about 4.9 million barrels of oil was released into the Gulf of Mexico, making the spill one of the worst ocean spills in recent times. To mitigate the ill effects of the event on the environment, subsea injection of dispersants was carried out. Dispersant addition lowers the interfacial tension at oil/water interface and presence of local turbulence enhances the droplet disintegration process. The oil droplets contain a plethora of hydrocarbons which are soluble in water. In deep spill scenarios, droplets spend large amounts of time in water column; hence, the dissolution process of soluble hydrocarbons becomes important. In this study, our focus is to exploit the capabilities of multiphase CFD in developing an integrated numerical model which accounts for various transport processes and hence would effectively guide us in predicting the fate of oil mass. In the initial stages, studies were conducted to understand these transport processes at a very fundamental level where the effect of surfactant, on the dynamics of crude oil, droplet rising in a stagnant column, was investigated. To capture the subsurface dissolution of hydrocarbons from oil droplet, a unique experiment was devised wherein a binary organic mixture, representing a pseudo oil droplet comprising of volatile and non-volatile hydrocarbons, was employed to study the effect of unsteady mass transport on the overall dynamics of the droplet. In the next phase of project, we developed a numerical model, by integrating traditional multiphase CFD models and turbulence models, with a population balance (PB) approach, for predicting the droplet size distribution resulting from the interaction of turbulent oil jets with the surrounding quiescent environment. Apart from the simulations specific to oil spill related situations, the multiphase CFD was also employed to study the fluid flow in micro-channels. The mass transfer mechanisms in micro-channels for immiscible fluids in squeezing and dripping regimes were studied by employing the numerical model, which couples the features of the traditional Volume of fluid method and the Continuous Species transport approach for evaluating the concentration fields inside dispersed and continuous phase

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Computer graphics is an extremely exciting field for two reasons. On the one hand, there is a healthy injection of pragmatism coming from the visual effects industry that want robust algorithms that work so they can produce results at an increasingly frantic pace. On the other hand, they must always try to push the envelope and achieve the impossible to wow their audiences in the next blockbuster, which means that the industry has not succumb to conservatism, and there is plenty of room to try out new and crazy ideas if there is a chance that it will pan into something useful. Water simulation has been in visual effects for decades, however it still remains extremely challenging because of its high computational cost and difficult artdirectability. The work in this thesis tries to address some of these difficulties. Specifically, we make the following three novel contributions to the state-of-the-art in water simulation for visual effects. First, we develop the first algorithm that can convert any sequence of closed surfaces in time into a moving triangle mesh. State-of-the-art methods at the time could only handle surfaces with fixed connectivity, but we are the first to be able to handle surfaces that merge and split apart. This is important for water simulation practitioners, because it allows them to convert splashy water surfaces extracted from particles or simulated using grid-based level sets into triangle meshes that can be either textured and enhanced with extra surface dynamics as a post-process. We also apply our algorithm to other phenomena that merge and split apart, such as morphs and noisy reconstructions of human performances. Second, we formulate a surface-based energy that measures the deviation of a water surface froma physically valid state. Such discrepancies arise when there is a mismatch in the degrees of freedom between the water surface and the underlying physics solver. This commonly happens when practitioners use a moving triangle mesh with a grid-based physics solver, or when high-resolution grid-based surfaces are combined with low-resolution physics. Following the direction of steepest descent on our surface-based energy, we can either smooth these artifacts or turn them into high-resolution waves by interpreting the energy as a physical potential. Third, we extend state-of-the-art techniques in non-reflecting boundaries to handle spatially and time-varying background flows. This allows a novel new workflow where practitioners can re-simulate part of an existing simulation, such as removing a solid obstacle, adding a new splash or locally changing the resolution. Such changes can easily lead to new waves in the re-simulated region that would reflect off of the new simulation boundary, effectively ruining the illusion of a seamless simulation boundary between the existing and new simulations. Our non-reflecting boundaries makes sure that such waves are absorbed

    Proposal of a new slit-lamp shield for ophthalmic examination and assessment of its effectiveness using computational simulations

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    PURPOSE: This study aimed to use computational models for simulating the movement of respiratory droplets when assessing the efficacy of standard slit-lamp shield versus a new shield designed for increased clinician comfort as well as adequate protection. METHODS: Simulations were performed using the commercial software Star-CCM+. Respiratory droplets were assumed to be 100% water in volume fraction with particle diameter distribution represented by a geometric mean of 74.4 (±1.5 standard deviation) μm over a 4-min duration. The total mass of respiratory droplets expelled from patients' mouths and droplet accumulation on the manikin were measured under the following three conditions: with no slit-lamp shield, using the standard slit-lamp shield, and using our new proposed shield. RESULTS: The total accumulated water droplet mass (kilogram) and percentage of expelled mass accumulated on the shield under the three aforementioned conditions were as follows: 5.84e-10 kg (28% of the total weight of particle emitted that settled on the manikin), 9.14e-13 kg (0.045%), and 3.19e-13 (0.015%), respectively. The standard shield could shield off 99.83% of the particles that would otherwise be deposited on the manikin, which is comparable to 99.95% for the proposed design. Conclusion: Slit-lamp shields are effective infection control tools against respiratory droplets. The proposed shield showed comparable effectiveness compared with conventional slit-lamp shields, but with potentially enhanced ergonomics for ophthalmologists during slit-lamp examinations

    Mixed Phase Modeling in GlennICE with Application to Engine Icing

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    A capability for modeling ice crystals and mixed phase icing has been added to GlennICE. Modifications have been made to the particle trajectory algorithm and energy balance to model this behavior. This capability has been added as part of a larger effort to model ice crystal ingestion in aircraft engines. Comparisons have been made to four mixed phase ice accretions performed in the Cox icing tunnel in order to calibrate an ice erosion model. A sample ice ingestion case was performed using the Energy Efficient Engine (E3) model in order to illustrate current capabilities. Engine performance characteristics were supplied using the Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS) model for this test case

    Particles, Drops, and Bubbles Moving Across Sharp Interfaces and Stratified Layers

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    International audienceRigid or deformable bodies moving through continuously stratified layers or across sharp interfaces are involved in a wide variety of geophysical and engineering applications, with both miscible and immiscible fluids. In most cases, the body moves while pulling a column of fluid, in which density and possibly viscosity differ from those of the neighboring fluid. The presence of this column usually increases the fluid resistance to the relative body motion, frequently slowing down its settling or rise in a dramatic manner. This column also exhibits specific dynamics that depend on the nature of the fluids and on the various physical parameters of the system, especially the strength of the density/viscosity stratification and the relative magnitude of inertia and viscous effects. In the miscible case, as stratification increases, the wake becomes dominated by the presence of a downstream jet, which may undergo a specific instability. In immiscible fluids, the viscosity contrast combined with capillary effects may lead to strikingly different evolutions of the column , including pinch-off followed by the formation of a drop that remains attached to the body, or a massive fragmentation phenomenon. This review discusses the flow organization and its consequences on the body motion under a wide range of conditions, as well as potentialities and limitations of available models aimed at predicting the body and column dynamics
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