20 research outputs found

    Realidad aumentada, WebGIS y storytelling para la docencia geográfica: una revisión bibliográfica

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    Innovación EducativaSe presenta un resumen con la bibliografía recopilada en el Proyecto de Innovación Docente, referida a realidad aumentada, WebGIS, cartografía y storytelling enfocados a la docencia en geografía y ciencias sociales afines. Todas las obras recogidas en el listado han podido ser consultadas a través de repositorios en Internet y en las bases de datos de la Universidad de Valladolid, y se han recopilado para poder ser consultadas en el ámbito de un grupo de innovación docenteDepartamento de Geografí

    Mixed Reality on Mobile Devices

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    Inovasi Aplikasi Augmented Reality (AR): Pencarian lokasi POP, splice closure dan pencarian pelanggan

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    ICON+ sebagai perusahaan jasa yang bergerak dibidang Teknologi, Informasi dan Komunikasi yang senantiasa memberikan layanan sebaik-baiknya kepada pelanggan dengan konsisten dan mengembangkan inovasi produk yang merupakan salah satu dari nilai perusahaan. Dalam mendukung peningkatan pelayanan diatas saat ini ICON+ sedang membangun sistem inventory data jaringan (AMARTA) yang berguna sebagai pusat data jaringan baik untuk data OSP (outside plant), ISP (inside plant) maupun Logical, yang mana data ini diharapkan memiliki peranan dan kontribusi penting dalam mendukung proses bisnis. Agar data yang tersimpan didalam database ICON+ ini bisa digunakan lebih optimal lagi, maka dibuatlah suatu desain dalam bentuk reality tertambah (Augmented Reality) yang dapat diakses melalui smartphone android menggunakan client layar browser agar entitas jaringan dapat dicari dan ditemukan dengan cepat dan mudah. Karya Inovasi ini dirancang dan dibangun pada aplikasi OS Android disisi client menggunakan platform Layar dengan Server Layar sebagai web service-nya untuk menjembatani permintaan informasi client ke database POI (Point of Interest) yang berisi data titik keberadaan atau POP (Point of Presence), penutup sambungan (Splice Closure) dan pelanggan (Customer). Karya inovasi ini bertujuan untuk membangun aplikasi dalam meningkatkan persepsi seseorang dari dunia yang ada disekitarnya dan menjadikan sebagian dunia virtual dan dunia nyata sebagai antarmuka yang baru yang mampu menampilkan informasi yang sesuai dan tepat dalam membantu pencarian lokasi entitas seperti POP, Splice Closure dan Customer yang dibutuhkan seperti pada divisi pemeliharaan dan divisi lainnya yang membutuhkan informasi tersebut. Sehingga dari aplikasi yang dibuat ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan baru dan cara baru bagi para penggunanya

    Design and Implementation of Mobile Educational Games: Networks for Innovation

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    Research networks foster creativity and break down institutional barriers, but introduce geographic barriers to communication and collaboration. In designing mobile educational games, our distributed team took advantage of diverse talent pools and differing perspectives to drive forward a core vision of our design targets. Our strategies included intense design workshops, use of online meeting rooms, group paper and software prototyping, and dissemination of prototypes to other teams for refinement and repurposing. Our group showed strong activity at the university-centered nodes with periods of highly effective dissemination between these nodes and to outside groups; we used workshop invitations to gather new ideas and perspectives, to refine the core vision, to forge inter-project links, and to stay current on what was happening in other networks. Important aspects of our final deliverables came from looselyassociated network members who engaged via collaborative design exercises in workshops, emphasizing the need to bring the network together and the importance of outside influences as ideas evolve. Our final deliverable, a mobile educational game and a series of parallel technology demonstrations, reflect the mix of influences and the focus on iterated development that our network maintained

    Enabling technologies for audio augmented reality systems

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    Audio augmented reality (AAR) refers to technology that embeds computer-generated auditory content into a user's real acoustic environment. An AAR system has specific requirements that set it apart from regular human--computer interfaces: an audio playback system to allow the simultaneous perception of real and virtual sounds; motion tracking to enable interactivity and location-awareness; the design and implementation of auditory display to deliver AAR content; and spatial rendering to display spatialised AAR content. This thesis presents a series of studies on enabling technologies to meet these requirements. A binaural headset with integrated microphones is assumed as the audio playback system, as it allows mobility and precise control over the ear input signals. Here, user position and orientation tracking methods are proposed that rely on speech signals recorded at the binaural headset microphones. To evaluate the proposed methods, the head orientations and positions of three conferees engaged in a discussion were tracked. The binaural microphones improved tracking performance substantially. The proposed methods are applicable to acoustic tracking with other forms of user-worn microphones. Results from a listening test investigating the effect of auditory display parameters on user performance are reported. The parameters studied were derived from the design choices to be made when implementing auditory display. The results indicate that users are able to detect a sound sample among distractors and estimate sample numerosity accurately with both speech and non-speech audio, if the samples are presented with adequate temporal separation. Whether or not samples were separated spatially had no effect on user performance. However, with spatially separated samples, users were able to detect a sample among distractors and simultaneously localise it. The results of this study are applicable to a variety of AAR applications that require conveying sample presence or numerosity. Spatial rendering is commonly implemented by convolving virtual sounds with head-related transfer functions (HRTFs). Here, a framework is proposed that interpolates HRTFs measured at arbitrary directions and distances. The framework employs Delaunay triangulation to group HRTFs into subsets suitable for interpolation and barycentric coordinates as interpolation weights. The proposed interpolation framework allows the realtime rendering of virtual sources in the near-field via HRTFs measured at various distances

    SEMINAR NASIONAL INOVASI TEKNOLOGI DAN ILMU KOMPUTER ( 2021 ) TEMA: “Prospek Menjadi Technopreneur Dimasa Pandemi”

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    Kegiatan Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer (SNITIK 2021) merupakan kegiatan yang rutin diadakan Fakultas Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Prima Indonesia (FTIK UNPRI). Pada awalnya seminar ini dinamakan Semnas FTIK dan dilaksanakan selama 4 tahun, setelah itu namanya diubah menjadi SNITIK dengan ruang lingkup yang lebih luas. Di tahun ketujuh dilaksanakannya Seminar ini, diangkat tema “Prospek Menjadi Technopreneur Dimasa Pandemi.”. Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 sangat mempengaruhi beberapa sektor industri dan usaha global. Selama masa pandemi Covid-19, kebanyakan Customer lebih sering belanja secara online karena dianggap lebih mudah dan praktis. Hal ini yang menunjukkan lapangan usaha sekarang sangat berhubungan erat dengan teknologi. Sehingga perlunya memanfaatkan teknologi dalam mengembangkan model bisnis baru untuk menciptakan peluang usaha. Kondisi ini mendorong industri menggunakan sumber daya manusia lulusan perguruan tinggi yang kompeten dan memiliki jiwa techopreneur

    Uma plataforma concetual para a integração de realidade aumentada e BIM nos sistemas de gestão de qualidade de empresas de construção

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de ConstruçãoUm dos principais benefícios da adoção de Sistemas de Gestão de Qualidade (SGQ) por parte das empresas de construção relaciona-se com a diminuição dos custos associados à ocorrên-cia de não conformidades (NC) ao longo dos seus projetos. No entanto, as dificuldades experi-mentadas pelas Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) na implementação de SGQ eficazes tradu-zem-se habitualmente num aumento substancial da ocorrência de NC durante os seus projetos de construção. A ocorrência de NC durante os projetos de construção é recorrentemente associada à ina-dequada comunicação entre os diversos intervenientes dos processos de construção. A utilização do Building Information Modeling (BIM) como ferramenta de comunicação entre os diversos intervenientes da indústria da construção (IC) tem sido apontada como a resposta aos crónicos problemas de comunicação que caracterizam a indústria. Contudo, a sua utilização no contexto físico dos locais de obra continua a carecer de ferramentas que permitam a visualização da infor-mação contida nos modelos BIM no espaço físico dos utilizadores. O rápido desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de visualização, entre elas a Realidade Aumentada (RA), permitirá transpor toda a informação contida nos modelos BIM para o contexto físico dos locais de obra. Assim, o presente trabalho propõe uma plataforma concetual baseada na integração de RA e modelos BIM nos SGQ das empresas de construção. O objetivo da plataforma é eliminar as deficiências e lacunas evidenciadas pelos SGQ no processo de gestão de não conformidades (GNC). Previamente ao seu desenvolvimento, os requisitos funcionais da plataforma teriam de ser estabelecidos. Deste modo, foi efetuada uma análise dos processos incluídos na GNC através da técnica Integrated Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF0), resultando da análise o estabeleci-mento dos requisitos funcionais da plataforma. Esta análise baseou-se em um caso de estudo res-peitante aos processos incluídos no SGQ de uma empresa de construção portuguesa. Com os requisitos funcionais estabelecidos, foi desenvolvida a plataforma com recurso a uma abordagem de systems thinking. Com a integração da plataforma proposta nos atuais SGQ perspetiva-se um aumento da eficácia dos processos incluídos na GNC, assim como uma melhor aceitação dos SGQ por parte dos intervenientes da IC

    Scalable and Extensible Augmented Reality with Applications in Civil Infrastructure Systems.

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    In Civil Infrastructure System (CIS) applications, the requirement of blending synthetic and physical objects distinguishes Augmented Reality (AR) from other visualization technologies in three aspects: 1) it reinforces the connections between people and objects, and promotes engineers’ appreciation about their working context; 2) It allows engineers to perform field tasks with the awareness of both the physical and synthetic environment; 3) It offsets the significant cost of 3D Model Engineering by including the real world background. The research has successfully overcome several long-standing technical obstacles in AR and investigated technical approaches to address fundamental challenges that prevent the technology from being usefully deployed in CIS applications, such as the alignment of virtual objects with the real environment continuously across time and space; blending of virtual entities with their real background faithfully to create a sustained illusion of co- existence; integrating these methods to a scalable and extensible computing AR framework that is openly accessible to the teaching and research community, and can be readily reused and extended by other researchers and engineers. The research findings have been evaluated in several challenging CIS applications where the potential of having a significant economic and social impact is high. Examples of validation test beds implemented include an AR visual excavator-utility collision avoidance system that enables spotters to ”see” buried utilities hidden under the ground surface, thus helping prevent accidental utility strikes; an AR post-disaster reconnaissance framework that enables building inspectors to rapidly evaluate and quantify structural damage sustained by buildings in seismic events such as earthquakes or blasts; and a tabletop collaborative AR visualization framework that allows multiple users to observe and interact with visual simulations of engineering processes.PHDCivil EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/96145/1/dsuyang_1.pd