65,566 research outputs found

    Tracking the History and Evolution of Entities: Entity-centric Temporal Analysis of Large Social Media Archives

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    How did the popularity of the Greek Prime Minister evolve in 2015? How did the predominant sentiment about him vary during that period? Were there any controversial sub-periods? What other entities were related to him during these periods? To answer these questions, one needs to analyze archived documents and data about the query entities, such as old news articles or social media archives. In particular, user-generated content posted in social networks, like Twitter and Facebook, can be seen as a comprehensive documentation of our society, and thus meaningful analysis methods over such archived data are of immense value for sociologists, historians and other interested parties who want to study the history and evolution of entities and events. To this end, in this paper we propose an entity-centric approach to analyze social media archives and we define measures that allow studying how entities were reflected in social media in different time periods and under different aspects, like popularity, attitude, controversiality, and connectedness with other entities. A case study using a large Twitter archive of four years illustrates the insights that can be gained by such an entity-centric and multi-aspect analysis.Comment: This is a preprint of an article accepted for publication in the International Journal on Digital Libraries (2018

    The Borrowers: Researching the cognitive aspects of translation

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    The paper considers the interdisciplinary interaction of research on the cognitive aspects of translation. Examples of influence from linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, reading and writing research and language technology are given, with examples from specific sub-disciplines within each one. The breadth of borrowing by researchers in cognitive translatology is made apparent, but the minimal influence of cognitive translatology on the respective disciplines themselves is also highlighted. Suggestions for future developments are made, including ways in which the domain of cognitive translatology might exert greater influence on other disciplines

    Buzz monitoring in word space

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    This paper discusses the task of tracking mentions of some topically interesting textual entity from a continuously and dynamically changing flow of text, such as a news feed, the output from an Internet crawler or a similar text source - a task sometimes referred to as buzz monitoring. Standard approaches from the field of information access for identifying salient textual entities are reviewed, and it is argued that the dynamics of buzz monitoring calls for more accomplished analysis mechanisms than the typical text analysis tools provide today. The notion of word space is introduced, and it is argued that word spaces can be used to select the most salient markers for topicality, find associations those observations engender, and that they constitute an attractive foundation for building a representation well suited for the tracking and monitoring of mentions of the entity under consideration

    Exploring Time-Sensitive Variational Bayesian Inference LDA for Social Media Data

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    There is considerable interest among both researchers and the mass public in understanding the topics of discussion on social media as they occur over time. Scholars have thoroughly analysed sampling-based topic modelling approaches for various text corpora including social media; however, another LDA topic modelling implementation—Variational Bayesian (VB)—has not been well studied, despite its known efficiency and its adaptability to the volume and dynamics of social media data. In this paper, we examine the performance of the VB-based topic modelling approach for producing coherent topics, and further, we extend the VB approach by proposing a novel time-sensitive Variational Bayesian implementation, denoted as TVB. Our newly proposed TVB approach incorporates time so as to increase the quality of the generated topics. Using a Twitter dataset covering 8 events, our empirical results show that the coherence of the topics in our TVB model is improved by the integration of time. In particular, through a user study, we find that our TVB approach generates less mixed topics than state-of-the-art topic modelling approaches. Moreover, our proposed TVB approach can more accurately estimate topical trends, making it particularly suitable to assist end-users in tracking emerging topics on social media