105 research outputs found

    Improved Constructions of Frameproof Codes

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    Frameproof codes are used to preserve the security in the context of coalition when fingerprinting digital data. Let Mc,l(q)M_{c,l}(q) be the largest cardinality of a qq-ary cc-frameproof code of length ll and Rc,l=limqMc,l(q)/ql/cR_{c,l}=\lim_{q\rightarrow \infty}M_{c,l}(q)/q^{\lceil l/c\rceil}. It has been determined by Blackburn that Rc,l=1R_{c,l}=1 when l1 (mod c)l\equiv 1\ (\bmod\ c), Rc,l=2R_{c,l}=2 when c=2c=2 and ll is even, and R3,5=5/3R_{3,5}=5/3. In this paper, we give a recursive construction for cc-frameproof codes of length ll with respect to the alphabet size qq. As applications of this construction, we establish the existence results for qq-ary cc-frameproof codes of length c+2c+2 and size c+2c(q1)2+1\frac{c+2}{c}(q-1)^2+1 for all odd qq when c=2c=2 and for all q4(mod6)q\equiv 4\pmod{6} when c=3c=3. Furthermore, we show that Rc,c+2=(c+2)/cR_{c,c+2}=(c+2)/c meeting the upper bound given by Blackburn, for all integers cc such that c+1c+1 is a prime power.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Information Theory, IEEE Transactions o

    Buyer-supplier relationships influence on traceability implementation in the vegetable industry

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    The increasing importance of food safety has made traceability a crucial issue in the agri-business industry. In this article, we have analysed the factors that shape the buyer-supplier relationships, and how they influence the traceability of raw materials. In order to do so, first, we have made a literature review to develop an analytical framework. Next, we have carried out four case studies on vegetable firms with the purpose of uncovering the variables that characterise buyer-supplier relationships, and its influence on traceability in this sector. Finally, we have compared the observed links with the conceptual framework derived from the literature in order to build and improved model

    Comment on "New Results on Frame-Proof Codes and Traceability Schemes"

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    In the paper "New Results on Frame-Proof Codes and Traceability Schemes" by Reihaneh Safavi-Naini and Yejing Wang [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 3029-3033, Nov. 2001], there are lower bounds for the maximal number of codewords in binary frame-proof codes and decoders in traceability schemes. There are also existence proofs using a construction of binary frame-proof codes and traceability schemes. Here it is found that the main results in the referenced paper do not hold.Comment: 3 page

    A construction of traceability set systems with polynomial tracing algorithm

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A family F of w-subsets of a finite set X is called a set system with the identifiable parent property if for any w-subset contained in the union of some t sets, called traitors, of F at least one of these sets can be uniquely determined, i.e. traced. A set system with traceability property (TSS, for short) allows to trace at least one traitor by minimal distance decoding of the corresponding binary code, and hence the complexity of tracing procedure is of order O(M), where M is the number of users or the code's cardinality. We propose a new construction of TSS which is based on the old Kautz-Singleton concatenated construction with algebraic-geometry codes as the outer code and Guruswami-Sudan decoding algorithm. The resulting codes (set systems) have exponentially many users (codevectors) M and polylog(M) complexity of code construction and decoding, i.e. tracing traitors. This is the first construction of traceability set systems with such properties.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    The increasing importance of food safety has made traceability a crucial issue in the agri-business industry. In this article, we have analysed the factors that shape the buyer-supplier relationships, and how they influence the traceability of raw materials. In order to do so, first, we have made a literature review to develop an analytical framework. Next, we have carried out four case studies on vegetable firms with the purpose of uncovering the variables that characterise buyer-supplier relationships, and its influence on traceability in this sector. Finally, we have compared the observed links with the conceptual framework derived from the literature in order to build and improved model.